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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
sharkboat on waterschool of fishboat with net
Highly Migratory Species
Domestic Fisheries
Regulatory Services
Magnuson-Stevens Act
Sustainable Fisheries Act
Social Science Guidelines
Social Impact Assessment
Fishery Management Councils
Seafood Inspection
Partnerships and Communications


The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) requires the development and implementation of conservation and management measures to prevent overfishing, rebuild depleted stocks, and promote the long-term health and sustainability of fisheries. As part of this mandate, the MSA, and related law, require the consideration of social and economic factors by Councils, fishery managers and the Secretary of Commerce. In particular, the MSA requires every management action to contain a fishery impact statement (FIS) which assesses, specifies, and describes likely effects of conservation and management measures on participants in the fishery or fisheries being managed, fishing communities, and participants in neighboring fisheries [MSA Section 303(a)(9)]. If a limited access system is considered as a management option, the Councils, fishery managers and the Secretary must consider present and historic participation in and dependence on the fishery, the economics of the fishery, and the cultural and social framework relevant to the fishery and any affected fishing communities [MSA Section 303(b)(6)]. Further, the MSA stipulates ten National Standards to which fishery conservation and management actions must conform. Six of these National Standards have social and economic implications and one, National Standard 8, requires analyses to determine the social and economic impacts of proposed conservation or management actions on fishing communities.

The principal tasks of social science is to review all proposed fishery conservation and management actions submitted by Councils and fishery managers and advise the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) directorate on the adequacy of social analyses and assessments in relation to the mandates of the MSA and other applicable law. To this end, staff develop policies and guidance on social impact assessments, and work with Councils and fishery managers in developing appropriate planning tools and measures.

Peter Fricke, sociologist/social anthropologist, is responsible for headquarters review of and comments on social impacts of proposed actions on fishery participants and fishing communities related to MSA and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. He provides advice to the NMFS directorate, regions and the Councils on research needs and policy issues, and develops social impact assessment guidance documents. He develops and tests research protocols relating to sustainability of fisheries and fishing communities. Since much of fisheries social science research is conducted outside NMFS, Dr. Fricke also represents NMFS in contacts with academic and other social science researchers and in consultations with other agencies and the public on matters of social impact assessment.



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