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Addressing the 2000–2001 Western Energy Crisis

Enron's Energy Trading Business Process and Databases
    If you would like to order copies of any of these databases please contact Aspen at 1-866-999-FERC(3372) or by email, and they will provide copies to you for a fee or provide extracts of data.

    It consists of multiple, complex electronic trading systems, which were accessed through a set of programs installed on trader workstations.  The total data base storage is around 2.0 TB.

    ERMS 300 GB (estimated)
    Enpower 250 GB
    Sitara 50 GB
    UNIFY Gas (SQL Server) 54 GB
    UNIFY Financial (SQL Server 7 GB
    UNIFY Power  (SQL Server)  50 GB (estimated)
    CPR 20 GB
    RisktRAC 300 GB
    GCC/GCP 2 GB
    CTR 10 GB
    ENRON Online 112 GB
    Sitara Reporting Unknown
    Global Facilities 2 GB
    Phoenix (Index Rate Server) 20 GB
    TDS Unknown
    Total Estimated Data to be Hosted ~ 1177 GB
    Reserved for backups 500 GB
    Reserved for custom Oracle data sets 300 GB
    Total Estimated Database Storage ~2.0 TB

    Aspen Systems Corporation (Aspen) was retained by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to provide information management services in support of FERC's Fact-Finding Investigation of Potential Manipulation of Electric and Natural Gas Prices (FERC Docket No. PA02-2-000).

    To order special extracts of the data, contact Aspen at 1-866-999-3372 (FERC) or by email ( - fee for service).

    Summary of Enron's Energy Major Business Process
      Summary of Enron’s Energy Major Business Process

    EnronOnline (EOL). EOL, a system providing the trader with an ability to set and control a range of bids/asks and market positions without having to resort to phone calls, and real-time access to energy markets using the Internet. Enron Online (EOL) is a web-based deal capture system to initiate and complete transactions in a variety of commodities, including power and natural gas. These transactions included both the purchase and sale of commodities. EOL supported over 8,000 transactions/day, totaling about $3 billion of energy products daily.
    • Stack Manager: The Stack Manager is a special client-server program written in Visual Basic that allowed an Enron trader to create a stack of prices at different volumes for a specific product, and save it to the EOL database.
    • The Product Manager is a specialized client-server program written in Visual Basic that allowed Enron Online product managers to create product types and, based on the product types, create products for trading on EOL. 

    EOL worked in tandem with front-office tools, such as Sitara for physical gas and EnPower, which provided data management capabilities for decision support, such as portfolio management, position management and risk management.  Trade information flowed through these systems along multiple paths, depending on the type of trade, whether gas or power, physical or financial, etc
    • EnPower- EnPower is the central repository for Electric power trading data.  EnPower'sdata storage mechanism consists primarily of relational database tables within Oracle.   The EnPower database consists of over 550 relational tables, which contain about 7,900 individual non-unique columns of information. Some of the tables contain over a million rows of information.
    • Sitara- The Sitara system was used to capture physical gas deals.  Physical gas deals that originated in EOL would also flow into Sitara. Sitara's data storage mechanism consists primarily of relational database tables within Oracle. The primary Sitara database consists of 122 tables with over 1000 data columns.  A number of the tables contain over two million rows of data, with some containing over 4 million rows.
    • TAGG/ERMS - ERMS is the Energy Risk Management System.  It contains transaction information pertaining to physical and financial deals involving gas, financial deals involving power, and physical and financial deals involving all other commodities.   Functions provided by ERMS include: risk management, valuation, position management, curve management for rates/pricing, and management reporting.  TAGG/ERMS is built on the Oracle database.
    • Unify - Unify is the deal settlement processing system within the Enron trade infrastructure. Unify is built on a Microsoft SQL Server 8.0 database running on a Windows 2000 server.  Each Unify database has about 490 tables, with over 3500 non-unique columns.  There are a number of tables with over a million rows.
    • RisktRAC - RisktRAC is the global risk aggregation system.  Some of the inputs into RisktRAC are: valued deals from EnPower, MTM (mark to market) data, open position data, and curve data from ERMS.  RisktRAC has about 179 tables with over 4900 non-unique columns.  A number of tables contain over 10 million rows of data, with some close to 200 million rows
    • CPR - The Cash Position Reporting tool works in conjunction with Sitara and allows traders read-only access to data in Sitara.  This is to assist the traders in completing their position reporting with regard to gas deals.

  Important Items

Final Report on Price Manipulation In Western Markets (March 2003) Enron Trading Memos

  Addressing the 2000–2001 Western Energy Crisis


Updated: April 29, 2005