Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences

  • Blue Lizard
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  • Egret
  • Applause
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  • Wild Wonderings
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Applied Biodiversity Science: Bridging Ecology, Culture and Governance for Effective Conservation
Mad Toms

Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas. Photo by Brian Dickerson.

Books from WFSC Faculty

Books by WFSC Faculty available through Texas A&M Univiersity Press. Read more >

WFSC Alumni Singled Out for Environmental Leadership, Honoree Receives Audubon/Toyota TogetherGreen Fellowship

WFSC Alumni Singled Out for Environmental Leadership
Honoree Receives Audubon/ Toyota TogetherGreen Fellowship.

Laguna Larga, Cinaruco River, Venezuela

Laguna Larga, Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Photo: Carmen Montana


Copperhead at Lick Creek Park in College Station, Texas. Photo by Brian Dickerson


Paratrygon. Photo: Carmen Montana

Wild Wonderings: http://wild-wonderings.blogspot.com/
Front photo 10
Ecuador Tree Frog

Ecaudor Tree Frog. Photo: Katie Roach

Wolf with pup

Wolf with pup. Photo: Dr. Jane Packard

Kentuck Warbler Nest with Eggs

Kentucky Warbler nest with eggs. Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas. Photo by Brian Dickerson

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern Box Turtle, Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas. Photo by Brian Dickerson


Raccoon Tracks, Lick Creek Park, College Station, Texas. Photo by Brian Dickerson

What sets us apart?

The faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences value scholarship in all its forms - discovery, integration, application, and teaching. We value understanding for its own sake, for the betterment of people, and for the conservation of the natural world.