United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Office of Policy and Planning

Management Analysis/Business Process Reengineering

Definition of MA/BPR: Management Analysis/Business Process Reengineering, or MA/BPR, is a structured, systematic and adaptable approach to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of selected VA functions, which will ultimately promote continuous improvement of services to veterans and their families.

Background: Current law* prohibits VA from conducting certain types of cost comparisons with the private sector under Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76. MA/BPR represents a viable tool to achieve the President’s Management Agenda goal of “significant savings and noticeable performance improvements” without violating the prohibition on competitive sourcing. Implementation of the MA/BPR program will position VA functions to effectively compete with the private sector if the prohibition against competitive sourcing is lifted.

Purpose: The MA/BPR process provides opportunities to:

  • involve the workforce in the design of innovative process improvements
  • document verifiable and measurable improvements
  • identify resources to be reinvested into direct veteran service functions
    develop the most efficient organization that is competitive with industry and delivers cost savings to the government as well as better services to veterans
  • improve services to veterans and their families by examining and applying new ways to do business
  • generate and reinvest savings into mission-essential services
  • track and report study results that will improve future decision-making and workforce planning

Scope: All business units and activities within VA are eligible for study, including both to core and non-core functions. Studies may be conducted nationally, regionally, or locally, based on the nature of the function or set of functions. Each study will assess processes, organization, equipment, materials and supplies, and technology associated with the function or set of functions. In some cases, organizations may receive credit for performance improvements in-process or already realized.

* 38 U.S.C. 8110(a)(5)

*:  Draft Document (Document has not gone through a formal concurrence process and is subject to future changes )

For further information please contact John Corso at 202.273.5927 or send e-mail to john.corso@va.gov