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An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


An address to the people of the free states by the President of the Southern Confederacy. Richmond, January 5, 1863 ... Jefferson Davis. Richmond Enquirer Print. 1863.

An address to the people of the free states by the President of the Southern confederacy. Richmond, January 5, 1863. [Richmond Enquirer. Print. [1863].

An address to the public, from the Pennsylvania Society for promoting the abolition of slavery, and the relief of free negroes, unlawfully held in bondage ... Signed by order of the Society, B. Franklin, President. Philadelphia, 9th of November,

Address to the soldiers. Gentlemen. You are about to embark for America, to compel your fellow subjects there to submit to popery and slavery. It is the glory of the British soldier, that he is the defender, not the destroyer, of the civil and r

An address to the true-born sons of liberty in the government of the Massachusetts-Bay. [Signed] A Countryman. [1765].

An address to the voters for electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, in the State of Virginia ... Alexandria Printed by Wm. Fowler [180-].

An address, and the constitution, of the Bible and common prayer book society, established in the City of Albany and its vicinity, A.D. 1810. Albany. H. Packard, printer, [1810].

The address, petition, and remonstrance of the city of London, to the King, in favour of the Americans, and their resolves, presented to his Majesty, July 5, 1775.

An address, to the voters for electors of President and Vice President of the United States in the State of Virginia ... The American Republic ticket. [List of electors with districts] Richmond, 26th May, 1800. By order of the Committee entruste

Address, to the young men of the County of Essex. Newark, Dec. 20, 1827.

Address. In the Convention of the colored people of the Southern states, begun to be holden in the City of Columbia, South Carolina, on Wednesday, the eighteenth day of October 1871.

Addresses to the citizens of Pennsylvania calculated to shew the safety - advantages - and necessity of adopting the proposed constitution of the United States. In which are included answers to the objections that have been made to it. Philadelp

Adj't Gen. Schouler's letter of the nomination of Gen. Benj. F. Butler. Lynn, Oct. 25th, 1866.

An adjourned meeting of gentlemen proposing to form a Scientific association in the City of Washington, under the above title, will be held at the Rooms of the Young men's Christian association ... January 21, at 8 o'clock P. M. [Washington, D.

An adjourned meeting. At a very large meeting of the citizens of Washington, held at the City Hall, on Friday evening the 3rd inst., ... That this meeting adjourn till to-morrow evening at 6 o'clock ... [Washington, 1837].

An adjourned meeting. This evening, at six o'clock, will be held at the City Hall, in the Court Room. Working men, fellow citizens, now is the only time which is left us, to throw off the chains which at present bind us, and paralyze our energie

Adjourned sale of real estate. The undersigned will sell at public auction on Wednesday, January 13th, 1858. at 12 o'clock, M., that certain farm of land, situated in the town of Brunswick, known as the William Van Vleck farm ... Geo. H. Herman,

Adjutant General's office, Columbus, 10th April, 1838. To Sir: By a resolution of the last General Assembly, I am directed to contract with Captain S. Cooper of the United States' army, for a late work of which he is the author ... The number of

Adjutant General's office, Richmond, February 6th, 1815. General orders.

Adjutant and Inspector general's office. Sir Your letter, declining to remain in the army of the peace establishment, has been received. You will report your resignation to your immediate commanding officer, and as soon as you are relieved from

Administration convention. At a convention of members of both branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, holden in the hall of the House of representatives, in Boston on Tuesday the 10th day of June 1828, for the purpose of designating suitab

Administrator's sale!! By virtue of a decree from the Circuit Court of Jersey county, and State of Illinois ... I shall offer at public sale, on the premises, on Wednesday, Dec. 1, ... the following real estate, of which Aaron Hamilton ... died

Admit bearer to the soup & bones convention, at the Shenanagan Wigman. By order of the Bread and butter brigade. J. Davis, Cor. Sec'y. [n. p. 1867?].

Adopted Citizens to your Posts! You who are the friends of Robert Dale Owens and Miss Florence Wright, and who are in favor of abolishing the unjust marriage law ... Again we say to the polls! and vote for the following candidates. For governor

Adopted citizens - The truth of history. [Washington, D. C. 186-?].

Adrian College, Adrian, Mich. founded March, 1859. Will be opened for the reception of students December 1st, 1859 ... [Adrian, Mich] Watchtower steam press. [1859].

Adulteration of wines. Committee on ways and means. Washington, D. C., February 16, 1882.

Advance on sterling at $4.44 the L. [n. p.] [c.1862].

The advantages of small colleges. Address of President Gates at the dinner of the alumni of Rutgers College, given March 30th at the Hotel Brunswick, in this city, President Gates said ... [1883].

The advantages of the national banking system. [Washington, D. C. 1880?].

Advertisement and description of the Philosophic hat. The philosophic hat, invented by Jonathan Dennis Jr. of Portsmouth, in the county of Newport, State of Rhode Island, for which a patent was granted, dated 5th month, (May) 2d, 1843 ... [n. p.

An advertisement having appeared, signed Andrew Marschalk, accusing me the subscriber, of having come to his father's house, and telling him" that if he voted against Mr. Scott, the Board of Commerce, would give him the inspecting of all the flo

Advertisement of great importance to the public. The specious reason assigned by Alexander Robertson, in Mr. Gaine's last paper, relative to his attempting to introduce into this City certain goods therein mentioned contrary to the agreement sub

Advertisement, Perth-Amboy, September 17, 1745, Whereas sundry of the purchasors at Romopock, have neglected to come to the Trustees of the Council of Proprietors at Perth Amboy to get their deed ... By order of the Council of Proprietors. Laur.

Advertisement. A late publication signed "Agricola", having been commented upon with some degree of asperity, and without regard to the facts therein set forth, has been held up in the light of an invidious attack. [Offering to reply under his o

*Advertisement. As the aggreements entered into by the merchants and traders of the town of Boston, and published by their order in all the newspapers, to restrict the importation and sale of British goods in this town. We the masters of th ship

Advertisement. At a general meeting of the Committee of mechanicks ... give their voices for the five following persons, or to choose such others as they may think proper. Isaac Low, Philip Livingston, John Jay, Leonhard Lispenard Alex. M'Dougal

Advertisement. Boston. January 15, 1752. For the encouragement of the raising and well-curing and dressing of flax within this Province a premium of twenty-two dollars is hereby offered to the person who shall this year produce the greatest quan

Advertisement. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court-House, in Norris-Town, in the County of Montgomery, on Wednesday, the 11th of November next, at Twelve o'Clock-four contiguous trac

Advertisement. The committee of correspondence in New-York, having on Monday night last proceeded to the nomination of five persons to go as delegates for said City and County, on the proposed General Congress at Philadelphia, on the 1st of Sept

Advertisement. The enemies of the liberty of America, being unwearied in misrepresenting the attachment of the inhabitants of this City, to the common cause of this country, to the neighbouring colonies, a number of the citizens think it highly

Advertisement. The humane society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, actuated by the same benevolent disposition to mitigate the miseries, and preserve the lives of their fellow men ... Boston, January 3, 1788.

Advertisement. The members of the Association of the Sons of Liberty, are requested to meet at the City-Hall, at one o'clock, to-morrow (being Friday) on business of the utmost importance;--and every other friend to the liberties, and trade of A

Advertisement. The proprietors of the Kennebeck purchase from the late colony of New-Plymouth, having much at heart the settlement of the Eastern Country; - and knowing how greatly the settlement of their particular tract would conduce thereto h

Advertisement. This is to give notice, that houses can be preserved from fires without great expense, by painting them with a composition lately discovered, which not only hinders them from being burned, but also extinguishes the flames ... The

Advertisement. To be sold by public vendue, on Thursday the 14th of April next, at the House of Abraham Post, Tavern Keeper, at Sagerties. Six thousand acres of land. Situate to the north of, and adjoining the line between the counties of Albany

Advertisement. Watertown. January 26, 1776. Ran away from the custody of the messenger of the General Court, a certain Dr. Samuel Gelston, belonging to Nantucket; a short well fed man; had on when he went away a reddish sheepskin coat, dress’d w

Advertisement. Whereas a small number of persons met last night in a private manner, at the house of Mr. Bolton, in order to nominate persons to take the sense of the inhabitants, --- whether an importation shall take place, notwithstanding the

Advertisement. Whereas there was an advertisement in the Boston News Letter the 4th & 11th days of this instant October, giving notice to the subscribers in the partnership for circulating bills or notes, founded on land-security, for meeting on

Advice and suggestions to increase the comforts of persons in humble circumstances. Philadelphia, Jan, 25, 1832.

Advice. If wisdom's heights you wish to climb, And order's laws embrace; For ev'ry thing have you a time: Put each thing in its place. Un Imprimeur. City of Washington, June 22, 1826.

Advices from Philadelphia, dated July 23, 1774. "The Committee from the several counties of this Province, met in this City the 15th instant, and have been very busy ever since in framing instructions to the Assembly, with which they were permit

Aerial navigation. It is extensively known that the undersigned has by theory and practical experiment so fully proved and demonstrated the practicability of aerial navigation, that all who have examined the subject are convinced ... It appears

Affectionately dedicated to father J.B. Byrne. There is no profession in the world more honorable than that of a good priest ... St. Matthew's, August 23, 1857. [Washington, D. C. 1857].

After the Prickings and Half-Hurts. Part Five of Robin Lampson's "Laughter out of the Ground". Printed by the Grabhorn Press to commemorate an evening at the Emporium Book Shop on the sixth of September, 1935. San Francisco, 1935.

Afternoon dancing school Joseph B. Brown. respectfully gives notice to the citizens of Boston and vicinity, that his afternoon winter term for young ladies, misses, and masters will commence on Wednesday, December 11th at 3 o'clock ... [Boston 1

Agave Americana fol. var. striped leaved American Aloe, or Century plant. Drawn & engraved on wood by Geo. Frauenberger, Rochester, N. Y. [c. 1869].

Age of improvement. Look to your interest!! The subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he has bought the exclusive right of vending machines, and making shingles!! in the Counties of Madison and St. Clair, Ill. ... Alfred Shannan.

The age- Extra. Augusta, May 17, 1848. In Legislative convention met according to adjournment, to take into consideration a resolution offered at a previous meeting, in relation to a candidate for President of the United States, and the followin

Agency for the settlement of land and military claims, &c. Joseph T. Walker offers his services to his friends and the public, to attend to the prosecution of claims before Congress, or the several Departments of the government ... Washington, D

The agents of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank offer the following proposals, to the Legislature; either of which the Company will agree to accept: ... [n. d.].

Agreed that the principles and designs of men are to be tried by their actions. "I thank thee, Jew, I have thee on the hip." 1. Has Mr. William Smith denied any one of the facts stated in the queries? No- If he had denied them, they could be pro

An agreement made this second day of April eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, between George Bancroft, of the first part, and Charles C. Little and James Brown, of the second part, to with [Together with] An agreement made this eighteenth day of

Agricultural improvement in Virginia, Maryland, Carolina, &c ... John S. Skinner ... Henry O'Rielly. December, 1844.

"Daily Democratic press." Extra! Printing for the million!! at the Daily Democratic press steam printing house ... Chicago ... Democratic press office. May 14th, 1855.

The Ainsa meteorite of the Smithsonian museum ... [Washington, D. C. n. d.].

[Make up copy, prepared for the printer, of patent medicines, etc. for sale by Joseph L. Peabody. durggist and apothecary, Center Market space. City of Washington.] [n. d.].

Al pueblo Amricano ... Nueva York 3 de Enero de 1870.

Alabama. Lists of claimants against the United States for property alleged to have been taken or furnished for the use of the Union armies: it being represented that during the late revellion the sympathies of these claimants were constantly wit

An alarm to the Freemen and electors of Pennsylvania. Friends and countrymen. The day is now approaching on which you are to determine whether Pennsylvania shall enjoy a free and just government or be ruled by the arbitrary wills of a few men wh

Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! A scheme has been discovered. The Federalists are raising money; they are hiring men to go through the whole city in search of electors to gain their votes, they are sending their lawyers in every direction and in every corn

The alarm, Number IV. My dear Fellow Citizens. The pernicious effects of the intended importation of the East-India company's teas, in a commercial view, were in general pointed out to you in my last number ... [Signed] Hampden. New York, Octobe

The alarm. Number I. My dear Fellow Citizens The chief end of all free governments, is the protection of property, from injuries within and without it ... [Signed] Hampden. New York, October 6th, 1773.

The alarm. Number II. My dear Fellow Citizens, It was fully proved to you in my first number, that the East-India company obtained their exclusive privilege of trade to that country, by Bribery and corruption ... [Signed] Hampden. New York, Octo

The alarm. Number III. My dear Fellow Citizens. I have in my preceding numbers, considered the consequences of the East-India company's monopoly of that trade, as it respects the Mother Country ... [Signed] Hampden. New York. October 15th, 1773.

The alarm. Number V. My dear Fellow Citizens. You have been informed by the last vessel from London, that the duty will be paid there on tea imported to America ... [Signed] Hampden. New York. October 27th, 1773.

The Alaska purchase. Letter of Hon. Joseph S. Wilson, commissioner of the General land office. [Washington, D. C. May 12, 1868].

Albany Register Extra. The voice of truth. To the electors of the State of New York. Understanding that many misrepresentations are incessantly circulated concerning the accounts of Daniel D. Tompkins with this state, the corresponding committee

Albany northern railroad. Passenger route between New-York & Montreal ... New York, 1856.

Albany. 19th February, 1789. Gentlemen. One of the most important elections is soon to take place, that can possibly engage the attention of a free people---it is for a Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, a continental representative, state senators

Albany. February 16, 1798. Connecticut Gore. On Wednesday last the House of Assembly, agreeable to the order of the day, proceeded to the consideration of the message of his Excellency the Governor, and the papers from the Connecticut Gore Compa

The Albert M. Bender Room, reading and administrative center for the Division of Special Collections ... Warren W. Ferris scripsit.

Alderman Blagge's case. This gentleman was, by the unanimous suffrages of Montgomerie Ward, elected on the 29th of September last, as the Magistrate of that ward; and before his qualification, was appointed and sworn into the Office of Coroner f

[Valentine] N. Y., Strong [184-?].

[Valentine in form of a bank note. Philadelphia c. 1852].

[Valentine. n. p., 184-?].

The algic magazine and annals of Indian affairs ... [Prospectus] New York, July 6th, 1841.

... Alien enemies. We have been favored with a copy of the opinion delivered by chief justice Tilghman, in the case of Charles Lockington- which opinion has since been confirmed by the unanimous opinion of the supreme court, delivered on the 1st

All able bodied seamen who are willing to engage in the cause of Liberty, and in the service of the French Republic, will please to apply to the French Consul ... Philadelphia, August, 1793.

All gentlemen sailors, desirous of rendering themselves useful to their Country, let them repair on board His Majesty's armed ship the Vigilant, Captain Christian, commander. Where they will be received, and every indulgence given that their mer

All gentlemen sailors, that are able and willing to serve His Majesty King George, the third, let them repair on board, His Majesty's frigate, the Pearl, John Linzee, Esq; commander where they will be recieved, and all encouragement given. God s

All hail old hickory! Headquarters, Baltimore. November 8th, 1828 ... [Signed] Sioul Trah.

All loyal seamen or able-bodied landmen, desirous of serving his Majesty King George the Third, and willing to enter on board the Talley Philadelphia, fitted for the better defence of the City and Riber-Service only; now lying at the New-Ferry w

All officers commanding vessels employed on blockading service belonging to the squadrons under my command, are to be governed by the following directions in the discharge of their duties. [9 regulations] ....................... Flag officer. [n

Alliance of British cotton spinners and slave-holding cotton lords to build up "Free trade."-- The west and north to be victims, and raise cheap food for slaves, but be deprived of a home market for their products. [Signed G. B. S. Detroit, Mich

Allowing soldiers to vote. Mr. Bailey's speech on the bill to extend the elective franchise to the soldiers of this state in the service of the United States. In Senate, April 1, 1863.

"A calm on the Scheldt" from the original painting by P. J. Clays. New York. Published by the Osborne Company c. 1905.

Almanac for the year 1842 prepard for the United States, S.W. Corner of Third and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia ... "United States" Job Printing Office, 3d Story, Ledger Building.

An almanack for the year of Christian account 1687. particularly respecting the meridian and latitude of Burlington, but may indifferently serve all places adjacent. By Daniel Leeds, student in agriculture ... [Philadelphia.] Printed and sold by

Aloha! That's Hawaiian for good luck ... H. E. Beebe. Ipswich, S. D. Jan. 21, 1930.

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