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Project Number 350
Date of Summary March 1, 2004
Subject Laboratory Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants When Applied Dilute versus Neat
Performing Activity S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Principal Investigator Mr. Randy Belore
Contracting Agency Minerals Management Service
Completion Completed
Description The objective is to determine if the application of dispersants in a dilute form reduces their effectiveness when compared with neat application.
Progress The project was started in October, 1999, and it was completed in March 2000. It was determined that Corexit 9500 may not be as effective when applied in dilute form.
AA (378KB PDF Laboratory Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants when Applied Dilute versus Neat, S.L. Ross Environmental Research Limited, Ottawa, Ontario, March 2000.
AB (1.2MB PDF Belore, R., Ross, S., “Laboratory Study to Compare the Effectiveness Chemical Dispersants when Applied Dilute versus Neat, Proceedings of the 23rd Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Conference (AMOP) Technical Seminar, Environment Canada, pp. 733-748, Ottawa, Ontario, 2001. (29 pages)

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Last Updated: 07/23/2008, 08:02 AM