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Maternal Child

Maternal Child HealthCCC CornerFeb 2008
OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Volume 6, No. 2, February 2008

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Abstract of the Month

Concern for rising Cesarean rates in Native American populations

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

Sally Bremner

  • Hospital-Acquired Infections: What You Should Know

Shannon Meyers

  • Save the Dates!! Earn up to 28 hours of CME/CE specific to Indian Health

Sunnah Kim

  • 2008 Native American Child Health Advocacy Award

Chuck North

  • Partnership with Mountain and Plains Educational Resource Center

Jennifer Staple

  • Unite For Sight Volunteer Abroad Opportunities:

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • 11th Annual Patty Iron Cloud National Native American Youth Initiative
  • Secondhand smoke during infancy linked in dose-response fashion with allergies
  • Oral health of Aboriginal children
  • ACIP Releases 2008 Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedules

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • 'Awake' during surgery: Examining intraoperative awareness
  • 5-day course of nitrofurantoin is effective fluoroquinolone-sparing treatment of cystitis
  • Cardiovascular disease and pre-eclampsia related. Pre-eclampsia and cancer are not
  • Factors Related to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction in Midlife and Older Women
  • Herbal and Dietary Supplement-Drug Interactions in Patients with Chronic Illnesses


  • Knowledge of cervical length / fetal fibronectin associated with shorter evaluation and PTB
  • Sublingual misoprostol associated with higher patient satisfaction compared with vaginal
  • Management of shoulder dystocia: trends in incidence and morbidity
  • CDC Issues Guidelines for Preconception Care of Women 
  • Guidelines Recommend Universal Prenatal Screening for Down Syndrome 


  • Misoprostol in the setting of incomplete abortion
  • Hysterectomy vs LNG-IUS
  • Intracervical balloon placement for saline sonohysterography superior vs intrauterine
  • PCA, scheduled intravenous, and scheduled subcutaneous: None appears to be superior
  • Liquid-based cervical cytology neither more sensitive nor more specific vs conventional

Read More - Hot Topics

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Elective and risk–reducing salpingo-oophorectomy
  • Surgery and Patient Choice
  • Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer

American Family Physician

  • Prevention and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: An Update
  • CDC Reports a Decrease in the Incidence of Breast Cancer
  • Recommendations for Follow-up after Early Breast Cancer Diagnoses
  • CDC Evaluates the Effect of Revised Guidelines on Group B Streptococci Disease
  • Premenstrual Syndrome

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Intervention programs that focus on already violent youth are more effective
  • Some women with breast cancer do not receive recommended adjuvant treatments
  • Use of antidepressants by low-income pregnant women up twofold: Fetal risks?
  • Regulatory warnings led to decreased use of antidepressants in children and adolescents

Ask a Librarian

  • Cervical Cancer Community-Based Research Project in a Native American Community

Behavioral Health Insights

  • Autism Screening - Guest editor Joshua Cabrera, MD


  • Breast Pumps: The good, the bad, and the ugly

CCC Corner Digest

  • What happens if your patient hears their results as Negative? Positive? Normal? Abnormal?
  • You can make a big difference in women’s and children’s lives
  • Cesarean delivery on request not recommended if desiring several children, ACOG
  • Early feeding within the first 24 hours after major abdominal gynecologic surgery is safe
  • Rapid response team: Implications of findings on mortality rates for children are dramatic
  • Reconsider use of rosiglitazone
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Patient-Controlled Analgesia for Postoperative Pain: Cochrane Briefs
  • Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity Recommendations
  • Teens, Depression, Black Box Warnings and Suicide
  • Breastfeeding, it is not just about the baby
  • Improving Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Response: Tohono O'odham Nation
  • Palliative / End of Life Care Training- SAVE THE DATES – March and April Courses
  • Intrauterine Device and Adolescents, ACOG Committee Opinion
  • Preconception Counseling for Women with DM and HTN: New module
  • How should we manage a patient with a previous abruptio placenta?
  • Disparities, Inequalities, or Inequities?
  • Insights on Implementing Cultural and Linguistic Competence in MCH
  • Oral Health for Head Start Children: Best Practices
  • What was the presenting part? The answer
  • ACNM seeks Midwifery Expertise on an as-needed basis
  • Informed Refusal, Leaving Against Medical Advice, and Asking Questions
  • Scope of Practice - Nurse Practitioner: Regulation, Competency, and Expansion
  • Less errors with standardization of corticosteroid regimens
  • Screening for Chlamydial Infection: Recommendation Statement, USPSTF
  • Family History more relevant to risk of GDM in nulliparous than in parous women
  • Making a business case for investing in Maternal and Child Health

Domestic Violence

  • 2008 NICWA Annual Conference
  • Family violence in health care and public health settings: Accepting Manuscripts
  • National Report: National Indian Child Welfare
  • 31st Annual Indian School on Alcohol and Other Drug Related Issues - Save the Date
  • Improving Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Response on the Tohono O'odham Nation

Elder Care News

  • 2008 Education in Palliative and End-Of-Life Care-Oncology/IHS
  • A second training session will be held in Flagstaff AZ April 22-24
  • Minimizing Adverse Drug Events in Older Patients

Family Planning

  • Continuous OCPs May Not Reduce Bleeding Days, but May Improve Symptoms
  • Association of OCP Use, Other Contraceptive Methods, and Infertility with Ovarian Cancer
  • Tubal Patency Better With One Dose vs Multiple Methotrexate Doses for Ectopic

Featured Web Site

  • New and Improved MCH Conferences page - More user friendly

Frequently asked questions

  • Frequently Asked Questions about Infant Feeding Choice

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Trajectories of growth among children who have coronary events as adults
  • 2008 Childhood Immunization Schedule: Few changes planned
  • Pattern of diarrhea-associated hospitalization and outpatient visits for AI/AN children by region

Information Technology

  • Four Directions Summer Research Program Applications Online for Summer 2008
  • iCare Training

International Health

  • Multiple Chlamydia species pose an unexpected challenge for blindness prevention

MCH Alert

  • New edition of Knowledge Path: Preconception and Pregnancy available

MCH Headlines

  • Announcing the 2008 PREVENT Child Maltreatment Institute
  • Children with special health care needs: Cultural competence compendium

Medical Mystery Tour

  • St. John's wort for depression in a young woman


  • PMDD Spotlight: Women With Histories of Abuse: A Clinically Meaningful Subgroup?
  • HPV Vaccines: Beyond Expectations
  • Expanding HIV Testing: Practical Screening Cases to Meet New CDC Recommendations
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections and Cancer: Breaking the Link Through Vaccination
  • Hypertension and Soy: A Best Evidence Review

Menopause Management

  • Smoking Status as a Predictor of Hip Fracture Risk in Postmenopausal Women
  • Low dose transdermal E2 gel delivered the lowest effective dose
  • Vaginal tablets containing 25 mcg or 10 mcg estradiol are effective
  • Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) reduces endometrial polyps with tamoxifen
  • Aromatase Inhibitors: Hormonal Agents for Treatment and Prevention of Breast Cancer

Midwives Corner

  • VBACs: Evidence supports them, women want and benefit from them. We need to provide them
  • Judy Whitecrane: Tireless Improvement of Care for Native American women
  • 53rd ACNM Annual Meeting & Exposition
  • ACNM Clinical Bulletin Recommends Intermittent Auscultation

Navajo News

  • Biliary Gallstone Disease and Pregnancy

Nurses Corner

  • AWHONN – numerous on line courses – materials and fees listed
  • The Last Hours of Living
  • PhD in Nursing Concentration in Health Policy

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Preconception and Interconception Health Status of Women Who Recently Gave Birth

Oklahoma Perspective

  • Cesarean Delivery: What are the risks and benefits?


  • Nonpharmacologic Management of Osteoporosis to Minimize Fracture Risk
  • HT and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease by Age and Years Since Menopause
  • Depression Associated With Low Bone Mineral Density 

Patient Information

  • Patients Prefer the Method of "Tell Back- Collaborative Inquiry" to Assess Understanding
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases-Prevention and Treatment for You and Your Partner

Perinatology Picks

  • Women with cardiovascular risk factors may be predisposed to pre-eclampsia
  • Obstetric outcomes in cancer survivors are reassuring
  • Booster dose of betamethasone just before preterm birth: Results caution against
  • Conservative management 1 st choice for severe hydronephrosis in pregnancy

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Mental health issues in children and adolescents: March 2008

STD Corner

  • The cervical cancer risk is still increased 25 years after treatment for CIN 3
  • HPV Vaccine Acceptance Among Mid-Adult Women
  • Adding HPV test to the Pap test to screen in mid-30s reduces grade 2 or 3 CIN and cancer
  • New point of care Chlamydia Rapid Test: Bridging the gap between Dx and Treatment
  • Recurring C. trachomatis Infections in Young Women

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Resolving to Lose Weight in the New Year?
  • Does being overweight or obese increase subsequent hysterectomy risk?
  • Prepregnancy BMI, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and long-term maternal mortality
  • Glycemic Profiles During Pregnancy Differ Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Miscarriage and abortion triple chances of future low birth weight babies

Women’s Health Headlines

  • Women’s Leadership Scholarship
  • New Resource from the National Center for Cultural Competence
  • Ending Violence Against Native Women Training Institute and scholarship opportunity
  • Native Women's Health and Well-Being Conference
  • Women's History Month: March 2008

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

How to strengthen pelvic floor muscles?

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

Training in Palliative and End of Life Care

Keeping Native Women & Families Healthy & Strong

IHS Basic Colposcopy Course

IHS Colposcopy Update & Refresher Course

Training in Palliative and End of Life Care

Advances in Indian Health (AIH) Conference

  • April 29 – May 2, 2008
  • Albuquerque , New Mexico
  • 28 credits, Indian Country’s Primary Care Conference

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Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

Volume 6, No. 1, January 2008


Abstract of the Month

What happens if a patient hears their results are Negative? Positive? Normal? Abnormal?

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

David Gahn

  • You can make a big difference in women’s and children’s lives

Scott Giberson

  • Second annual Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day coming March 20, 2008
  • Updated U.S. DHHS Guidelines for Treatment of Adults and Adolescents with HIV
  • Funding opportunity for HIV Prevention programs through CDC

Steve Holve

  • Update on Pedvax Hib

Mary Wachacha

  • Seeking 2 Physicians for national IHS Patient Education Protocols and Codes Committee

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics

Child Health

  • Rapid response team: Implications of findings on mortality rates for children are dramatic
  • What are the effects of lifestyle interventions for the treatment of childhood obesity?
  • Newborn Screening. ACOG Committee Opinion

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Reconsider use of rosiglitazone
  • Therapy Insight: Management of Graves' Disease During Pregnancy
  • Antithrombotic therapy and pregnancy: consensus report and recommendations
  • Cholesterol <10th population percentile was strongly associated with preterm delivery
  • Cisplatin with RT improves long-term progression-free survival in 1B cervical carcinoma


  • Cesarean delivery on request not recommended if desiring several children, ACOG
  • Sense of coherence and symptoms of post-traumatic stress after emergency caesarean
  • Late-preterm (34-36 weeks) infants have higher mortality rate than term at one year of age
  • Spinal analgesia increases the success rate of external cephalic version from 32% to 67%
  • Milk consumption during pregnancy is associated with increased infant size at birth


  • Early feeding within the first 24 hours after major abdominal gynecologic surgery is safe
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Management Algorithm
  • Addition of HPV to Pap test to screen in mid-30s for cervical cancer reduces in CIN 2 or 3
  • Medical Therapy for Ectopic Pregnancy
  • A cautionary case: Balloon occlusion of internal iliac arteries for abnormal placentation

Read More - Hot Topics

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Ethical Decision Making in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Invasive Prenatal Testing for Aneuploidy

American Family Physician

  • Patient-Controlled Analgesia for Postoperative Pain: Cochrane Briefs
  • ASA and Clopidogrel Decreases Cardiovascular Events in Acute Coronary Syndrome

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Women leaving the hospital AMA after delivering should be targeted for more services
  • Full disclosure of medical errors to patients is becoming more and more transparent
  • Colorectal cancer screening can be improved at primary care practices
  • Family-centered, high quality primary care linked to fewer nonurgent ED visits by children

Ask a Librarian

  • Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity
  • The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women '07 - 20th Anniversary Edition

Behavioral Health Insights

  • Teens, Depression, Black Box Warnings and Suicide


  • Breastfeeding, it is not just about the baby
  • Milk pollution due to alcohol
  • Special journal issue offers guidance on promoting and supporting breastfeeding
  • Lactation complicated by overweight and obesity: Many challenges

CCC Corner Digest

Domestic Violence

  • Improving Domestic Violence Law Enforcement Response on the Tohono O'odham Nation
  • Child abuse funding offered: CCTV / Recording Technology Grant Program

Elder Care News

  • Training in Palliative and End of Life Care – Offered twice - SAVE THE DATES
  • Physician-pharmacist collaboration reduces inappropriate drug prescribing in elderly

Family Planning

  • Intrauterine Device and Adolescents, ACOG Committee Opinion
  • Prescription contraceptive use increased reflecting state mandates on private insurers
  • Advance provision of EC does not reduce pregnancy rates, nor affect sexual behavior
  • Ethinyl Estradiol/Drospirenone for the Symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Featured Web Site

  • Preconception Counseling for Women with Diabetes and Hypertension: New module

Frequently asked questions

  • How should we manage a patient with a previous abruptio placenta?
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Infant Feeding Choice

Indian Child Health Notes

  • No more cough syrup says the FDA
  • No more cavities says Dr. Esposito
  • Not enough Hib vaccine says Dr. Singleton

Information Technology

  • iCare Training

International Health

  • Disparities, Inequalities, or Inequities?

MCH Alert

  • Insights on Implementing Cultural and Linguistic Competence in MCH

MCH Headlines

  • Oral Health for Head Start Children: Best Practices
  • Safer infant sleep environment through crib giveaways and education
  • Alcohol Screening Brief Intervention: Cooperative Agreement announcement by SAMHSA
  • Child abduction Amber Alert Article
  • Childhood Obesity: AMA expert committee recommendations released

Medical Mystery Tour

  • What is the presenting part?


  • Making Sense of the Complex:Point of Care Approach to Chronic Pelvic Pain / Interstitial Cystitis
  • Management of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: A Series of Interactive Cases
  • Commonly Administered Vaccines and Associated Illnesses
  • Understanding Triglycerides: Beyond LDL Cholesterol

Menopause Management

  • Treating Sexual Difficulties in Menopause

Midwives Corner

  • ACNM seeks Midwifery Expertise on an as-needed basis

Navajo News

  • Which caused more deaths in the United States in 2005, MRSA or HIV?

Nurses Corner

  • Scope of Practice and the Nurse Practitioner: Regulation, Competency, and Expansion
  • Overweight Children and Adolescents - National Association of School Nurses

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Cancer in American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • Vaccination of Pregnant Women (2007 Update)
  • ACIP Releases 2007-08 Adult Immunization Schedule

Oklahoma Perspective

  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in women’s health


  • Effects of Steroidal and Nonsteroidal Aromatase Inhibitors on Markers of Bone Turnover

Patient Education

  • Assessing Health Literacy in Clinical Practice
  • Pregnant or Thinking About Getting Pregnant?
  • Pregnancy Loss: What You Should Know
  • Caring for Your Premature Baby
  • Meth Abuse: What You Should Know

Perinatology Picks

  • Less errors with more standardization of corticosteroid regimens
  • Conservative checklist protocol for oxytocin: improves maternal and newborn outcomes
  • Does the dose of oxytocin affect uterine rupture in candidates for VBAC?
  • Terbutaline provided more tocolysis with less impact on BP than NTG in resuscitation
  • Exam-indicated cerclage prolongs gestation / improves survival vs expectant management

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Traditional AI/AN Medicine: Incorporating Into I/T/U Clincial Practice

STD Corner

  • Screening for Chlamydial Infection: Recommendation Statement, USPSTF

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Family History more relevant to risk of GDM in nulliparous women than in parous subjects
  • Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are predictive of diabetes mellitus 21 years later
  • Continuous subcutaneous insulin: No improvement in pregnant diabetic outcomes
  • A fetal weight estimation at 29-34 weeks in diabetic pregnancies: Can it predict LGA?
  • The Reproductive Phenotype in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 

Women’s Health Headlines

  • Making a business case for investing in Maternal and Child Health
  • Depression and Initiation of Cigarette, Alcohol, and Other Drug Use among Young Women

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

Preconception Counseling for Women with Diabetes and Hypertension: New Module

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

23nd Annual Midwinter Indian Health OB/PEDS Conference

  • February 8 - 10, 2008
  • For providers caring for Native women and children
  • Telluride, CO
  • Contact

Training in Palliative and End of Life Care

Keeping Native Women & Families Healthy & Strong

IHS Basic Colposcopy Course

IHS Colposcopy Update & Refresher Course

Training in Palliative and End of Life Care

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Past CCC Corners

The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at

or (907) 729-3154 (with voicemail)

*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the author of this newsletter. If you have any comments, please share them by joining the Primary Care Discussion Forum where this topic was recently discussed. To join the Primary Care Listserv, click on ‘Subscribe' here MCHdiscuss.cfm


Dr. Neil Murphy is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Murphy is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to Native or indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact him by e-mail or phone at 907-729-3154.

Next: Abstract of the Month

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