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Health Promotion & Disease Prevention – Elevating the Health Status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
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The Indian Health Service Mental Health and Social Services (MH/SS) Program is a community oriented clinical and preventive mental health service that provides inpatient hospitalization, outpatient mental health and related services, crisis management, case management, prevention programming and outreach services. Positive mental and emotional health is crucial for the well being of American Indian and Alaska Native individuals and their communities. The Indian Health Service MH/SS staffs work within American Indian and Alaska Native communities to provide clinical and preventive services that address the full range of mental health and social problems present in individuals to communities, including depression; suicide; traumatic life circumstances including child abuse, neglect and domestic violence; and co-occurring disorders including the interplay among physical disorders, addiction, and behavioral health. MH/SS Program staffs work within the social and cultural contexts of their communities to promote healthy lifestyles as well as advocate for increased access to Federal, state, and local mental health, social service, and entitlement programs. The goal of the MH/SS program is to alleviate the pain and suffering associated with behavioral health problems. Using the latest tools in clinical practice and traditional approaches that span the generations, the mental health programs of IHS are dedicated to providing culturally innovative healing and prevention services to American Indian and Alaska Native communities throughout the country.