Los Alamos National Laboratory

Science >  LANL Institutes >  Information Science and Technology Institute

National Security Education Center


Collaborative Research Program

ISTI uses a Collaborative Research Program (CRP) mechanism for promoting collaboration between LANL and its educational partners.
Click here for information about how the CRP works

ISTI is happy to work with these institutions to assist researchers:

ISTI, the DOE Petascale Data Storage Institute (PDSI), and LANL's High Performance Computing Division encourage collaboration on unclassified research projects by making these data and code publicly available.

I/O and Storage Related Open Source Software

These file system and I/O related open source offerings are made publicly available.

Operational Data to Support and Enable Computer Science Research

In order to enable open computer science research, access to computer operational data is desperately needed. Data in the areas of failure, availability, usage, environment, performance, and workload characterization are some of the most desperately needed by computer science researchers. These data are provided under universal release to any computer science researcher to use to enable computer science work.

Trace Data to Support and Enable Computer Science Research

In order to enable open computer science research access to trace data is desperately needed. The following sets of data are provided under universal release to any computer science researcher to use to enable computer science work.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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