USDA Forest Service Resource Information Group

Master List of Inventory and Monitoring Protocols

Available Inventory and Monitoring Protocols for the National Forest System. Available protocols were reported by field offices as in use as of FY 2005.
Available Protocols Contact Information Associated Database
Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping
(update proposed)
Patrice Janiga
Portfolio Manager
WO-EMC Resource Information Group
Data can be obtained from and stored in variety of systems, users use corporate GIS systems.
Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory – Landscape and Land Unit Levels Protocol Project (update proposed)

Description of Ecological Subregions: Sections of the Conterminous United States
Randy Davis
National Soils Program Lead
WO-WFWARP; andDave Cleland
Region 9
NRIS Terra
Forest Inventory and Analysis Field Guide, Methods, and Procedures Greg Reams
National Program Manager
Forest Inventory and Analysis
Common Stand Exam Doug MacCleery
WO-Forest Management; and
Kathy Sleavin
Basinwide Estimation of Habitat and Fish Populations in Streams Andrew Dolloff
Coldwater Habitat Project Lead
Southern Research Station
Multiple Species Inventory and Monitoring Technical Guide Christina Vojta
Wildlife Ecologist
Northern Goshawk Inventory and Monitoring Tech Guide Christina Vojta
Wildlife Ecologist
Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship Danielle Kaschube
MAPS Coordinator
NON-FS: Institute for Bird Populations
Strategies for Monitoring Terrestrial Animals and Habitats, RMRS GTR 161 Christina Vojta
Wildlife Ecologist
WO-Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants
Development of Protocols to Inventory or Monitor Wildlife, Fish, or Rare Plants (GTR-WO-72) Christina Vojta
Wildlife Ecologist
WO-Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants
Not applicable
Keeping it Wild: An Interagency Strategy to Monitor Trends in Wilderness Character Across the National Wilderness Preservation System Steve Boutcher,
Wilderness Information Specialist
WO-Wilderness and Wild & Scenic Rivers
Integrated Riparian Evaluation Guide (IREG) - Intermountain Region
(Consult with contact.)
Hilaire Bojonell
Stream Condition Inventory Technical Guide version 5.0 - Pacific Southwest Region. July 2005 James Frazier
Stanislaus National Forest, R5
Stream Inventory Handbook Level I & II - Pacific Northwest Region version 2.6 Hilaire Bojonell
Ecosystem Assessment at the Watershed Scale, Federal Guide for Watershed Analysis, and Section II for Analysis Methods Kerry Overton
Air, Water, and Aquatics Science
Rocky Mountain Research Station
National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data (USGS) G. Doug Glysson
Water Quality/Sediment Specialist
NON-FS: US Geological Survey
Effectiveness Monitoring for Streams and Riparian Areas Within the Upper Columbia River Basin (PIBO): Sampling Protocol for Riparian Vegetation Marc Coles-Ritchie
Vegetation Ecologist
PIBO Effectiveness Monitoring Program
Effectiveness Monitoring for Streams and Riparian Areas Within the Upper Columbia River Basin (PIBO) Sampling Protocol for Stream Channel Attributes Marc Coles-Ritchie
Vegetation Ecologist
PIBO Effectiveness Monitoring Program
R1/R4 (Northern/Intermountain Regions) Fish and Fish Habitat Standard Inventory Procedures Handbook. INT-GTR-346 Kerry Overton
Air, Water, and Aquatics Science Program Manager, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Field Guide for Surface Water Sample and Data Collection and Surface Water Chemistry Monitoring Record data sheets Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
Standard Operating Procedure for Passive Samplers: Ogawa Samplers for O3, NH3, NO2 and NOx
(Consult with contact.)
Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
WO-Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants
EPA Total Suspended Particulates Tim Hanley
EPA Particulate Matter Monitoring Coordination
NON-FS: US Environmental Protection Agency; or
Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
IMPROVE Aerosol Sampler Operations Manual Marc Pitchford
IMPROVE Steering Committee Chair
NON-FS: NOAA Desert Research Institute; or
Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
(non-FS, linked through IMPROVE website)
Mercury Deposition Network Kirsey Longley
Mercury Deposition Network Site Liaison
NON-FS: Frontier Geosciences; or
Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
(non-FS, linked through NADP website)
National Atmospheric Deposition Program
(Site Selection and Installation)
Mark Rhodes
Quality Assurance Manager
NON-FS: National Atmospheric Deposition Program; or
Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
(non-FS, linked through NADP website)
National Trends Network, Federal Reference Method
(Operation Manual)
Matt Layden
Site Operations and Equipment Liaison
NON-FS: National Trends Network; or
Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
(non-FS, linked through NADP website)
Lichen Biomonitoring Greg Reams
National Program Manager, FIA
WO-Research and Development
National Visitor Use Monitoring Don English
Visitor Use Monitoring Program Manager
WO-Recreation and Heritage Resources
IMPLAN Pro User's Guide Version 2.0
(Available to Forest Service Employees by license from Minnesota IMPLAN Group, consult with contact.)
Susan Winter
Economics Support
WO-Planning Analysis Group
Road Analysis: Informing Decisions About Managing the National Forest Transportation System Rick Prausa
Deputy Director, Fire and Aviation Management
WO-State and Private Forestry; or
John Bell
National Road System Operations & Maintenance Engineer, WO- Engineering
National Inventory and Assessment Procedure for Identifying Barriers to Aquatic Organisms Passage at Road-Stream Crossings Kim Clarkin
San Dimas Technology and Development Center

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Inventory and Monitoring Protocols in Progress for the National Forest System
Protocols in Progress Contact Information Associated Database
A Technical Guide for Integrating Recreation, Heritage and Wilderness into Land and Resource Management Planning
(Draft, available to Forest Service Employees, consult with contact.)
Floyd Thompson
Sustainable Tourism & Scenic Byways
WO-Recreation and Heritage Resources
Draft Economic Impact Analysis Technical Guide
(Draft, available to Forest Service Employees, consult with contact.)
Susan Winter
Economics Support
WO-Planning Analysis Group
Data used from IMPLAN
Potential Natural Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide Rick Ullrich
Assistant Director
WO-EMC Resource Information Group
Aquatic Ecological Unit Inventory (AEUI): Inventory and Monitoring of Aquatic Biota in Wadeable Streams Protocol Project Brett Roper,
Aquatic Monitoring Center Program Lead
Aquatic Ecological Unit Inventory (AEUI): Valley Segment and River Reach Technical Guide Project  (Initiated 2004) John Potyondy,
Hydrologist & Program Lead, STREAM Team
Rocky Mountain Research Station
Terrestrial Fauna Technical Guides for Bat Surveys and Habitat Monitoring Christina Vojta
Wildlife Ecologist
WO-Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants
Soil Quality Monitoring Protocol Project Randy Davis
National Soils Program Lead
WO-Wildlife Fish and Rare Plants
Inventory and Monitoring of Riparian Areas – West Dave Merritt
Riparian Plant Ecologist, STREAM Team
Rocky Mountain Research Station
National Surface Water Chemistry Protocols for the Air Program Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
WO-Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants
Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes Technical Guide Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Not applicable

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Proposed Inventory and Monitoring Protocols for the National Forest System
Proposed Protocols Contact Information Associated Database
Interagency Grid-Based Ecosystem Inventory Protocol Project Wayne Padgett
Vegetation Ecologist
Integrated Rangeland Inventory Protocol Project Wayne Padgett
Vegetation Ecologist
Integrated Rangeland Monitoring Protocol Project Wayne Padgett
Vegetation Ecologist
Integrated Ecosystem Inventory and Monitoring Protocol Project Wayne Padgett
Vegetation Ecologist
Interagency Ecological Site Description Protocol Wayne Padgett
Vegetation Ecologist
Rare Plant Monitoring Protocols Larry Stritch
Rare Plant Pollinator Inventory and Monitoring Protocols Larry Stritch
Rare Plant Seed Collection Protocols Larry Stritch
Rare Plant Survey Protocols Larry Stritch
Inventory and Monitoring Protocol for Botanicals Larry Stritch
Inventory and Monitoring of Riparian Areas – East John Potyondy,
Hydrologist & Program Lead, STREAM Team
Rocky Mountain Research Station
Integrated Invasive Species Data Collection and Analysis Michael Ielmini,
National Invasive Species Program Manager
Heritage survey, storage, and mapping protocols Floyd Thompson
Sustainable Tourism & Scenic Byways
WO-Recreation and Heritage Resources
Ground Water-dependent Ecosystems I&M Protocol Project Christopher Carlson,
National Groundwater Program Lead
WO- Minerals and Geology Management
Best Management Practices Standards and Monitoring Sherry Hazelhurst
National Surface Water/ Watershed Improvement Program Lead
Air Pollution Sensitive Resources: Soil Chemistry, Lichen Communities, and Aquatic Biota Monitoring Protocol Ann Acheson
National Air Program Manager
Protocols for Comparing Local and National Public Attitudes Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Protocol for Assisting Communities to Assess Risk to Community Social and Economic Interests Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Protocol for Regional Social and Economic Assessment and Analysis of Strategic Plan Goals Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Environmental Justice for Forest Service Field Employees Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Social and Economic Protocols Training and Technology Transfer Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Protocol for Utilizing RBSim2 for Travel Management Planning on National Forests Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Strengthening Capacity for Collaboration Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Protocols for Determining the Representativeness of Special Interest Groups Ashley Goldhor-Wilcock
Human Dimensions National Program Lead
WO-Ecosystem Management Coordination
Technical Guidance for NFMA Land Management Plan Information Analyses and Reporting Susan Winter
Economics Support
WO-EMC Planning Analysis Group
Water Infrastructure Inventory and Database Jean Thomas
National Water Rights and Uses Program Leader

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Please contact Patrice Janiga, Project Manager, at, if a protocol is missing or for further information.

USDA Forest Service
Ecosystem Management Coordination (EMC)
1400 Independence Ave.
Mailstop: 1104
Washington, DC 20250-1104

(202) 205-0895 logo

Last modified: Tuesday, 21-Oct-2008 15:00:37 EDT