Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Social Science Research Themes

What Are the MPA Social Science Themes?

There are many ways to use social science research tools and methods in marine protected area (MPA) management. The followingsix themes were created during a social science workshop sponsored by the MPA Center to categorize common applications for MPAs. Further discussion about each theme can be found in the MPA Social Science Research Strategy.

MPA Social Science Theme Areas

Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs
Examines factors influencing human preferences, choices, and actions, including
  • Public support and opposition
  • Quality of life
  • Public expectations
  • Aesthetic values
Questions and Tools
Focuses on economic conditions and trends, including
  • Market and nonmarket valuation
  • Costs and benefits
  • Socioeconomic change
Questions and Tools
Examines social and geographic aspects of stakeholder communities and community decision making, including
  • Demographic characteristics
  • Information flow
  • Carrying capacity
  • Community character
Questions and Tools
Use Patterns
Addresses how stakeholders access and use resources, including
  • Recreational and commercial uses
  • Historical use of resources
  • Where, when, and how groups use resources
  • Anthropogenic change
  • Subsistence use
Questions and Tools
Submerged Cultural Resources
Addresses protection and evaluation of cultural heritage and resources, including
  • Nautical history (wrecks, replicas, etc.)
  • Submerged artifacts, anthropology, and archaeology
  • Historical documents (books, pictures)
Questions and Tools
Governments, Institutions, and Processes
Explores public processes and institutional structures, including
  • Decision-making processes
  • Use rights
  • Conflict management
  • Monitoring and enforcement
Questions and Tools