PREV........NEXT........INDEX........NEW SEARCH

An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


Pennsylvania. Governor. William C. Sproul.
Pennsylvania. Governor. William F. Packer.
Pennsylvania. Govrnor Edwin S. Stuart.
Pennsylvania. Land office.
Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc.
Pennsylvania. Laws. statutes, etc.
Pennsylvania. Supreme Court.
Pennsylvania. Supreme Executive Council.
Pennsylvania. Third Congressional district.
Pennsylvania. Treasury Dept.
Pennsylvania.Governor.1808-1817 (Simon Snyder).
Penny, Virginia.
People's own.
People's party. Massachusetts.
People's ticket. Mass.
Peoples Union. Boston.
Perkins, Ephraim.
Perry, Benjamin Franklin 1805-1886.
Perry, Mrs. Sara Abbott Woods.
Perth Amboy Seminary.
Perth-Amboy. N. J. Perth Amboy church.
Peterboro, N. Y. Church of Peterboro.
Petersen's American aerial navigation co.
Peterson, J. S .
Phalon, Edward.
Phelan, Michael.
Phelps, A. A.
Phelps, Jonathan.
Philadelphia and California enterprise association.
Philadelphia and Columbia, and Allegheny railways.
Philadelphia orchestra. Women's committee.
Philadelphia society for the establishment and support of charity schools.
Philadelphia weekly union.
Philadelphia, P. In Council of Safety.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa. 9th Precinct 15th ward.
Philadelphia, Pa. Central colored Presbyterian church.
Philadelphia, Pa. Citizens.
Philadelphia, Pa. Committee Chamber.
Philadelphia, Pa. Committee for tarring and feathering.
Philadelphia, Pa. Council of Safety.
Philadelphia, Pa. Founder's week committee.
Philadelphia, Pa. Mayor. William S. Stokley.
Philadelphia, Pa. Patriotischen gesellschaft.
Philadelphia, Pa. Sheriff Morton McMichael.
Philadelphia, Pa. Sheriff. Jenry Lelar.
Philadelphia, Pa. Sheriff. Morton McMichael.
Philadelphia, Pa. Sherrif. John Thompson.
Philadelphia, Pa. Soldiers home.
Philadelphia, Pa. Supreme Court.
Philadelphia, Pa. Walnut Street Theatre.
Philadelphia, Penn. Citizens.
Philadelphia, Penn. Committee for the relief of the Greeks.
Philadelphia, Penn. Town meeting.
Philadelphia, Penn. Ward committees.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Citizens.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Committee of inspection and observation.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Health officer.
Philadelphia. Children's asylum.
Philadelphia. Citizens.
Philadelphia. Citizens municipal reform association.
Philadelphia. Citizens' municipal reform association.
Philadelphia. Conveyancers' association.
Philadelphia. Council of safety.
Philadelphia. Great Central Fair for the U. S. Sanitary commission.
Philadelphia. Great Central fair for the U. S. Sanitary commission.
Philadelphia. Great central fair for the U. S. Sanitary commission.
Philadelphia. Pa. Committee for tarring and feathering.
Philadelphia. Pa. New Theatre.
Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Marshal's office.
Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Mayor, William Hudson.
Philadelphia. Schuylkill River bridge.
Philadelphia. Select and Common Councils.
Philadelphia. United Churches of Christ-Church, St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church.
Philips, P.
Phillips, Henry.
Phillips, Wendell.
Philopatris [pseud].
Philosophic hat.
Piatti, Francis.
Pic, Francis.
Pickens, F. W.
Pickering, Timothy.
Pierpont, Hez. B.
Pierpont, J.
Pierrepont, William C.
Pierson, Josiah G.
Pinckney, Charles.
Pinkerton, Allan.
Pinkney, Frederick.
Pioneer fire company.
Pitcher, Nathaniel.
Pitman, Isaac.
Pitman, John.
Pitt, William.
Pitt, William 1st earl of Chatham, 1700-1778.

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