Publications - Statistics
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Rushton G, Peleg I, Banerjee M, Smith G, West MM. Analyzing geographic patterns of disease incidence: rates of late stage colorectal cancer in Iowa. Journal Medical Systems. 2004;28:223-236.
Peleg I. SEER-based age-, gender-, and race-specific risk of developing and dying from proximal and distal colorectal cancer. Presentation in the Digestive Diseases Week, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2001.
Peleg I, Rushton G, Banerjee M, Smith G. Spatial determinants of late-stage colorectal cancer (CRC). Am J Gastroenterology 2000;95(9):A2637.
Peleg I, Smith G, Pouliot C, Rushton G. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify small areas with high need for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. Gastroenterology 2000;118(4):A722.
Etzioni RD, Feuer EJ, Hu C, Lin D, Sullivan SD, Ramsey SD. On the use of survival analysis techniques to estimate medical care costs. Journal of Health Economics, 1999;(18)3:365-380.
Etzioni R, Legler JM, Feuer EJ, Merrill RM, Cronin KA, Hankey BF. Cancer surveillance series: interpreting trends in prostate cancer--part III: Quantifying the link between population prostate-specific antigen testing and recent declines in prostate cancer mortality. Journal of the Natl Cancer Institute 1999 Jun 16;91(12):1033-1039.
Yakovlev AY, Tsodikov AD, Boucher K, Kerber R. The shape of the hazard function in breast carcinoma: curability of the disease revisited. Cancer 1999; 85: 1789-1798.
Cronin KA, Legler JM, Etzioni RD. Assessing uncertainty in microsimulation modelling with application to cancer screening interventions. Statistics in Medicine 1998 Nov 15;17(21):2509-2523.
Etzioni R, Cha R, Feuer EJ, Davidov O. Asymptomatic incidence and duration of prostate cancer. American Journal of Epidemiology 1998 Oct 15;148(8):775-785.
Urban N, Drescher C, Clarke L. Cost effectiveness analysis of ovarian cancer screening strategies. Ovarian Cancer 1998;5.
Urban N, Drescher C, Clarke L, Kiviat N. Cost effectiveness analysis of ovarian cancer screening strategies. Hungarian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology (in Hungarian) 1997;2:169-180. Reprinted from Ovarian Cancer 5. Edited by Frank Sharp, Anthony Blackett, Jonathon Berek, Robert Bast. Oxford: Isis Medical Media, 1998.
Etzioni R, Shen Y. Estimating asymptomatic duration in cancer: the AIDS connection. Statistics in Medicine 1997;16:627-644.
Lin DY, Feuer EJ, Etzioni R. Estimating medical costs from incomplete follow-up data. Biometrics 1997;53:419-434.
Peleg I, Lynch C. Population-based site- and age-specific colorectal cancer (CRC) rates: a case for screening flexible sigmoidoscopy in the elderly. Gastroenterology 1997;112:A637.
Urban N, Drescher C, Etzioni R. Use of a Stochastic Simulation Model to Identify an Efficient Strategy for Ovarian Cancer Screening. Controlled Clinical Trials 1997;18:251-270.
Etzioni R, Shen Y, Petteway JC. Age-specific Prostate-specific Antigen: A Reassessment. The Prostate (supplement) 1996;7:70-77.
Etzioni R, Thompson IM. Prostate Cancer and Computer Models: Background, Limitations, and Potential. Urology Oncology 1996;2:57-64.
Etzioni R, Urban N, Baker M. Estimating the Costs Attributable to a Disease with Application to Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1996;49(1):95-103.