Publications - Prognosis Prediction/Survival
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In Press
Slattery, Anderson K, Sarnowitz W. Hormone replacement therapy and improved survival among post-menopausal women diagnosed with colon cancer. Cancer Causes and Control.
Chan JK, Gomez SL, O'Malley CD, Perkins CI, Clarke CA. Validity of cancer registry Medicaid status against enrollment files: implications for population-based studies of cancer outcomes. Medical Care 2006 Oct;44(10):952-955
O'Malley CD, Shema SJ, Clarke L, Clarke CA, Perkins C. Medicaid status and stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer. Am J Public Health 2006; 96(12):2179-2185.
Keegan THM, Glaser SL, Clarke CA, Gulley ML, Craig FE, DiGuiseppe JM, Dorfman RF, Mann RB, Ambinder RF. Epstein-Barr virus as a marker of survival after Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based study. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23(30):7604-13.
Le GM, O'Malley CD, Glaser SL, Lynch CF, Stanford JL, Keegan THM, West DW. Breast implants following mastectomy: prevalence and impact on survival in a population-based cohort of women with early-stage breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2005;7:R184-R193.
Enger SM, Bernstein L. Exercise activity, body size and premenopausal breast cancer survival. Br J Cancer 2004 Jun 1;90(11):2138-41.
Schwartz K, Crossley-May H, Vigneau F, Brown K, Banerjee M. Race, socioeconomic status, and stage at diagnosis for five common malignancies. Cancer Causes and Control 2003;14:761-764.
Le GM, Glaser SL, O'Malley CD, Stanford JL, Lynch CF, West DW. Impact of postmastectomy implants on survival in a population-based series of women with breast cancer. California Association of Regional Cancer Registries Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 27-28, 2003.
Gilliland F, Gleason D, Harlan LC, Hunt W, Stone N . Determinants of the Rise in Aggressive Prostate Cancers Diagnosed During 1983-1993. Journal of Urology 2001;165:846-850.
Enger SM, Ross RK, Paganini-Hill A, Carpenter CL, Bernstein L. Body size, physical activity and hormone receptor status of postmenopausal breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000;9:681-687.
Prout GR Jr, Wesley MN, Greenberg RS, Chen VW, Brown CC, Miller AW, Weinstein RS, Robboy SJ, Haynes MA, Blacklow RS, Edwards
BK. Bladder cancer: race differences in extent of disease at diagnosis. Cancer 2000;89(6):1349-58.
Slattery ML, Sarnowitz W, Holden JA. Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Colon Tumors. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 2000;113:364-70.
Slattery ML, Samowitz W, Edwards SL, Anderson K, Caan B, Potter JD. Hormone replacement therapy, body size and survival among post-menopausal women diagnosed with colon cancer. Cancer Causes and Control 1999;10:467-73.
Albertsen PC, Nease RF, Potosky AL. Assessment of patient preferences among men with prostate cancer. Journal of Urology 1998;159:158-163.
Chen VW, Fenoglio-Preiser CM, Wu XC, Coates RJ, Reynolds P, Wickerham DL, Andrews P, Hunter C, Stemmermann G, Jackson JS, Edwards BK. Aggressiveness of colon carcinoma in blacks and whites. National Cancer Institute Black/White Cancer Survival Study Group. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 1997; 6(12):1087-93.
Polednak A, Shevchenko IP, Flannery JT. Estimating cancer incidence using a hospital discharge database versus a tumor
registry. Journal of Registry Management 1997;24:25-28.
Coates R, Click LA, Harlan LC, Robboy SJ, Barrett RJ, Eley JW, Reynolds P, Chen VW, Darity WA, Blaklow RS, Edwards B. Differences between black and white patients with cancer of the uterine corpus in interval from symptom recognition to initial medical consultation (United States). Cancer Causes and Control 1996;7:328-336.
Hill HA, Eley JW, Harlan LC, Barrett RJ, Chen VW. Racial differences in endometrial cancer survival: The Black/White Cancer Survival Study. Ob Gyn 1996;88:919-926.
Polednak A, Shevchenko IP, Flannery JT. Estimating breast cancer treatment charges in Connecticut. Connecticut Medicine 1996;60:263-267.
Barrett RJ, Harlan LC, Coates R, Hill HA, Chen VW, Clayton LA, Kotz HL, Eley JW, Robboy SJ, Edwards B. Endometrial cancer: stage at diagnosis and associated factors in black and white patients. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1995;173:414-423.
Caplan L, Helzlsouer KJ, Shapiro S, Freedman L, Coates R, Edwards B. System delay in breast cancer in whites and blacks. American Journal of Epidemiology 1995;142:804-812.
Coates R, Greenberg MD, Liu MT, Correa P, Harlan LC, Reynolds P, Fengolio-Preiser CM, Haynes MA, Hankey BF, Hunter CP. Anatomic site distribution of colon cancer by race and other colon cancer risk factors. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1995;38:42-50.
Hill HA, Coates R, Austin H, Correa P, Robboy SJ, Chen VW, Click LA, Barrett RJ, Boyce JG, Kotz HL, Harlan LC. Racial differences in tumor grade among women with endometrial cancer. Gynecologic Oncology 1995;56:154-163.
Mayberry RM, Coates R, Hill HA, Click LA, Chen VW, Austin DF, Redmond CK, Fengolio-Preiser CM, Hunter CP, Haynes MA, Muss HB, Wesley MN, Greenberg MD, Edwards B. Determinants of black/white differences in colon cancer survival. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1995;87:1686-1693.
Chen VW, Correa P, Kurman RJ, Eley JW, Austin DF. Histological characteristics of breast carcinoma in blacks and whites. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 1994;3:127-135.
Eley JW, Hill HA, Chen VW, Austin DF, Wesley MN, Muss HB, Greenberg MD, Coates R, Correa P. Racial differences in survival from breast cancer: results of the National Cancer Institute Black/White Cancer Survival Study. Journal of the American Medical Association 1994;272:947-954.
Harlan LC, Coates R, Block G, Greenberg MD, Ershow A, Forman M, Austin DF, Chen VW, Heymsfeld SB. Estrogen receptor status and dietary intakes in breast cancer patients. Epidemiology 1993;4:25-31.
Hunter CP, Redmond CK, Chen VW, Austin DF, Greenberg MD. Factors associated with stage at diagnosis in black and white women. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1993;85:1129-37.
Coates R, Bransfield DD, Wesley MN, Hankey BF, Eley JW, Greenberg MD, Flanders DW, Hunter CP, Edwards B. Differences between black and white women with breast cancer in time from symptom recognition to medical consultation. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1992;84(12):938-50.
Howard J, Hankey BF, Greenberg MD, Austin DF. A collaborative study of differences in the survival rates of black patients and white patients with cancer. Cancer 1992;69(9):2349-60.
Muss HB, Hunter CP, Correa P, Chen VW, Greenberg MD, Eley JW, Austin DF, Edwards B. Treatment plans for black and white
women with stage II node-positive breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute Black/White Cancer Survival Study experience.
Cancer 1992;70(10):2460-7.