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Chapter 6: Technical Services PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, November 21, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 6: Technical Services
6.1 What's New
6.2 Definition of Technical Services
6.3 Technical Service Functions
6.4 Depository Shipments
6.5 Shipping Lists
6.6 Receipt: Corrected Copies
6.7 Receipt: Duplicate Pubs and Shipments
6.8 Shortages in Shipments
6.9 Claiming Missing Pubs in Shipments
6.10 Cataloging Overview
6.11 Resources for Cataloging and Processing
6.12 Tips and Lessons Learned
6.13 You Don't Have to...
6.14 Important
All Pages

6.6 Receipt: Corrected Copies

Whenever your depository library receives a corrected copy of a publication, it replaces a publication previously distributed through the FDLP. The publication that was initially distributed should be removed from your collection and disposed of accordingly. This is done in order to prevent misinformation from being disseminated to the public. These copies are identifiable by the /CORR at the end of the SuDoc classification number.

Star prints are corrected editions of Congressional publications. They are identifiable by stars printed at the lower left-hand corner of their title pages or covers. Sometimes the words “star print” also appears adjacent to the star. Star prints are always treated as new editions, not as reprints, and a new cataloging record is created. The SuDoc number for a star print will include /CORR after the number assigned to the original edition.