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National Volunteer Program Manager
Bridget Harris
1400 Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20250

(202) 205-4988

You are here: Volunteer Home / Why Volunteer?
Join Us! Enjoy Your National Forests, Be A Volunteer

Why Volunteer?

National forests and grasslands are resources we all own. If you decide to volunteer to help meet the Forest Service mission you will have some great opportunities to:

  • Earn college credits with volunteer internships
  • Diversify your job experience
  • Provide community service
  • Increase your career choices
  • Meet people and form new friendships

The commitment you make is up to you. Training may be provided to you if your job requires it.

If you are retired or have summers free, you may wish to live on a national forest while you work as a volunteer.

College students may perform volunteer service related to their coursework for college credit.

A variety of jobs are available if you prefer an office environment or opportunities are available to perform vigorous but satisfying physical labor outdoors.

Last Modified: 03/21/2008