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ESRL Atmospheric Chemistry Research Review

Tuesday - January 29, 2007

Welcome and ESRL Organization Overview (1.5M pdf) Alexander MacDonald
ESRL history and 2005 reorganization; Personnel, Resources, Facilities; Vision and Overview of Role of Atmospheric Chemistry in ESRL
Atmospheric Chemistry Earth System Research Laboratory (0.8M pdf) A.R. Ravishankara
Atmospheric Chemistry at ESRL: Introduction and Overview (0.8M pdf) James Butler
Major scientific areas, 6 topics; relation to societal needs, NOAA mission & program goals; Key partnerships: Internal/External (ESRL, LO's, Joint Institutes, etc); Approaches (lab, field monitoring + intensives, theoretical/analysis); Products and customers; Review agenda
Stratospheric Ozone Susan Solomon
David Hofmann
Introduction (0.1M pdf) Susan Solomon
Trends in Ozone-Depleting Substances and ODGI (1M pdf) Steve Montzka
Global and Antarctic Ozone Observations (2.1M pdf) David Hofmann
Climate Benefits of the Montreal Protocol (1.4M pdf) David Fahey
John Daniel
Evaluating Potential ODS Substitutes (0.3M pdf) Jim Burkholder
Chemical/Dynamical Linkages, and a Look Ahead (1.1M pdf) Susan Solomon
Carbon Dioxide, Methane, & Climate Forcing Pieter Tans
James Butler
Overview (0.6M pdf) Jim Butler
Global Monitoring: Trends/Distributions of CO2 and CH4 (0.6M pdf) Ed Dlugokencky
What We're Learning from Tall Towers and Vertical Profiles (0.8M pdf) Arlyn Andrews
CarbonTracker (2M pdf) Andy Jacobson
Future Plans and Directions (1.1M pdf) Pieter Tans

Wednesday - January 30, 2007

Regional Air Quality Fred Fehsenfeld
James Meagher
Overview (1.4M pdf) Fred Fehsenfeld
Evaluating Emission Inventories using Top-down Approaches (0.6M pdf) Tom Ryerson
Nighttime Tropospheric Chemistry (1.6M pdf) Steve Brown
Secondary Organic Aerosols in Polluted Atmospheres (1.8M pdf) Joost de Gouw
Ozone Transport and Mixing Processes (1.3M pdf) Mike Hardesty
Wrap Up and Future Plans (0.6M pdf) Jim Meagher
Non-CO2 Climate Gases David Fahey
James Elkins
Overview (0.6M pdf) David Fahey
N2O, CFCs, HCFC's, and other Gases (0.7M pdf) James Elkins
Airborne and Emissions Studies (1M pdf) Dale Hurst
Assessing and Understanding Tropospheric Ozone Changes (1.2M pdf) Samuel Oltmans
Water Vapor in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (0.7M pdf) Karen Rosenlof
Wrap Up and Future Plans (0.4M pdf) James Elkins
Aerosols and Climate John Ogren
Daniel Murphy
Overview (0.2M pdf) John Ogren
Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing (1.3M pdf) John Ogren
Aerosol Chemistry (0.7M pdf) Dan Murphy
Aerosol-Cloud Interactions (0.9M pdf) Graham Feingold
Influence of Clouds on Aerosol Properties (1.5M pdf) Betsy Andrews
Soot Emissions from Ships (1.2M pdf) Dan Lack
Wrap Up (0.1M pdf) Dan Murphy

Thursday - January 31, 2007

Chemical Transformation & Long-Range Transport David Parrish
Russell Schnell
Overview (1.0M pdf) David Parrish
Long Range Transport of Gases and Aerosols: The Baseline Observatory Perspective (1.6M pdf) Russ Schnell
Interannual Variability in Atmospheric Hydroxyl as Inferred from Measurements of CH3CCl3, CH4, and Other Trace Gases (0.3M pdf) Steve Montzka
Gas Phase and Aerosol Processing during Long-Range Transport (1M pdf) Joost de Gouw
Laboratory Studies of Critical Chemical Processes (0.4M pdf) Ranajit Talukdar
Wrap Up and Future Plans David Parrish
End-to-End Service: Science, Assessments, and Service to Society (1.7M pdf) Susan Solomon
Atmospheric Chemistry at the Earth System Research Laboratory: Wrap Up and Thoughts on Our Future (0.5M pdf) A.R. Ravishankara
Thoughts and Plans on Future Research at ESRL (0.1M pdf) James Butler
Earth System Research Laboratory: Mission (1M pdf) Alexander MacDonald