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Guidelines for evaluation of Core Records

Model A: Information to be reported when communicating the efficacy of core level cataloging in original cataloging operations

  1. Type of Library
    • Public
    • College
    • University
    • Special
  2. Identify levels of cataloging compared
    • Core level compared to full level original cataloging
    • Core level compared to minimal level original cataloging
    • Core level compared to full level and to minimal level original cataloging
  3. Describe level of authority work completed for each level of cataloging compared
    • No authority work
    • Local authority work only
    • Full NACO authority work
      • Number of headings created over duration of experiment
    • Full SACO
      • Number of headings proposed over duration of experiment
  4. Describe the sample for each level of cataloging compared
    • Sample size (number of titles)
    • Format(s)
    • Subject area(s)
    • Language(s)
    • Library's classification scheme(s)
    • Span of imprint dates
  5. Describe the unit of measure to be used in the comparison*
    • Overall productivity over the duration of the experiment
    • Production rate per individual cataloger per specified subunit of time
    • Average productivity per cataloger over duration of the experiment
    • Cost per item processed
  6. Describe the methodology of the comparison
    • Staffing **
      • Number of staff involved
      • Level of staff
      • Years of experience of participating catalogers
    • Duration of experiment
    • How is data collected/reported?
    • Are any of the components of task separately timed?
      • Searching for copy
      • Authority work
      • Classification
      • Shelf listing
      • Data collection
      • Revision
      • Other
    • How are they timed/measured?
    • Other special conditions/activities/controls

* Apply measurement equally to both core and comparison level(s) and describe all components which are used to derive the measurement. For example, if the comparison is expressed as a cost number, are benefits included in the calculation of staff costs?

** In order to be meaningful, number, level and years of staff might be best expressed as a matrix which clarifies the inter-relationships between these data. If a matrix is not used, it is important that these inter-relationships be explicitly described in some way.

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  January 3, 2008
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