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SCS Task Group on the Function of the Authority File

Charge and members

In 1999 the Standing Committee on Standards Cross-Reference Task Group- issued a report in which was contained a section entitled "Broad principles" which noted three major themes. These themes could be summarized as 1) the need to articulate the differences between shared authority data and data appropriate for local authority files; 2) the role of the authority file as a maintenance tool; 3) the concern for users in a more global environment.

At the November 2000 PCC Policy Committee meeting, committee members discussed the first two of these themes. A decision was made to form a task group to articulate the issues involved.

A new SCS Task Group on the Function of the Shared Authority File is convened with the following charge:

  1. Articulate the differences between shared authority data and data appropriate for local authority files. In doing this, consider the factors that form the basis of determining what data is appropriate to share and what data should remain local.
  2. Examine and make recommendations on issues related to the use of authority records to support maintenance of bibliographic records. More particularly, should references, originally designed to provide access to authority headings in support of the information function of the authority file, also be used to link old or user-friendly headings to new ones to support the maintenance of headings in bibliographic records? Should the information purpose of data be kept separate and distinct from some other use of it? If it is judged that one of the uses of authority records is to support maintenance of bibliographic records, what mechanisms other than references, if any, might achieve this purpose?

The final report should be pragmatic with recommendations for harmonizing local authority file requirements with national/international requirements.

Time frame

An interim report is due to the SCS by January 1, 2002. The report should contain a description of progress on the charge.

A final report is due to the SCS on June 1, 2002.

Task Force Members
Manon Theroux
Yale University
Linda Barnhart
SCS Liaison
Univ. of California, San Diego

Rebecca Dean
OCLC, Inc.



Stephen Hearn
University of Minnesota
Diane Humes
Andrew MacEwan
British Library
Gary Strawn
Northwestern University
Bob Thomas
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  January 3, 2008
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