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The Working Group has participated in efforts to conserve Guadalupe Island pine (Pinus radiata var. binata), a unique variety of Monterey pine that is in serious decline as a result of browsing by goats.
The rare Chihuahua spruce (Pinus chihuahuana) has been the subject of conservation efforts by Working Group members for several years.

The Forest Genetic Resources Working Group (FGRWG) is one of seven Working Groups established by the North American Forest Commission (NAFC), and the NAFC is one of six Forest Commissions established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The FGRWG was established by the NAFC in 1961 and held its inaugural meeting in 1965 as the Working Group on Forest Tree Improvement. It became the Working Party on Forest Tree Improvement in 1966, and was changed to the Study Group on Tree Improvement by the NAFC in 1970. In 1993 the name was changed by vote of the delegates to Forest Genetic Resources Working Group and approved by the NAFC to better reflect the group's long-term focus.

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To encourage and promote conservation of all forest genetic resources.Genetic resources are threatened by many causes, most traceable to the demands of a burgeoning human population. Without careful conservation, losses of genetic resources could occur at a time when they are most needed. Protected areas are important, but transfer of forest genetic resources also may be necessary to counter environmental change and achieve sustainable development. However, support to conserve and manage these resources has been limited, except for a few important commercial species. Forest genetic resources can be used in traditional breeding programs or in the new biotechnologies. The advent of molecular technology makes even non-commercial species valuable for their genetic resources (e.g., Pacific yew).

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Samples were collected for studies of the phylogeny and genetics of Mexican spruces as a cooperative endeavour of the Working Group and the Centro de Genética Forestal, the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, the Universidad Autónoma agraria Antonio Narro, and the Colegio de Postgraduados.



  • To promote the collection, exchange, and dissemination of information about forest genetic resources so that in situ and ex situ programs of conservation and sustainable use are based on sound scientific knowledge.
  • To promote cooperation and coordinate research, conservation, training, and exchange among member countries on genetic resource conservation problems.
  • To facilitate the international exchange of forest genetic resources.
  • To encourage and promote genetic improvement programs for important commercial forest species as a component of forest conservation and as a contribution to the economic welfare of North Americans.

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Operating Strategy
The FGRWG identifies tasks relevant to its objectives and assigns a task force to accomplish the aims of the task. Each task force is appointed by the chairperson and usually includes one representative from each of the three member nations. Accomplishments are evaluated during the Working Group's periodic meetings. Tasks are either continued until completed, or terminated if further progress seems unlikely. The Working Group provides the NAFC with a two-year work plan and accounts for its actions with activity reports.
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