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Map Librarians' Toolbox

This page has been compiled to organize resources related to Map Librarianship into one resource. The Alphabetic Keyword Index is organized alphabetically by keyword and links directly to the section on that topic. In some cases, a single item has multiple subject headings. The resources on the page have also been organized by general subject.


Subject Index

Cartobibliographies & Indexes
Cataloging & Processing
Equipment & Supplies
Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Map Vendors
Reference Resources

Alphabetic Keyword Index




Administrative Notes

GIS Computer Specifications

Nautical Chart Conversion Table

Aerial Photograph Archival Sleeves

Government Document Processing Toolbox

Numbers of USGS Topographic Maps

Antique Map Valuation

Grant Writing

Place Names

Antique Map Vendors


Preservation Supplies for Maps

Atlas Shelving

Library of Congress G Schedule for Canadian Atlases

Publishers of Maps

Call Number Stamp

Map Cabinet Vendors

Rolled Map Storage

Carts for moving Maps

Map Cabinet Weights

Romanization Guides

Cataloging & Processing Resources

Map Carts

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Union List

Cataloging Bibliography

Map Cataloging Resources

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for California

Citing Maps

Map Date Codes

Scale Calculator Program

Computer Specifications for GIS

Map Librarianship Organizations

Scale Indicators

Counts of USGS Topographic Maps

Map Librarianship Discussion Lists

Shelving for Atlases

Cutter Numbers for California

Map Preservation Supplies

Shipping Lists for Depository Maps

Cutter Numbers for Geographic Areas

Map Publishers and Vendors

Soil Maps Cartobibliography and Index

Cutter Numbers for Geographic Regions

Map Scale Indicators

State and County Coordinates

Date Codes for Maps

Map Shipping Lists

Topographic Map Counts

Depository Library Manual

Map Symbols

Trucks for Moving Maps

Depository Map Shipping Lists

Map Trucks

Tubes for Maps

Federal Depository Cartographic Products

Map Tubes

Union List of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Federal Depository Library Manual

Map Vendors

USGS Folios / Geologic Atlas of the United States

Fire Insurance Maps Union List

Map Vendors - Antique Maps

Vendors for Map Cabinets



Vendors of Maps

General Land Office Survey Plats

MARC Geographic Area Codes

Wall Map Storage

Geographic Area Codes

Mathematical Data for Bibliographic Descriptions

Weights of Map Cabinets

Geographic Subject Headings


Why Catalog Maps?

Geologic Map Indexes by Quadrangle Names



    California Geologic Map Index



    Oregon Geologic Map Index



    Utah Geologic Map Index



Cartobibliographies & Indexes

Early Soil Maps of the USDA Soil Survey Series, 1899-1962 - A cartobibliography and indexes of soil survey maps for Alaska, Hawaii, California and the Pacific Northwest including Idaho, Oregon and Washington compiled by Richard Soares at CSU-Chico.

Geologic Atlas of the United States / USGS Folios - Paul Leverenz published an index to the Geologic Atlas of the United States in the March, 1988 issue of the WAML Information Bulletin, Volume 19, Number 2, pages 74-77.

Geologic Map Indexes by Quadrangle Names - Published in the WAML Information Bulletin
  • California
  • Hawaii - Volume 19, March 1988, pages 64-73.
  • Nevada, 1879-1982, A-L - Volume 15, March 1984, pages 197-215.
  • Nevada, 1879-1982, M-Z - Volume 15, June 1984, pages 342-361.
  • Nevada, 1983 Supplement - Volume 16, November 1984, pages 64-68.
  • Nevada, 1984-1985 - Volume 17, June 1986, pages 235-239.
  • Ohio - Volume 23, November 1991, pages 6-31.
  • Oregon, 1883-1996.
  • Utah, 1883-1980. See Index to Utah 7.5-Minute Topographic Maps for additional information.
Map Librarianship Bibliographies
Alan Edward Schorr, 1977. Map Librarianship, Map Libraries & Maps, A Bibliography: Supplement I. SLA Geography & Map Division Bulletin 107, pages 2-18.

Alan Edward Schorr, 1974. Map Librarianship, Map Libraries & Maps, A Bibliography, 1921-1973. SLA Geography & Map Division, Bulletin 95, pages 2-35.

Current Literature on GIS in Libraries from McMaster University Libraries Lloyd Reeds Map Collection

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Union List - Digital version of WAML's Union List of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Held by Institutions in the United States and Canada based at the University of California, Berkeley.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of California- Bibliography of California Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from CSU-Northridge Geography Map Library.

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Cataloging & Processing

Geographic Cutters (complete)- A .pdf file (3000 pages long) with cutter numbers for administrative divisions, geographic regions and cities maintained by the Library of Congress.

Cutter Numbers for California - Cutter numbers for California Regions (G 4362), Cities (G 4364) and a list of common LC Map Call Numbers used at Stanford and UC Libraries are available on the Web.

Cutter Numbers for Geographic AREAS - Cutter numbers for administrative divisions, geographic regions and cities can be found in Geographic Cutters (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1988) or by doing a guided keyword search for the the name of the place or region as a geographic subject heading in the Library of Congress Catalog. If the area appears to have no cutter, contact the Library of Congress' Geography & Map Division.

Geographic Area Codes - Lists of MARC Geographic Area Codes are available from: Geographic Subject Headings - Subject headings for geographic entities can be searched in the Library of Congress Authorities List.

Library of Congress G Schedule for Canadian Atlases. In Cataloguing Tools, from ACMLA.

Map Cataloging Bibliography- List of resources related to Map Cataloging by Kathy Rankin.

Map Dates: Date Codes for Road Maps - Linda Zellmer is now maintaining the web site with information and links on dating road maps that Phil Hoehn originally compiled. This information is provided on the Map Date Codes web page.

Mathematical Data for Bibliographic Descriptions - by Jan Smits at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek.

Romanization Guides - Contributed by Larry Cruse, UCSD. Slavic Languages Cataloging Manual - from the Slavic & East European Section of ACRL. Includes resources for transliteration and abbreviations.

State and County Coordinates - 4-corner latitudes and longitudes for States and selected counties are available on the MAGERT web site.
Arizona - Arizona County Coordinates
California - California County Coordinates by R. Bruce Robertson, 1984
Hawaii - Hawaii County Coordinates: Including Major Islands and National Parks by James A. Baldwin, 1987
Illinois - Illinois County Coordinates by Alex Wenner and Marian Hunter, 1985
Indiana - Indiana County Coordinates by James A. Baldwin, 1990
Iowa - Iowa County Coordinates by Casey Kohrt 2002
Michigan - Michigan County Coordinates (including public lands) by Michael McDonnell, 1989
Minnesota - Minnesota County Coordinates by John A. Olson, 1991
Missouri - Missouri County Coordinates by Allen P. Wilson, 1988
Nevada - Nevada County Coordinates
Ohio - Ohio County Coordinates by Evron S. Collins, 1989
Utah - Utah County Coordinates by R. Bruce Robertson, 1984
Wyoming - Wyoming County Coordinates: Including National Parks and Monuments, and Wind River Indian Reservation by Jim Walsh, 1986
Superseded Nautical Chart Conversion Table - A list of charts issued by the National Ocean Survey, National Ocean Service, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Coast Survey) and by the U.S. Lake Service from Branner Earth Sciences Library and the University of California-Berkeley.

Scale Finder Program - Program that can convert linear scales to representative fractions and vice-versa.

Toolbox for Processing and Cataloging Federal Government Documents - Resources for processing US Government Documents.

Why Catalog Maps?, by Kathy Rankin.

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Equipment & Supplies

Aerial Photograph Sleeves

E. Gerber Products, LLC.
1720 Belmont Avenue - Suite C
Baltimore, MD 21244
Toll Free: 1-800-79-Mylar
Outside US: 1-410-944-4200
Fax: 1-410-944-9363
Picture Pocket Corp.
242 Bingham Drive, Ste. 104
San Marcos, CA 92069
Telephone: 1-800-369-0852

Atlas Shelving Vendors

Richards-Wilcox, Inc.
600 South Lake Street
Aurora, IL 60506
Telephone: (630) 897-6951
Fax: (630) 897-6994
Steel Fixture Manufacturing Co.
P.O. Box 917
Topeka, KS 66601-0917
Telephone: (785) 233-8911
Fax: (785) 233-8477
Map Cabinet Vendors

Mayline Group
619 N. Commerce
P.O.Box 728
Sheboygan, WI 53082-0728
Telephone: (920) 457-5537
Fax: (920) 457-7388

Ulrich Planfiles
2120 Fourth Avenue
Lakewood, NY 14750
Telephone: (800) 346-2875
Fax: (716) 763-1818
Bradford Systems
Corporate Office
8700 Waukegan Rd., Suite 110
Morton Grove, IL. 60053-210
Telephone: (847) 965-5070
Fax: (847) 965-5247
Safco Products, Inc.br> 9300 West Research Center Road
New Hope, Minnesota 55428
Telephone: (800) 328-3020
Map Cabinet Weights Article - Catherine I. Bahn published an article giving the weight of loaded map cabinets in the SLA Geography & Map Division Bulletin, Volume 46, pages 3-17. This article was reprinted on pages 364-384 of Drazniowsky's Map Librarianship: Readings (Scarecrow Press, 1975). The Geography and Map Division has given WAML permission to post Figure 1, showing the Weight of Map Cases on this site.

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Map Preservation Supplies

Hollinger Corporation
PO Box 8360
Fredericksburg, VA 22404-8360
Phone: 800-634-0491
Fax: 800-947-8814
Email: hollingercorp@earthlink.com

Gaylord Brothers
PO Box 4901
Syracuse, NY 13221-4901
Phone: (800)448-6160
Fax: 800-272-3412
E-Mail Gaylord

Light Impressions
PO Box 940
Rochester, NY 14603-0940
Phone: 1-800-828-6216
Fax: 1-800-828-5539
Email: info@lightimpressionsdirect.com

Metal Edge Inc.
6340 Bandini Ave.
Commerce, Ca 90040
Phone: 800-862-2228
Fax: 888-822-6937
Email: info@metaledgeinc.com

University Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 101
517 Main Street
Holyoke, MA 01041
Phone: 800-628-1912
Fax: 800-532-9281
Outside US and Canada
Phone: 413-532-3372
Fax: 413-532-9281
Email: custserv@universityproducts.com
Map Scale Indicator Sources - Clear plastic map scale indicators: Available for $18.00 (US or Canadian) from Dr. Cliff Wood, Professor (Retired), Memorial University, P.O. Box 225, Ilderton, Ontario, Canada, N0M 2A0.

Map Trucks: Articles

Andrew, Paige G., 1996. A Case for Moving Maps with Care: A Review of Map Trucks. WAML Information Bulletin vol. 28, pages 15-23.

Withers, Marianne M., 1992. Moving Maps at the Virginia State Library and Archives. SLA Geography & Map Division, Bulletin no. 168, pages 24-27.

Map Tube Sources

  • Forestry Suppliers - Has waterproof cardboard tubes as well as a sectional plastic tube available.
  • Office Depot - Has several sizes of Map Tubes available.
  • Staples - Has several sizes of round map tubes and a square mailing tube available.

Stamp for Map Call Numbers / Four Line Stamp - Gaylord sells a Rubber Stamp Kit that can be used to build a stamp for call numbers or other purposes.

Articles on Storing Wall Maps

Togashi, Ross R., 1998. Wall map storage methods: a photo essay. Western Association of Map Libraries Information Bulletin v. 29, no. 2, p. 67-84.
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Federal Depository Library Program

Administrative Notes  - from the FDLP Desktop

Federal Depository Library Manual

Guide to the Cartographic Products of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)

Map Shipping Lists
- from GPO Access.

Toolbox for Processing and Cataloging Federal Government Documents

USGS Topographic Maps Statistics
- the number of USGS Topographic Maps in various series from the National Topographic Map Names Database.

Scale of Series Number of Maps
1:24,000 53,252
1:25,000 Alaska 237
1:25,000 7.5" X 15" 192
1:63,360 Alaska 2905
1:100,000 1813
1:250,000 663
American Samoa 11
Guam 20
Micronesia 76
Mariana Islands 28
Puerto Rico 95
Virgin Islands 24

Table Showing Number of Topographic Maps per State

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Geographic Information Systems

Current Literature on GIS in Libraries - from McMaster University Libraries Lloyd Reeds Map Collection.

Metadata Primer for Map Librarians from MAGERT.

Specifications for Geographic Information System Workstations in Libraries - from the FDLP Desktop.

Map Vendors

List of Antique Map Vendors - compiled from various sources by Linda Zellmer.

List of Map Publishers and Vendors - originally compiled by Peter Stark, now maintained by Sarah Zaleski at the University of Oregon.

Map Ordering Sources - compiled by Linda Newman, University of Nevada Reno.

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Reference Resources

Citing Maps - Online guide to citing Maps (print and electronic) by Deborah Carter Peoples at Ohio Wesleyan University.

Historic Atlas and Map Valuation and Conservation - Guide to valuing antique maps and atlases by Julie Sweetkind-Singer.

Index Maps to AMS and GSGS Maps - A collection of scanned Index maps to Army Map Service map series and GSGS (Great Britain. War Office. General Staff Geographical Section) map series from UC Berkeley.

Grant Writing - Resources developed for the Grant Writing Workshop offered October 25, 2007 at the WAML Meeting in Denver.
INFOMINE - Maps & GIS Section. The University of California Riverside's Index to a wide variety of resources related to maps and map librarianship.

Location Guide to the General Land Office (GLO) Survey Plats - List of organizations with GLO survey plats compiled by Tom Huber of the Illinois State Library.

Map Symbols - Links to sites with information on symbols for a variety of maps produced by U.S. government agencies.
Place Names - Place Name Resources on the Internet from Arizona State University.

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Webmaster: Linda Zellmer
Last Modified: August 14, 2008
©Western Association of Map Libraries. All rights reserved.