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Ross, Berry Offer New Economic Stimulus Plan
Amendment Would Create 18 Million Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC - Arkansas Reps. Mike Ross and Marion Berry today introduced an amendment to the tax cut proposal, H.R. 2, that would divert funding intended for the so-called economic stimulus plan into improving roads, a proven economic stimulus. The Ross-Berry Amendment would invest $1 billion in each Congressional District for the sole purpose of building new or improving existing roads and infrastructure, at a total cost of $441 billion, a price tag significantly smaller than President Bush's original request of more than $700 billion.

"When we invest in our roads and infrastructure, we pave the way to a solid economic future," Ross said. "For every billion dollars that is spent on highways, 42,000 new jobs are created. Sending a billion dollars to improve roadways in every Congressional District translates to more than 18 million new jobs. What's more, regions that have been waiting year after year for their highway projects to get moving will have the funding they need."

"The Ross-Berry amendment actually does all of the things the President claims his so-called stimulus plan will do - only better. Our plan is cheaper. Our plan creates more jobs. Our plan's impact will be more immediate and longer lasting. And, most importantly, our plan will benefit every American, not just the extremely wealthy," Berry said. "A substantial investment in our nation's transportation infrastructure is exactly what we need to jumpstart our economy and get us back on the road to economic stability and prosperity."

The amendment would authorize the Secretary of Transportation to provide funding in the form of grants directly to each state, with instructions to distribute equally among the state's Congressional Districts, for transportation and infrastructure improvements.

In the tax cut proposal under debate, 80 percent of Arkansans who work for a living and pay taxes would get back less than a dollar a day, and 55 percent would get less than a hundred dollars a year. Under the Ross-Berry Amendment, 100 percent of Arkansans would benefit from the immediate economic stimulus of improved infrastructure.

"We talk about needing an instant, shot-in-the-arm economic stimulus," Ross continued, "well here it is. Not only are we creating new jobs in every Congressional District of our country, we are permanently improving communities so they may attract new business, see increased travel and trade, and realize all of the economic improvements that come with new and improved roads."

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