NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
November 7, 2006 • Volume 3 / Number 43 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Molecular Profiling Informs Ovarian Cancer Therapy

Director's Update
NCCCP Increases Patient Access to Quality Cancer Care

Cancer Research Highlights
PSA Velocity Distinguishes More Lethal Prostate Cancer

Tobacco Use Decline Has Stalled, CDC Report Shows

New Therapeutic Target Identified in Retinal Tumors

Epirubicin Improves Standard Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

Helping Radiologists Improve Breast Cancer Screening

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Treating Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma

Conference Moves Transdisciplinary Science Forward

OSPA Releases 21 Disease-Specific Snapshots

Nanotech Investigators Meeting Embraces Team Science

New Ovarian Cancer Booklet Available

Science Offers Online Alerts and Research Summaries

Community Update
NCI-FDA Training Program Focuses on Translation

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Conference Moves Transdisciplinary Science Forward
An international audience participated onsite and via videocast in the "Science of Team Science (STS): Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research" conference on October 30-31, jointly sponsored by NCI's Behavioral Research Program in DCCPS, the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, and the American Psychological Association. The conference integrated existing knowledge in the STS field, opened new avenues of research on several cutting-edge topics, and identified high-priority topics for future investigation. The archived videocast can be found at, and presentations soon will be posted at

OSPA Releases 21 Disease-Specific Snapshots
NCI's Office of Science Planning and Assessment (OSPA) recently developed and released a set of 21 disease site-specific "Snapshots," including 4 new ones on pediatric cancer, head and neck cancer, sarcoma, and Kaposi's sarcoma, plus 17 that were updated. The compact one-page, double-sided documents provide a snapshot of trends in disease incidence and mortality, NCI's investment by fiscal year, examples of current relevant NCI initiatives, and selected opportunities for advancement. To view or download the snapshots, visit

Nanotech Investigators Meeting Embraces Team Science
On October 25-26, NCI leadership welcomed members of the Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer to the first annual Investigators Meeting hosted by the University of California, San Diego's Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence. More than 200 members of the Alliance teams - including cancer biologists, engineers, chemists, and clinical oncologists - shared their new nanotech-enabled approaches to targeted therapies, cancer imaging, and detection techniques, and identified new opportunities for collaboration.

Challenges in translation of technologies to the clinic, as well as featured experts from industry and the FDA who defined key steps toward commercialization, were highlighted. Various Alliance work groups presented progress on bioinformatics tools development, data and research tools sharing, and multifunctional nanoscale drug delivery systems. Several poster sessions fostered connectivity among Alliance investigators and encouraged the development of new ideas for research collaborations. Students and postdoctoral candidates currently working within their Alliance programs also attended.

Cover of Ovarian Cancer Booklet New Ovarian Cancer Booklet Available
NCI has updated What You Need To Know About Ovarian Cancer, which answers cancer patients' questions about symptoms, diagnosis, staging, and treatment. The booklet can be downloaded from Print copies can be ordered online or by calling 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237).

Science Offers Online Alerts and Research Summaries
Science magazine offers a variety of e-mail alerts to registered users and subscribers. Select from Content Awareness alerts, CiteTrack Personal Research alerts, and Career and Grant alerts. Most alerts are free for registered users with username and password. More information is available at

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