Navigating a Brighter Future (NIH Only)


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Air date: Thursday, November 06, 2003, 9:30:00 AM
Category: NIH Only
Description: The Office of Strategic Management Planning (OSMP) and Small Business Office (SBO) are co-sponsoring an event that's designed to provide information and resources to NIH employees on starting a small business and doing business with the NIH. The Small Business Administration, IRS, and State and local economic development agencies are contributing to this event and have made staff available to attend. Speakers will provide information on various aspects of starting a business e.g., experts on writing a business plan, finance, accounting, taxes, and the array of support resources available through SBA and State and local resources. Employees will also have an opportunity to talk with experts in those various topics afterwards; they will be manning tables to provide information and advice.
Author: Shirley LaBella, OSMP and Diana Mukitarian, SBO
Runtime: 150 minutes
Rights: This is a work of the United States Government. NIH-ONLY events may not be disseminated outside of the NIH network.
CIT File ID: 11615
CIT Live ID: 2899
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