News from the

United States Congress


February 23, 2004

Berry, Arkansas Delegation Members Assist Local Fire Department in Securing Ladder Fire Truck

Western Grove Truck Will Respond to Emergencies in Five Counties
WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Marion Berry (D-AR, 1st) joined Representative John Boozman (R-AR, 3rd) and Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln in announcing they were pleased to help the Western Grove Volunteer Fire Department acquire a donated ladder fire truck that will respond to major emergencies in Newton, Boone, Searcy and parts of Carroll and Marion Counties.


Members of the Arkansas Delegation worked with State Senator Randy Laverty and the Arkansas Forestry Commission to secure the used ladder truck from the Dyess Air Force Base in Texas, which had deemed the truck “excess property.” Western Grove had been vying for a ladder truck for eight years, but could not purchase it themselves do to budget constraints.


Delegation members said the ladder truck will enable the fire department to extinguish major fires in large buildings including schools and warehouses.   The truck will also allow firefighters to rescue vehicles that have accidentally veered into the Buffalo National River.


"Firefighters make up a critical aspect of Arkansas' First Responders," Berry said. "Ensuring fire-safety is only accomplished when the necessary equipment is available; this ladder truck represents a critical step in the safety of Arkansas residents."


“It is essential that our first responders have the necessary equipment they need to respond to emergencies safely and effectively,” Pryor said. “The Western Grove Fire Department provides exceptional fire, medical and rescue services to the community, and I’m thrilled this truck will allow it to expand these services further.”


"Volunteer firefighters in Arkansas play a critical role in responding to emergencies, but small departments often can't afford all the equipment they need to do their jobs as effectively as possible," Lincoln said. "I'm delighted that the firefighters of the Western Grove Volunteer Fire Department and the Arkansans they serve will benefit from this much-needed donation." 


"The Western Grove Volunteer Fire Department, like all of Arkansas' volunteer fire departments, provide a critical service to our rural areas,"  Boozman said.  "I am delighted that they will be receiving this donation as the extra equipment will help them build on their exceptional track record of service to the community."


Members of the Delegation said State Senator Randy Laverty was instrumental in locating and securing the fire truck for the Western Grove Volunteer Fire Department. 


“This is testimony to our Congressional Delegation’s commitment to seeing fire protection and emergency services in rural Arkansas,” Laverty said. Good equipment is important for rural fire departments that provide so much for the community.”


Delegation members said that Western Grove Volunteer Fire Chief Mark Barnes credited the hard work of the delegation as well as State Senator Randy Laverty, representatives of the Arkansas Forestry Commission’s Rural Fire Protection Program, Mayor L.C. Williams and the City Council of Western Grove.


“We can personally testify to the fact that every time we have contacted Senator Mark Pryor, Senator Blanche Lincoln, and Congressmen Marion Berry and John Boozman’s offices for support on this and other programs, they immediately made the necessary calls,” Barnes said.  “We are truly impressed that persons in their position will quickly come to the aid of a small municipal fire department.”


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