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Maternal Child

Maternal Child HealthCCC Corner ‹ Dec 2005
OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Volume 3, No. 12, December 2005

CCC Corner Digest - Print friendly Digest of the CCC Corner can be mailed to you, or your colleagues. Just send your address to

Direct Links to Topic Content: Abstract of the Month | From Your Colleagues | Hot Topics | Features

Links to Topic Summaries:


Abstract of the Month

Routine screening for protein and glucose at each prenatal visit should be abandoned

Read More - Abstract of the Month

From Your Colleagues

Carolyn Aoyama

  • Breast cancer in Native American women treated at an urban-based Indian health center

Burt Attico

  • Asian Descent: Diabetic Women Have High Rates of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Bonnie Bishop-Stark

  • How do you know when you have a false positive HIV test in pregnancy?

Terry Cullen

  • Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board recruiting new EpiCenter Director

Lani Desaulniers

  • 5th International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes

Kate Landis

  • HPV and Cervical Cancer: Update on Prevention Strategies, is now available on DVD

Leslie Randall

  • PHN visits, maternal EtoH use, and layers of clothing are important risk factors for SIDS among Northern Plains Indians

Ty Reidhead

  • Updated and revised IHS Clinical Guidelines, IHS Clinical Forms, Patient Education sites

Judy Thierry

  • What a great library resource! …and it is available to ALL ITU staff for free
  • Do you want to increase your funding for the care of children?
  • MCH tribal epidemiology on WIC data
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC)
  • Upcoming Theme: Health Care Systems – The Key to Complete Women’s Health Care
  • …and more

Myra Tucker

  • An invitation to Submit Manuscripts to the Maternal and Child Health Journal

Alan Waxman

  • Vaccine prevents cervical cancer, Gardasil: Preliminary results 100% effective

Judy Whitecrane

  • Teen Birth Rate Continues to Decline, but Slowly

Read More - From Your Colleagues

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Hot Topics


  • Paroxetine’s pregnancy category changed from C to D
  • Do you work with a low HIV prevalence population? Here is a strategy to keep it that way
  • Evidence-based surgery for cesarean delivery
  • Umbilical cord blood is a proven source of hematopoietic stem cells: You can bank on it
  • Women with a prior cesarean should be offered VBAC, esp. with prior vaginal delivery
  • …and more


  • Urinary incontinence: Familial association stronger than that of vaginal delivery
  • Handle abnormal Pap smears differently in adolescents
  • Simplifying the Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Certain factors predict chronic pelvic pain after pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Uterine artery embolization: Low complication rate, reduced length stay
  • …and more

Child Health

  • Two RCTs show promising results with hypothermia for neonatal encephalopathy
  • Guidelines for Identifying and Referring Persons with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • National Conference on Juvenile Issues
  • AAP Report on Assessment of Sexual Abuse in Children
  • Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports
  • …and more

Chronic Illness and Disease

  • Quick Assessment of Literacy in Primary Care: The Newest Vital Sign
  • Stroke preventive treatments are well understood and widely available: Why isn’t it used?
  • USPHS Releases Updated Guidelines for Management of Occupational Exposure to HIV
  • Moderate Exercise Improves Breast Cancer Outcomes
  • Management of Active Tuberculosis
  • …and more

Read More - Hot Topics

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  • Duration of Therapy for Women with Uncomplicated UTI: Cochrane Briefs
  • Metformin Increases Fertility in Patients with PCOS


  • Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring. ACOG Practice Bulletin
  • Inappropriate use of the terms fetal distress and birth asphyxia
  • Vaginal Birth Not Associated With Incontinence Later in Life-Update on Carrier
  • Screening for Cystic Fibrosis: Committee Opinion


  • Two American Indian tribes with different rates of smoking, but similarly high life traumas
  • Shortage of radiologists and certified mammography technologists in U.S. communities

Ask a Librarian

  • Obesity Before Pregnancy Linked to Childhood Weight Problems


  • New studies shows a 15% reduction for the risk of diabetes for every year of lactation
  • Infant feeding choice collection tool
  • Women in the US Need More Breastfeeding Support

CCC Corner Digest

  • Evidence does not justify routine use: Magnesium sulfate prophylaxis - mild pre-eclampsia
  • Medical Staff Credentialing and Privileging Guide, 3rd Edition: Now available
  • Two handy ‘Best Practice’ checklists now available: DM or HTN in pregnancy
  • Have you ever had problems with a stenotic cervix? Here’s an easy solution
  • Advanced skills practitioner not needed at uncomplicated elective cesarean delivery
  • Beyond Red Lake - The persistent crisis in American Indian Health Care
  • Low Testosterone Not Linked with Female Sexual Dysfunction
  • USPSTF Releases Updated Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
  • Exciting news: All clinicians involved with Indian Health are now invited: Tribal, urban, etc..
  • We need your expertise: Breast Feeding Best Practices in Indian Country
  • FDA Updates Labeling for Ortho Evra Contraceptive Patch
  • DMPA bone mass loss is reversible
  • The HCG curve has been redefined. How about ultrasound?
  • Bioidentical Hormones: No scientific evidence to support claims of increased efficacy
  • Trends in umbilical cord care: Scientific Evidence for Practice
  • Once a day gentamicin dosing intrapartum may provide better coverage for the fetus 
  • Stressful workplaces and unfair bosses can raise cardiac risks
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Many new additions to the Indian Health Guidelines / Patient Education web page
  • Estrogen supplementation may be protective of BMD in adolescents who use DMPA
  • Medical Management of Early Pregnancy Failure – Use Misoprostol
  • Daily suppressive therapy is recommended for HSV-2 seropositive individuals
  • Just an additional 3200 steps a day, not 10,000 shows fitness gains

Domestic Violence

  • “Dating & Violence Should Never Be a Couple” Preventing Teen Dating Violence
  • Funding for Legal Services to Victims of DV, Sexual Assault, Stalking & Dating
  • Violence-Project about Adult Native American and Alaska Native Women and Sexual Assault

Elder Care News

  • Women with DM had about 25% higher prevalence of incontinence
  • Treatment of Constipation in Older Adults-Older Patients with Caregivers and
  • Assistance for Activities of Daily Living: 1998 and 2000

Family Planning

  • Women who attend a postpartum visit 3x more likely to use postpartum contraception
  • Ortho Evra Contraceptive Patch Linked to Increased Estrogen Exposure

Featured Web Site

  • The Indian Health Women’s Health pages are getting a facelift and needs input

Frequently asked questions

  • Should we perform a routine urine screen at each prenatal visit?

Indian Child Health Notes

  • Antibiotics: Overused in America? Meds strep throat infections, otitis media
  • Dr Singelton: Prevnar vaccine may increase of non vaccine serotypes of Strep pneumoniae
  • Dr.Esposito: MVA rates in AI/ANs and increased risk of retinopathy of prematurity in AI/AN

Information Technology

  • National Release Notice - Clinical Reporting System, Version 6.0

International Health

  • Cross-Cultural Medicine

MCH Alert

  • New cigarettes with flavors that appeal to youth

Medical Mystery Tour

  • I feel really cold and my side hurts, plus I am shaking all over


Menopause Management

  • WHI clinical trial revisit: imprecise methodology disqualifies the study's outcomes
  • WHI response to Ostrzenski and Ostrzenska
  • Mechanisms of Premature Menopause

Midwives Corner

  • Liability in Triage: Management of EMTALA Regulations and Common Obstetric Risks
  • Post Partum Hemorrhage is the most common cause of maternal mortality worldwide
  • Motherhood a "rite of passage" for some teens
  • A trial should focus on women at low risk for failed trial or uterine rupture and should not be limited to a restrictive evaluation of short-term complications
  • Midwifery Measures in Stage Two: Reduction of Genital Tract Trauma at Birth

Navajo News

  • MRSA presents new challenges in treating soft-tissue infections, including in pregnancy

Nurses Corner

  • Seeking Executive Nurse Leaders

Office of Women’s Health, CDC

  • Cigarette Smoking in the United States, 2004

Oklahoma Perspective

  • Who do you contact in Oklahoma for MCH issues?


  • Screening and treatment for osteoporosis low among patients taking glucocorticoids

Patient Education

  • FDA Patient Education page- paroxetine changed for Class C to Class D
  • The Eagle’s Nest: Safe (online) place for youth to learn more about living healthy with DM
  • Constipation: What You Should Know
  • Taking Care of Yourself After Having a Baby
  • Tuberculosis: What You Should Know

Perinatology Picks

  • Meconium Happens
  • Since the amnio is immature today, should we re-tap in a week or just deliver then?

Primary Care Discussion Forum

  • Cardiology Topics for Primary Care Providers – February 15, 2006

STD Corner

  • High-Risk HPV Associated with Chlamydia trachomatis with Female Adolescents
  • Financial support for I/T/U staff to attend STD/HIV training in FY2006
  • Screening for HIV: Recommendation Statement USPSTF
  • HIV-Prevention Research in Minority Communities Program Accepting Applications

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Dibaetes Prevention and Control

  • Type 2 diabetes mortality in women: Same as a "coronary heart disease equivalent"
  • Homocysteine: Risk factor for the development of diabetes in women with previous GDM
  • Protein and Unsaturated Fats Lowers BP, Improves Lipids, and May Reduce CVD
  • Glycemic Index online

Read More - Features

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What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

Rectal bleeding in 40 year old AI/ AN female - Web M + M

Northern Plains Indians: Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome

There are several upcoming Conferences

and Online CME/CEU resources, etc . . .

and the latest Perinatology Corners (free online CME from IHS)

. . . or just take a look at the What’s New page

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

National Conference on Juvenile Issues

21st Annual Midwinter Indian Health OB / PEDS Conference

  • For providers caring for Native women and children
  • January 27-29, 2006
  • Telluride, CO
  • Contact Alan Waxman

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood (SUDC)

Advances in Indian Health, 6th Annual

  • May 2-6, 2006
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Save the dates brochure
  • CN01.cfm#May06

Native Peoples of North America HIV/AIDS Conference

ACOG 2006 Annual Clinical Meeting (ACM)

I.H.S. / A.C.O.G. Obstetric, Neonatal, and Gynecologic Care Course

  • September 17 – 21, 2006
  • Denver, CO
  • Contact or call Yvonne Malloy at 202-863-2580
  • Last year’s brochure link below (2005 Brochure) (PDF 145k)
  • Documents/FinalACOGBrochure.pdf

Back to table of contents

Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

November 2005 OB/GYN CCC Corner

Volume 3, No. 11, November 2005

Abstract of the Month

-Evidence does not justify routine use of magnesium sulfate in mild pre-eclampsia

From Your Colleagues

Carolyn Aoyama:
-Excess Cervical Cancer Mortality: Marker for Low Access to Health Care in Poor

Steve Holve:
-Is there an IHS RSV policy? 

Richard Olson:
-Medical Staff Credentialing and Privileging Guide, 3rd Edition: Now available

Phil Smith:
-Guidelines for Identifying and Referring Persons with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Judy Thierry:
-We would like to hear from people – Diabetes in pregnancy
-AAP Revises SIDS Prevention Recommendations
-Prenatal tobacco - Canadian Best practices - Expecting to Quit
-Teen pregnancy: Protective and risk factors and those that can be altered
-National Conference on Juvenile Issues January 9–13, 2006
and more….

Seh Welch:
- Embracing Our Traditions, Values, and Teachings: Native Peoples of North America HIV/AIDS -Conference May 2-6, 2006

Hot Topics

-Two handy ‘Best Practice’ checklists now available: DM or HTN in pregnancy
-1st trimester combined screening better than 2nd trimester quadruple screening: NEJM
-A Call to End Routine Episiotomy, No Maternal Benefit
-Dexamethasone treatment does not improve the outcome of women with HELLP syndrome
-Guidelines on Trial of Labor After Cesarean Delivery
and more….

-Have you ever had problems with a stenotic cervix?
-Vaccine prevents cervical cancer, Gardasil: Preliminary results 100% effective
-Tubo-ovarian abscess - Ultrasound-guided aspiration with antibiotics: First-line procedure
-Bladder perforation for TVT are higher for inexperienced / appears to be a learning curve
-Cigarette Smoking and Effects on Hormone Function in Premenopausal Women
and more….

Child Health
-Advanced skills practitioner not needed at uncomplicated elective cesarean delivery
-Do Pacifiers Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? A Meta-Analysis
-Complications of Body Piercing
-Skin-to-Skin Care Cuts Stress for NICU Infants and Mothers
-AAP Revises Recommendations on Reducing the Risk of SIDS - Pearls for Practice
and more….

Chronic Illness and Disease
- Beyond Red Lake - The persistent crisis in American Indian Health Care
-Paving the way--providing opportunities for Native American students
-Provider education in depression recognition and treatment reduces suicide rates
-New Studies Document the Health Benefits of Seafood Consumption
-Options for Breast Cancer Screening
and more….


American Family Physician
-Low Testosterone Not Linked with Female Sexual Dysfunction
-Should Women with Dysuria and Negative Dipstick Test Be Treated?
-Antiviral Agents for Pregnant Women with Genital Herpes

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
-Antiphospholipid syndrome. ACOG Practice Bulletin
-Compounded Bioidentical Hormones
-Elective Coincidental Appendectomy
-Partnering With Patients to Improve Safety
-Maternal Decision Making, Ethics, and the Law
and more….

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
-AHRQ Releases Updated Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
-Women who smoke have nearly twice the risk of developing Graves' hyperthyroidism
-Certain factors predict chronic pelvic pain after pelvic inflammatory disease
-Two factors predict risk for suicide attempts in youths
-Events surrounding injury affect likelihood an adolescent will suffer post traumatic stress disorder
and more….

Ask a Librarian
-Exciting news: All clinicians involved with Indian Health are now invited – Tribal, Urban, IHS

-We need your expertise: Breast Feeding Best Practices in Indian Country
-The breastfeeding mother is physiologically different
-More sleep was obtained when breastfeeding mothers slept with the newborn
-New Released Patch includes breast feeding and waist circumference

CCC Corner Digest
-Judy Thierry, HQE - Maternal Morbidity in Indian Country
-First Validated Model Predicts Risk of Failed Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
-Paroxetine Curbs Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
-#1 cause of pediatric deaths!!!
-Native Americans with highest rates of major depressive disorder
-ACOG:Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Women's Health, ACOG Committee Opinion No. 317
-Help Us Establish a Free Electronic Patient Education Resource Center
-October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month
-Cancer screening in elderly patients: a framework for individualized decision making
-ParaGard ® T 380A Approved for Nulliparous Women in Stable Relationships from Age 16
-Newly Released Perinatology Corner Module:  Shoulder Dystocia  (free CME/CEUs)
-R/O Ectopic - HCG curves redefined
-Paxil Use in Early Pregnancy May Cause Birth Defects
-Syphilis Treatment Issues—Azithromycin Use Not Encouraged for Syphilis Treatment
-Prenatal visits: Less quantity and higher quality: Outcome based analysis
-Patient Education - Mary Lynn Eaglestaff, Aberdeen Area Women’s Health Program
-Preterm Labor: Signs and Symptoms - Patient Education Brochure
-Thyroid-stimulating hormone decreases significantly during the first trimester
-STD Corner - Welcome Lori de Ravello
-Which Comes First in Adolescence—Sex and Drugs or Depression?

Domestic Violence
-GPRA Domestic Violence clinical performance indicators
-Legal Assistance for Victims Grants November 29th at 2:00 CST
-Study Documents High Costs and Impact of Intimate Partner Violence
-National Center on Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence web site
-Pre-Pregnancy Physical Abuse in Alaska

Elder Care News
Estrogen plus progestin increases risk of urge and stress incontinence within 4 months

Family Planning
-FDA Updates Labeling for Ortho Evra Contraceptive Patch
-DMPA bone mass loss is reversible
-Increased Risk of Oral Contraceptive Failure in Obese Women
-No evidence supports practice of switching oral contraceptives to treat headache
-Dietary Calcium Prevents Bone Loss in Oral Contraceptive Users
and more….

Featured Website
-USDA's main page on Avian Influenza

Frequently asked questions
-How do we treat tuberculosis in pregnancy?-Do adult women experience different symptoms of ADHD from men?

Indian Child Health Notes
-Phoning It In - Telepsychiatry Services for American Indians
-Hepatitis B - Is it Time for a Boost?
-A is as bad as B - Monitoring invasive Haemophilus A disease in Native American Children

Information Technology
-Want to learn more about the RPMS Women’s Health Package? Ongoing training available
-UpToDate Version 13.3 is now available
-RPMS Suicide Reporting Form now available

International Health
-Pregnancy, Travel and Malaria: A Precautionary Tale
-Return of children to areas impacted by flooding / hurricanes: Recommendations
-KNOW, PLAN, PACK: Disaster or Emergency Preparedness Plan for Women
-Tracking Health in Underserved Communities: Factline

MCH Alert
-Protecting Children in Foster Care
-Maternal cigarette consumption is a strong predictor of newborn birth weight percentile

Medical Mystery Tour
-The HCG curve has been redefined R/O ectopic. How else can you follow HCG ?
-What it accuracy of ultrasound in R/O ectopic?
- What type of ultrasound characteristics should we find?


Menopause Management
-Bioidentical Hormones: No scientific evidence to support claims of increased efficacy
-Estrogen Therapy and the Risk of Cognitive Decline

Midwives Corner
-Which Cord strikes a sour note?
-A Simple Method for Evaluating the Clinical Literature
-Eating Fish During Pregnancy Boosts Baby's Brainpower
-Low risk home births using CNMs: Similar intrapartum and neonatal mortality
-Elevated Uric Acid in Blood Linked To Preterm Births

Navajo News
Once a day gentamicin dosing intrapartum may provide better coverage for the fetus 

Nurses Corner
-Stressful workplaces and unfair bosses can raise cardiac risks
-Average age of nurses increases: By 2010, the average nurse will be over 45 years old

Office of Women’s Health, CDC
-Diabetes and Pregnancy: Frequently Asked Questions
-General Information and National Estimates on Diabetes in the United States, 2005
-Influenza Vaccination in Pregnancy: Practices Among Obstetrician-Gynecologists

Oklahoma Perspective
-Shoulder dystocia

Estrogen supplementation may be protective of BMD in adolescents who use DMPA

Patient Education
-Body Piercing: What You Should Know
-Respiratory Infections During Pregnancy
-Genital Herpes: What You Should Know
-Prenatal Diagnosis: Amniocentesis and CVS
-Ectopic Pregnancy: What You Should Know
and more….

Perinatology Picks
-Medical Management of Early Pregnancy Failure
-Papers of interest from the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine

Primary Care Discussion Forum
Rectal bleeding: Is it hemorrhoids? Morbidity and Mortality Rounds - Web Based

STD Corner
-Daily suppressive therapy is recommended for HSV-2 seropositive individuals
-HIV - Grade A recommendation: Screen high risk adolescents / adults, plus all pregnant
-Need to reassess screening young men to complement screening among young women
-Genital Herpes Screening: Recommendation Statement USPSTF
-Gonorrhea Screening: Recommendation Statement USPSTF
and more….

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Diabetes Prevention and Control
-Big Babies at Risk of Obesity Later in Life
-Pedometers may help couch potatoes get sorely needed exercise
-Rate of BMI Increase in Childhood Predicts Risk of Adult Heart Disease
-Just an additional 3200 steps a day, not 10,000 shows fitness gains
-Apple Shape Predicts Heart Attack Risk Better than BMI
and more….

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest

What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages

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Past CCC Corners

The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at

or 907 729 3154 (with voicemail)

*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the author of this newsletter. If you have any comments, please share them by joining the Primary Care Discussion Forum where this topic was recently discussed. To join the Primary Care Listserv, click on ‘Subscribe' here MCHdiscuss.asp


Dr. Neil Murphy is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Murphy is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to Native or indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact him by e-mail or phone at 907-729-3154.

Next › Abstract of the Month


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