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Health Promotion & Disease Prevention – Elevating the Health Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
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  • Action for Healthy Kids
    A nationwide initiative dedicated to improving the health and educational performance of children through better nutrition and physical activity in schools.
  • Active Living Research
    Supports research to examine relationships among characteristics of natural and built environments, public and private policies, and personal levels of physical activity.
  • America On the Move
    Helping people balance the calories they eat with the calories they burn.
  • Biographies of the PCPFS Council Members
    The PCPFS is made up of 20 distinguished citizens who serve at the pleasure of the President. The Council members serve as an inspiration for a more active lifestyle through personal and professional example. They speak at and participate in sporting events, organize community fitness activities, visit schools and serve as fitness ambassadors to spotlight the benefits of physical activity, fitness and sports.
  • - Physical Fitness
    Americans say they generally know what will make them healthier, but they are confused about what specific information is credible and accurate. will be that source of credible, accurate information to help Americans choose to live healthier lives. Great link to other resources and information.
  • Move For Life
    The New York State Health Department's MOVE FOR LIFE! program recognizes that employee well-being is a must for good business. With just 30 minutes of moderate activity on five or more days a week, individuals can begin to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. People don't have to jog or go to a gym to be more active. Simple, everyday activities such as walking, doing yard work and climbing the stairs contribute to a physically active lifestyle. Move for Life! is for everyone. Simple modifications to the program will enable employees with physical disabilities to fully participate in Move for Life!

    Contact Info: Health Promotion Program
    Tompkins County Health Department
    401 Harris Dates Drive
    Ithaca, NY 14850
    Phone: (607) 274-6712

  • National Coalition for Promoting Physical Acivity
    The National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity's mission is to unite the strengths of public, private, and industry efforts into collaborative partnerships that inspire and empower all Americans to lead more physically active lifestyles. The web site addresses issues pertaining to physical activity including health/science, education, environments, population specific outreach, and activity behavior.
  • National Indian Health Board Fitness Initiative
    A sixteen week fitness challenge.
  • New York State Physical Activity Coalition
    New York State Physical Activity Coalition is a one-stop source of information about increasing physical activity in New York State. Although this is a New York state site, it's wonderful for free downloads and is connected with 4 above. The sub-website has great resources.
  • Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
  • President's Challenge
    A program to help kids, teens, adults and seniors of all activity levels get and stay fit.
  • President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS)
    The purpose of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports is to advise the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services about issues related to physical activity, fitness, and sports, and to recommend programs to promote regular physical activity for the health of the nation. In making recommendations, the Council supports the disease prevention and health promotion objectives of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and works to enhance and assist federal, state, local and private sector activities promoting physical activity, fitness, and sports. The Council's programs, projects and campaigns emphasize the importance of regular physical activity, including sports participation, for Americans of all ages and ethnicities, both able and disabled. The Council collaborates with public and private sector sponsors to conduct its programs and to produce public information materials.