4th Workshop on the Use of Isentropic & other Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates in Atmosphere & Ocean Modeling
7-9 October 2008
Boulder, Colorado
Program Committee
Stan Benjamin
Dave Randall
Colorado State University
Don Johnson
University of Wisconsin
Tim Dowling
University of Louisville
Rainer Bleck
ESRL Organizing Committee
Stan Benjamin
John M. Brown
Bernie Johnson
Holly Palm
Janet Intrieri
Co-Sponsored by
National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
Earth System Research Laboratory

4th Workshop on the Use of Isentropic & other Quasi-Lagrangian Vertical Coordinates in Atmosphere & Ocean Modeling

Tuesday - October 7, 2008

Introductory Comments Alexander MacDonald

Louis Uccellini
Performance comparison of hybrid isentropic-sigma vs. sigma configurations of the FIM global model Stan Benjamin
Daily Numerical Weather Prediction with the Global University of Wisconsin Hybrid Isentropic Coordinate Model Todd Schaack
SSEC/U. Wisconsin
The hybridisentropic grid generator in FIM. Rainer Bleck
The development and performance of NCEP GFS in sigma-theta coordinates Hann-Ming Henry Juang
Entropy as a Property and Process in Understanding and Modeling Weather and Climate; Retrospection and Introspection Don Johnson
U. Wisconsin
The linkage of tropical/extratropical coupling with the stratospheretroposphere coupling: A global mass circulation view in the isentropic coordinate Ming Cai
Florida State
Continuing Development of Models Based on the Generalized Vertical Coordinate Ross Heikes
Colorado State University
Potential temperature as a diagnostic variable and retrofitting a finite-volume horizontal pressure-gradient force to the C-grid Tim Dowling
U. Louisville
RAQMS global chemical and aerosol assimilation and forecasting studies during the NOAA 2006 TEXAQS and 2008 ARCPAC field campaigns Brad Pierce
NESDIS, U. Wisconsin

Wednesday - October 8, 2008

A Hybrid-Isentropic Vertical Coordinate for the WRF-ARW Model Jimy Dudhia
(for Guenther Zaengl)
A New Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model Based on a Hybrid Vertical Coordinate Michael Toy
Colorado State University
A mass-conservative version of the semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit HIRLAM using Lagrangian vertical coordinates Peter Hjort Lauritzen
Initialization of layer models for numerical weather prediction Rainer Bleck
Verification of the NCEP Operational GFS Predictions for the Stratosphere Circulation Anomalies in an Isentropic Potential Vorticity Coordinate Chul-Su Shin and Ming Cai
Florida State
Impacts of Physical Parameterizations in Global UW Hybrid Model Simulations Allen Lenzen
SSEC/U. Wisconsin
Climate Simulations with an Isentropic Finite Volume Dynamical Core Chih-Chieh Chen
Qualitative Assessment of Differences In Performance Between the Flow-following Icosahedral Model and the Global Spectral Model John Brown and Ed Szoke
Layer Modeling 50 years ago -- How it all started Rainer Bleck

Thursday - October 9, 2008

Working Sessions