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Evergreen Consulting Recognizes Media and Glassware Employees

By Eddy Ball
July 2008

Following their lunch, the group gathered for a photo. Front row, left to right: Janie Shaw, Bonnie Johnson, Ruby Haynes, Cheryl Brooks. Middle row, left to right: Anthony Jackson, Essie Jones, Jennie Foushee, Michael Watkins, Sarah Holmes, Thomas Gillespie. Back row, left to right: Heath Carroll, Lawrence Barbee Jr., Brandon Young, Dennis Malone.
Following their lunch, the group gathered for a photo. Front row, left to right: Janie Shaw, Bonnie Johnson, Ruby Haynes, Cheryl Brooks. Middle row, left to right: Anthony Jackson, Essie Jones, Jennie Foushee, Michael Watkins, Sarah Holmes, Thomas Gillespie. Back row, left to right: Heath Carroll, Lawrence Barbee Jr., Brandon Young, Dennis Malone. (Photo courtesy of Steve McCaw)

Just about everyone in the Rall Building at NIEHS has seen the rows of gleaming beakers on display in module D, but few get to see the hard work that goes on behind closed doors to make sure that labs have the glassware and media they need. On June 20, for the second year in a row, contract manager Heath Carroll recognized Evergreen workers for their excellent performance during the last evaluation period with a surprise lunch and certificates of appreciation.

NIEHS managers on hand to enjoy chicken and barbeque with the group included Geneticist Jim Mason, Ph.D., Project Officer Jennie Foushee and Assistant Project Officer Essie Jones. Together with Carroll they congratulated employees on a productive year. Even after last year’s surprise lunch, most of the members of the Media and Glassware team were nevertheless surprised by the event.

Carroll also gave out tee shirts to everyone at the lunch and permission to leave early that afternoon. The media and glassware employees are a close-knit group with a strong esprit de corps who spent the final few minutes of the event offering to pitch in to help those with work still to complete also get a head start on the weekend.

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July 2008 Cover Page

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