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OB/GYN CCC Corner - Maternal Child Health, American Indian & Alaska Native

Volume 3, No. 1, January 2005

News Flash(s)

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ACOG / IHS – Total Women’s Health and Neonatal Course:      June 19-23, 2005

IHS Advanced Colposcopy course / Refresher Workshop:         March 30 – April 1, 2005


New Features:

Ask a Librarian:             Diane Cooper

Midwives Corner:           Marsha Tahquechi

What’s new in STDs?:    Laura Shelby

Direct Links to Topic Content: Abstract of the Month | From Your Colleagues | Hot Topics | Features

Links to Topic Summaries:


Abstract of the Month:

Limit use of Depo Provera to 2 consecutive years only: Black Box Warning from the FDA

From Your Colleagues:

Burt Attico: Smoking During Pregnancy Tied to Gestational Diabetes Risk

Donna Brown: Hand foot and mouth disease in pregnancy

Terry Cullen: IHS prenatal assessment form - ETOH, tobacco, substances, DV, other issues

George Gilson: Which fetal heart rate / contraction patterns are worrisome with misoprostol use?

Steve Holve: Oral Rehydration Solution: 5 articles – January Indian Child Health Notes

Chuck North: Serving Native American Communities

Lori de Ravello: National Summit on Preconception

Judy Thierry: Birth Simulator for Shoulder Dystocia - Rubin's maneuver requires least traction

Hot Topics:


-Highest percentage ever reported in the United States: Cesarean Delivery

-Alcohol Consumption Among Women Who Are Pregnant, or Who Might Become Pregnant

-Normalizing blood pressure rapidly and reducing the need for antihypertensive therapy

-Preterm premature rupture of membranes: Optimal gestational age for delivery?

-Factor V Leiden polymorphism is associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia


-Passive smoking increases the risk of cervical neoplasia

-Consumer Reports Magazine Rates Condoms, Reviews 16 Other Contraceptive Methods

Child Health:

-Social Norms and Friends’ Influences on weight control behavior: Adolescent girls

-Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing

Chronic Illness and Disease:

-Bariatric Surgery May Be a Viable Treatment Option for Severe Obesity: 2 articles

-The Recognition of Depression: The Primary Care Clinician's Perspective

-High Folate Intake May Reduce Risk of Hypertension in Women

-Women With Diabetes Do Worse After Stenting

-Premature birth and later insulin resistance



- Imaging for Suspected Appendicitis


- Intrauterine Device - ACOG Practice Bulletin NUMBER 59

-EC does not increase promiscuity or unprotected sex among women, nor does it cause women to abandon their regular birth control methods


-Wrong Site "Near Miss" – Web M+M -Surgery

Ask a Librarian:

- Great New Resource: MD Consult available: Many journals at your fingertips


- Free website for medications and breastfeeding that is useful and credible

- State Legislation on Breastfeeding    

Domestic Violence:

-Sexual assault is associated with significantly higher levels of PTSD

-Just finished….. Domestic Violence in Native Women – Primary Care Forum Summary

Elder Care News:

-Co-incidence of Alzheimer’s and cerebrovascular disease accelerates cognitive decline

-Native Americans Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) Grants

-Palliative Care resource for hospitals and clinics

Family Planning:

-Being overweight may increase the risk of becoming pregnant while using OCs

-EC does not cause women to abandon their regular birth control methods

Frequently asked questions:

-The ‘quad’ second trimester screening test is expensive. Is it worth it?

-What are the best cut-offs to use while monitoring diabetes in pregnancy therapy?

-How does birth interval affect the repeat cesarean vs. vaginal delivery decision?

-Are there alternatives to insulin / diet in diabetes and pregnancy? Glyburide? Others?

-How many colposcopies in a year does a non-OB/GYN provider need to perform?

Hormone Replacement Update:

-Venlafaxine significantly decreases postmenopausal patient-perceived hot flush score

Information Technology:

- Electronic Health Record: Overview, Implementation & Lessons Learned - Course

International Health:

-Lifelong accumulated racial discrimination by African American: Preterm delivery

MCH Alert:

-National Birth Defects Prevention Month


-Are Vaginal Symptoms Ever Normal? A Review of the Literature

Midwives Corner:

-Midwives Serving Indian Country

Office of Women’s Health, CDC:

-Marriage may be good for you

-Explaining the 2001-02 Infant Mortality Increase: Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set


-Alendronate is safe and effective: Can carry treatment out ten years without concern
-Effect of Vitamin D on falls: a meta-analysis

Patient Education:

-Maternal Child Health Patient Education: new web page envisioned

Primary Care Discussion Forum:

-Surgery for obesity? February 2005

-Just finished….. Domestic Violence in Native Women – Primary Care Forum Summary

What's new in Sexually Transmitted Diseases?:

-Preventive Health Care Seeking Among Adolescents: The Gonorrhea Community Action Project

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Diabetes Prevention and Control:

-The 'Polymeal' Cuts Heart Disease by 76% - Recipe for Life
Depression Increases Insulin Resistance, Diabetes in Middle-Aged Women
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005

What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages:

Save the Dates Upcoming events of interest   


Did you miss something in the last OB/GYN

Chief Clinical Consultant Corner?

The December 2004 OB/GYN CCC Corner is available at:


Here is the December Topic Summaries

Abstract of the Month:                                                                                page 3

The tension free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure is ‘coming of age’


From your colleagues:                                                          page 4

Katy Ciacco Palatianos: Closing the Quality Gap

James M. Galloway: Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease & Diabetes Among AI / AN

Steve Holve: Indian Child Health Notes – December

Carol Koeble: New Perinatal HIV Hotline 1-800-933-3413

Joan Koval: You Will Love HypnoBirthing Clients

From Bob Laliberte: Locum tenens availability

Marian Mehegan: Region X Regional OWH Women's Health Meeting, Jan 24, 2005 Portland

Chuck North: Advances in Indian Health – Save the dates

Laura Shelby: New HPV web page is now available on CDC web site

Marsha Tahquechi: How can I get ACOG materials when I am not a member of ACOG?

Judy Thierry: Media: oral contraceptives protects against heart disease, stroke, and other CVD

Preventive oral health supervision resource: maternal and child periods

Poison Control: Great parent / provider / community web site

New NCHS Reports: 2002 Lined Births/Infant Deaths and 2003 Births

HIV AIDS – AI / AN data

-and more

Alan Waxman: Ideal course for og/gyns, FPs and APCs currently doing colposcopy or in their preceptorships; Colposcopy "certification” for the non-OB/GYN provider?


Hot Topics:

Obstetrics:                                                                           page 8

-Resources to help women make birth decisions: vaginal vs cesarean, pelvic floor issues

-Fear of Childbirth Following Instrumental Vaginal Delivery

-IHS prenatal assessment form - ETOH, tobacco, substances, DV, other home issues

-Vaginal Delivery After Prior Cesarean Delivery May Have Low Absolute Risk 

-Multiple Prenatal Ultrasound Examinations Do Not Hinder Child Development

-and more


Gynecology:                                                                          page 10

-Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Is Successful in Half of Patients Treated

-Health Care Seeking Among Urban Minority Adolescent Firls: The Crisis at Sexual Debut
-Local analgesia in laparascopy: a reandomized trial

- Long-term treatment of menorrhagia with Mirena ™ versus endometrial resection

- Anal incontinence after vaginal delivery: a five-year prospective cohort study

-and more

Child Health:                                                                           page 11

- Parents may believe that they are not completely in control of their children's television

- Exposure to even one cigarette raised the odds of future smoking

- Teen contraceptive use has become more effective since 1995

- A Practical Guide to Infant Oral Health

- Prevalence of Overweight Among Anchorage Children

-and more


Chronic Illness and Disease:                                                     page 11

- Getting Sufficient Sleep May Help Reduce Weight Gain

- The Patient with Daily Headaches

- Cranberry for Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections

- Pharmacologic and Surgical Treatment of Obesity

- Use of Traditional Foods in a Healthy Diet in Alaska


Features:                                                                                   page 12

-Is Exercise an Effective Therapy for Menopausal Hot Flushes?

-MRI vs. Mammography in High-Risk Patients

-Calcium and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer

-Link Between Metformin and Lactic Acidosis?

-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

-and more

Ultrasonography in Pregnancy

-Informed Refusal

-The Uninsured

-Partner Consent for Participation in Women's Reproductive Health Research

- Prehypertension is a considerable health risk, particularly in people aged 45 and older

-Breastfeeding Practices: Results from the Immunization Survey

Domestic Violence:
Washington Post Three-Day Series Examines Homicide of Pregnant Women, New Mothers

-Sexual Violence: CDC Activities

Elder Care News:
-Prevent falls and prevent injuries from falls that occur: VA Toolkit

Family Planning:
-Do Combination Contraceptives Cause Weight Gain?

-Advanced provision of emergency contraception did not reduce abortion rates

Frequently asked questions:
-What is the best screening cut-off for gestational diabetes mellitus?

-Does tubal ligation reduce the risk of ovarian cancer?

-Do we have an Indian health policy on positive skin tests in pregnancy for TB?

-Should INH therapy be withheld in women, or men, over 35 years old?

-Should breastfeeding be discouraged during antituberculosis therapy?

Hormone Replacement Update:
-Effects of Hormone Therapy on Urinary Incontinence

-NAMS Issues Statement on Treatment of Hot Flashes

Information Technology:

-Internet Med: Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) Reference Desk

International Health:

-100,000 Excess Civilian Iraqi Deaths Since War; Health policy summer internship available to minority college students; Applied Epidemiology Fellowship in Maternal and Child Health

MCH Alert:
-Adolescent pregnancy intentions and pregnancy outcomes

-Iraq War Is Public Health Disaster, Report Finds

-Individualizing Hormone Therapy for the Surgically Menopausal Woman

Midwives Corner:

-New avenue to share midwifery ideas and resources: Starting January 2005

Office of Women’s Health, CDC:
-Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2002 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set

-Bed Rest During Pregnancy Associated With Bone Loss

Patient Education:

-Your Baby's Teeth


-Rebound Headaches

-What You Should Know About Genital Warts

Primary Care Discussion Forum:

- February 1, 2005:  Surgery for obesity? Moderator: Hope Baluh

Barbara Stillwater, Alaska Diabetes Prevention and Control:

-Preemies Prone to 'Pre-Diabetes

-AHA Updates Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women 

-Certificate in Public Health Via Partial Distance Accepting Applications

-Ask Cosmo about the National Library of Medicine

What’s new on the ITU MCH web pages                                                                     page 19

Save the Dates: Upcoming events of interest                                                              page 20


The past CCC Corners are archived at: C H/M/OBGYN02.cfm#top


The CCC Corner is good way to inform ITU providers about recent updates, while decreasing the number of e-mail messages.

Let me know if you want to add something to next month's CCC Corner at or 907 729 3154 (with voicemail)  


*The opinions expressed in the OB/GYN CCC Corner are strictly those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Indian Health System, or the author of this newsletter. If you have any comments, please share them by joining the Primary Care Discussion Forum where this topic was recently discussed. To join the Primary Care Listserv, click on 'Subscribe' here


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Dr. Neil Murphy is the Obstetrics and Gynecology Chief Clinical Consultant (OB/GYN C.C.C.). Dr. Murphy is very interested in establishing a dialogue and/or networking with anyone involved in women's health or maternal child health, especially as it applies to Native or indigenous peoples around the world. Please don't hesitate to contact him by e-mail or phone at 907-729-3154.

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This file last modified: Wednesday December 29, 2004  1:16 PM