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OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health, American Indian & Alaska Native

Volume 2, No. 10, October 2004

Direct Links to Topic Content: Abstract of the Month | From Your Colleagues | Hot Topics | Features

Links to Topic Summaries:


Abstract of the Month:

Premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and beyond: a clinical primer for practitioners.

From Your Colleagues:

From Biennial Meeting: Francis Byrn, M.D. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / Insulin Resistance

From Rosemary Bolza: Where is the OB package for new EHR?

From Katy Ciacco Palantinos : “ Informed Refusal" document when patients decline a procedure

From Terry Cullen: Commonwealth Fund/Harvard University Fellowship in Minority Health Policy

From Lori de Ravello: Eliminating health disparities in pregnancy; Celebrating Women's Health Research

From Sandra Dodge:
Goals for smoking in pregnancy: Healthy People 2010

Helpful lifestyle and diabetes data: mean weight, height, and body mass index; Access to care

From Sandy Haldane : Please share this with any AN/AI college students you know 

From Steve Holve: November Indian Child Health Notes: Highlights

From Jean Howe: Any solutions that can help the ongoing ‘Meth' crisis in your area?


From Judy Thierry: Periodontal Disease and Pregnancy Outcomes; Pregnancy Risk Assessment

Monitoring System (PRAMS) National Meeting:

From Rebecca Werner : Treatment for migraines in pregnant women

Hot Topics:


Early delivery associated with severe periodontal disease; Infant Mortality Rate Doubles with Short Umbilical Cord; Blunt Trauma in Pregnancy; Seat Belt Use During Pregnancy


Which Women Develop Fever Following Hysterectomy? Sacrocolpopexy consistently resolves vaginal vault prolapse; Primary and Secondary Syphilis with Oral Sex

Child Health:

SSRIs for children and adolescents should be prescribed judiciously; Lack of Progress in physical activity in high school students; Inhalant Abuse and Dependence Among Adolescents; Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis ; Measures of sexual orientation in adolescent health surveys

Chronic Illness and Disease:

Complementary Therapies in Primary Care Patients With Arthritis


AFP: Postmenopausal Estrogen and Cognitive Function; Blood Loss of 80 mL or More Poorly Defines Menorrhagia; Many Pap Smears Unnecessary After HysterectomyProphylactic Cerclage in Women with a Short Cervix; Misoprostol for Uterine Evacuation in Missed Abortion; Postmenopausal Estrogen Therapy and Dementia

ACOG: Inappropriate Use of the Terms Fetal Distress and Birth Asphyxia; Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescents; Multiple Gestation: Complicated Twin, Triplet, and High-Order Multifetal Pregnancy: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescents; Guidelines for Adolescent Health Research

AHRQ: Studies show that obesity affects mammography accuracy and screening rates; Initial surfactant treatment to prevent respiratory distress in very premature infants is often delayed in routine practice; Diagnosis of pain by primary care doctors is influenced by pain severity, patient sex, and physician practice style

Breastfeeding: Workplace lactation program resource kit available

Domestic Violence: November 1, 2004:  Violence against Native women Discussion

Elder Care News: Pharmacologic Prevention of Osteoporotic Fractures

Family Planning: Accuracy of Early Results with Home Pregnancy Test Kits

Frequently asked questions: Should we perform routine urine dipstick protein screening in our prenatal clinic? When should antenatal testing start after an intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD)?

Hormone Replacement Update: ACOG Issues State-of-the-Art Guide to Hormone Therapy

ACOG Frequently Asked Questions About Hormone Therapy for Patients; Phytoestrogens do not improve hot flushes or other menopausal symptoms

Information Technology: Parklawn Library has a new identity International Health: Effectiveness of Condoms in Reducing Heterosexual Transmission of HIV

MCH Alert: New edition of adolescent pregnancy prevention knowledge path released

Office of Women’s Health, CDC: Social Determinants of Health at the Local Level

Osteoporosis: Surgeon General encourages bone health throughout the lifespan

Patient Education: Seat Belt Use During Pregnancy: Patient Education

Primary Care Discussion Forum: November 1, 2004:  Violence against Native women Discussion; February 1, 2005:  Surgery for obesity?

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Diabetes Prevention and Control: Is your diabetic patient non-adherent? Maybe she is depressed? Doctors' Interpersonal Skills Valued More than Their Training or Being Up-to-Date

What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages:

Save the Dates

I.H.S. / A.C.O.G. Postgraduate Course: Obstetric, Neonatal, and Gynecologic Care

  • June 19 - 23, 2005
  • Denver , CO (Click the ‘Save the Dates' link above for details)


Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN

Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

The September 2004 OB/GYN CCC Corner is available at:


Here is the September Table of Contents

Abstract of the Month :                page 2

Overview of the WISEWOMAN Projects: Health Promotion for Disadvantaged Women


From your colleagues:                  page 3

From Biennial Women's Health / MCH Meeting: Multiple slide sets presented

From George Gilson: New Perinatology Corner module: Free CME / CEUs from IHS - Preterm Labor and Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes

From Sandy Haldane: Save the dates - AWHONN 2005 Convention June 11-15, 2005 Salt Lake City , UT

From Steve Holve: September Indian Child Health Notes

From Jane Powers : Office for Victims of Crime - Child Abuse Project

From Lori de Ravello : Focus groups of Y-K Delta Alaska Natives: attitudes toward tobacco use and tobacco dependence interventions

From Laura Shelby: CDC, Sexually Transmitted Disease Training Log; Starting a School-Based Chlamydia Screening and Treatment Program

From Judy Thierry: You Need to…Prepare for the Baby's Arrival- New poster; Tobaccco Cessation PCC+ form available online; March of Dimes PeriStats Web Site: Your online source for perinatal statistics; LEARN about perinatal periods of risk and National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review City MatCH / Healthy Start


Hot Topics:

Obstetrics:                    page 7

Treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and risk of preterm delivery; Outpatient cervical ripening: Successful; Use of Vitamins Containing Folic Acid Among Women of Childbearing; Delaying Epidural Not Necessary During Labor; Resistance exercise may help to avoid insulin therapy for overweight women with GDM; Intracervical (rather than posterior fornix) placement of dinoprostone decreases time to delivery; Venlafaxine Associated With Neonatal Complications ; Complementary and alternative medicine for labor pain

Gynecology:                    page 8

LEEP - not the best for treating young women who have not completed reproduction; JCAHO Sentinel events: Major issues – Communication, teamwork, and staff competency; Surgical Prophylaxis: Start early and keep it simple; Start GYN prophylaxis 60 minutes prior to surgery;

GYN surgery involving the rectum or colon: Prophylaxis; Pelvic floor physiotherapy is effective treatment for persistent postnatal SUI; Estimating blood loss: can teaching significantly improve visual estimation? High intrauterine pressure improves success in thermal balloon endometrial ablation; Serious complications associated with global endometrial ablation not yet reported;

Stress urinary incontinence affects one third of adult women and is usually reduced or eliminated with either nonsurgical or surgical therapy; Self-testing for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA is feasible for cervical cancer screening; Efficacy of Cone Biopsy of the Uterine Cervix During Frozen Section for the Evaluation of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade 3

Child Health:                    page 11

No benefit seen for suctioning meconium-stained newborns; Role of vaginal douching in the reproductive health of adolescents and young women; Whole environment intervention improves asthma associated morbidity in children; SIDS Resource kits available; Protecting our children from environmental hazards in the face of limited data

Chronic Illness and Disease:                page 12

Tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention: a framework for clinical decisions; New cholesterol guidelines pose a challenge for doctors and patients; Broken Promises - What is the status of American Indian / Alaska Native Health?


Features:                    page 14

AFP: Misoprostol Therapy for Incomplete Abortion; Estrogen Sources Have Similar Effects; Women Have Greater Analgesia from Butorphanol than Morphine; Genital Herpes: Clinical Evidence Concise; Making Decisions with Families at the End of Life

ACOG: Management of Postterm Pregnancy; Guidelines for Diagnostic Imaging During Pregnancy

AHRQ: The Worst Headache: Web M + M; Treatment of high cholesterol in women should be based on all risk factors for heart disease, not just lipid levels; Child abuse is associated with increased risk of death in young children with abdominal injuries; Women who undergo hysterectomy for abnormal uterine bleeding report improved health-related quality of life

Breastfeeding: Babies Were Born to Be Breastfed: Few Babies Breastfed Long; Breastfeeding Protects Against Asthma and Atopy

Domestic Violence: Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day: October 13 th ; The Legacy of Child Maltreatment: Long-Term Health Consequences for Women

Elder Care News: Effect of Raloxifene on the Incidence of Elevated Low Density Lipoprotein

Family Planning: Emergency Contraception

Frequently asked questions: Should we perform routine urine dipstick protein screening in our prenatal clinic?

Hormone Replacement Update : One our four women who attempt to stop HRT are unsuccessful

Information Technology: Ten Questions to Ask Before Buying an Electronic Medical Record

International Health: Routine cervical cancer screening constitutes nearly two thirds of total annual cervical HPV-related health care costs ; Sprawl: The New Manifest Destiny? Health Effects

MCH Alert: New Report Maps Women's Health in the U.S. ; A new PeriStats database and Web interface increases access to detailed MCH data in US; New ways to measure quality in Child Health Programs - Toolbox, AHRQ

Medscape: Safety and Efficacy of Testosterone in Menopausal Women: Restoring Sexual Desire

Office of Women's Health, CDC: Can Changes in Sexual Behaviors Among High School Students Explain the Decline in Teen Pregnancy Rates in the 1990s?

Osteoporosis: Vitamin D and Derivatives Should Not Be Administered Concurrently With Doxercalciferol

Patient Education: Emergency Contraception; End-Of-Life Choices for Families; Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Pharmacists' Role in Patient Education

Primary Care Discussion Forum: November 1, 2004: Violence against Native women

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Diabetes Prevention and Control: Weight predicts diabetes; Soda Increases Risk of Diabetes 83%; New Diet Guidelines Call for More Exercise and Grains; Diabetes Triples Risk of Heart Failure for Women; Health Disparities among Minority and Underserved Women ; NIH: School Based Interventions to Prevent Obesity

What's new on the ITU MCH web pages:            page 21

The past CCC Corners are archived at: C H/M/OBGYN02.cfm#top


The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at

or 907 729 3154 (with voicemail)


*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the author of this newsletter. If you have any comments, please share them by joining the Primary Care Discussion Forum where this topic was recently discussed. To join the Primary Care Listserv, click on ‘Subscribe' here


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Dr. Neil Murphy is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Murphy is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to Native or indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact him by e-mail or phone at 907-729-3154.