Oak Ridge National Laboratory 

Compact Grindability Test System

Compact Grindability Test SystemThe compact grindability test system utilizes a diamond-coated abrasive belt to measure the relative grindability of ceramic materials. It provides a simple yet effective methodology for determining the most efficient machining parameters for advanced ceramic materials. The operation of the equipment is straightforward. A standard flexure bar measuring 3 x 4 x 50 mm can be used as the test specimen. A constant compressive load is applied to the specimen, grinding is performed on one end of the specimen during a 30-second cycle, and the change in specimen length is measured at the end of the cycle. The entire process is automated to minimize the variability of test results.

Read an article about the Grindability Test System.

Metals and Ceramics Division

The URL of this page is http://www.html.ornl.gov/mituc/cgts.htm.
Last modified on December 08, 2003 .

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