Last Update: 12/19/2007 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Back Support Shaping System by Beneficial Designs

Image The upholstery on most slingback wheelchairs sags after a few months of use. Sitting in a wheelchair with sagging upholstery causes poor posture that, over time, can lead to back pain, neck pain, and spinal and pelvic deformities.

In addition, traditional back supports do not adjust to the different activities of the wheelchair user, need to be removed to fold the wheelchair, cannot be added to existing sling upholstery, and are not able to conform to the contours of different individuals.

In January 1993, Beneficial Designs developed a back support system that consists of support pads that hook onto the upright frame members of a wheelchair behind the sling-back upholstery. One support pad is contoured to fit the lower back, while the other, consisting of two smaller pads connected by a tension strap, is designed to provide support for the upper back. The horizontal tension straps on each support can be adjusted to customize the amount of support the pad provides.

(Supported by Grant#: R44 HD29983)