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Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Mapping to MODS Version
December 29, 2006
This mapping gives equivalencies between the Dublin Core Metadata
Element Set, version 1.1 (unqualified Dublin Core) and elements in the
Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS). Order of elements are according
to the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, version 1.1: Reference Description. The document may be used for converting a Dublin Core record to MODS or for
creating a simple MODS record based on Dublin Core elements.
In some cases, the Dublin Core element is equivalent to more than one MODS element,
and all are listed. In these cases, when converting a record from Dublin
Core to MODS, a decision may need to be made as to the default MODS element.
Some suggestions are given.
MODS elements are linked to top-level elements in the Outline of Elements and Attributes in MODS.
Dublin Core
MODS element
Title |
<titleInfo><title> |
Creator |
<role type="text">creator
1. MODS puts all names in
a repeated<name> with type of contribution included in <role>. If desired to retain creator or contributor distinction, use <name><namePart><role>creator
2. MODS assumes structured form of name
3. MODS allows distinguishing name as personal, corporate, conference in
type attribute. DC does not, so this information is lost.
4. MODS allows <name> subelements
to be parsed: <namePart>, <displayForm>, <affiliation>, <role>, <description>. Default DC value to <namePart>. |
Subject |
<classification> ††
Data in MODS may be included
in a more specific subelement: <topic>, <geographic>, <temporal>, <name>, <titleInfo>, <hierarchicalGeographic>, <coordinates>. DC also uses classification schemes in Subject. These distinctions will be
lost when converting from DC to MODS. Default DC value to <topic>. |
Description |
<tableOfContents> |
Multiple elements in MODS.
These distinctions will be lost when converting from DC to MODS.
Default DC value to <note>. |
Publisher |
<originInfo><publisher> |
DC value may include place
of publication/issuance. This distinction will be lost when converting
from DC to MODS and place may be in MODS publisher. |
Contributor |
<name><namePart> |
See notes under Creator |
Date |
<originInfo><dateIssued> |
elements in MODS. These distinctions will be lost when converting
from DC to MODS> Default DC value to <dateOther>. |
<originInfo><dateCreated> |
<originInfo><dateCaptured> |
<originInfo><dateOther> |
Type |
<genre> |
MODS uses high level types
in <typeOf Resource> (controlled list); more specific genre terms in <genre> (may or may not be from a controlled list). If DC value is from dc:type list,
use <genre> with authority="dct" and supply a MODS enumerated typeOfResource value when possible (see mapping
below). If not from dc:type list, default to <genre>. |
Format |
<physicalDescription><internetMediaType> |
elements in MODS. Default DC value to <physicalDescription><form> |
<physicalDescription><extent> |
<physicalDescription><form> |
Identifier |
<location><uri> |
MODS makes a distinction
between a persistent identifier and a location. A type attribute
specifies the identifier type, e.g. <identifier type="uri">; http: URIs also go in <location><url>. Default DC value to <location><url> if it begins "http://" |
Source |
type="original"> + <titleInfo><title> or <location><url> |
See notes under Relation |
Language |
<language> |
Relation |
<relatedItem> + <titleInfo><title> or <location><url>
Data in mods:relatedItem
is parsed into subelements (any MODS element may be used). Default
DC value to <titleInfo><title> unless it begins "http://", in which case to <location><url>. |
Coverage |
elements in MODS. May result in incorrect mapping, since there is
not a way to tell if the coverage is spatial or temporal. Default
coverage to <subject><geographic> (although this may result in some errors) |
Rights |
<accessCondition> |
Conversion of DC Resource Type vocabulary
to MODS typeOfResource values
DC Type value |
MODS typeOfResource |
Collection (use in addition to specific value below) |
typeOfResource collection="yes" |
Dataset |
software, multimedia and mods:genre="database" |
Image |
default to still image |
InteractiveResource |
software, multimedia |
MovingImage |
moving image |
PhysicalObject |
three-dimensional object |
Service |
software and mods:genre="online
system or service" |
sound recording |
StillImage |
still image |
Software |
software, multimedia |
Text |
text |
Example of record in simple Dublin Core and MODS
The following record compares the XML markup of a record in
simple Dublin Core and MODS. The simple Dublin Core record uses no qualifiers.
For illustrative purposes, the MODS record includes authoritative forms
of names, although this is not required. In addition, it shows the likely
MODS output, but it is not possible to transform the DC record to MODS
with the added richness, because there is not enough information in the
DC record.
Dublin Core record:
Environments Online</dc:title>
Environments Online contains both digital full text materials and research
bibliographies about the ecology and environment of Florida. Digitized
materials include more than 200 seminal texts on species and ecosystems
selected by scientific experts throughout the state of Florida and
digitized specifically for the Linking Florida's Natural Heritage project.
They also include the publications of the Florida Geological Society,
and agricultural documents created by the Agricultural Experiment Station/Extension
Service (IFAS) and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Affairs, as well as engineering documents created by the UF Engineering
and Industrial Experiment Station.</dc:description>
Geological Society</dc:contributor>
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs</dc:contributor>
Experiment Station/Extension Service (IFAS)</dc:contributor>
of Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station</dc:contributor>
MODS record as transformed by crosswalk:
Environments Online<mods:/title></mods:titleInfo>
Geological Society</mods:namePart></mods:name>
<mods:name ><mods:namePart>Florida. Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs</mods:namePart></mods:name>
Experiment Station/Extension Service (IFAS) </mods:namePart></mods:name>
of Florida. Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station</mods:namePart></mods:name>
Environments Online contains both digital full text materials and research
bibliographies about the ecology and environment of Florida. Digitized
materials include more than 200 seminal texts on species and ecosystems
selected by scientific experts throughout the state of Florida and
digitized specifically for the Linking Florida's Natural Heritage project.
They also include the publications of the Florida Geological Society,
and agricultural documents created by the Agricultural Experiment Station/Extension
Service (IFAS) and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Affairs, as well as engineering documents created by the UF Engineering
and Industrial Experiment Station</mods:note>
favorite Library</mods:recordContentSource>
encoding="iso8601">20030331</mods:recordCreationDate> <mods:recordIdentifier>12345</mods:recordIdentifier></mods:recordInfo>
Enhanced MODS record:
Environments Online<mods:/title></mods:titleInfo>
type="corporate"><mods:namePart>Florida Geological Society</mods:namePart></mods:name>
type="corporate" authority="naf"><mods:namePart>Florida</mods:namePart><mods:namePart>Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs</mods:namePart></mods:name>
type="corporate"><mods:namePart>Agricultural Experiment Station/Extension Service (IFAS) </mods:namePart></mods:name>
type="corporate" authority="naf"><mods:namePart>University of Florida</mods:namePart><mods:namePart>Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station</mods:namePart></mods:name>
Environments Online contains both digital full text materials and research
bibliographies about the ecology and environment of Florida. Digitized
materials include more than 200 seminal texts on species and ecosystems
selected by scientific experts throughout the state of Florida and digitized
specifically for the Linking Florida's Natural Heritage project. They
also include the publications of the Florida Geological Society, and
agricultural documents created by the Agricultural Experiment Station/Extension
Service (IFAS) and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Affairs, as well as engineering documents created by the UF Engineering
and Industrial Experiment Station</mods:abstract>
authority="lcsh"><mods:topic>Environmental sciences</mods:topic></mods:subject>
favorite Library</mods:recordContentSource>
encoding="iso8601">20030331</mods:recordCreationDate> <mods:recordIdentifier>12345</mods:recordIdentifier></mods:recordInfo>