Old Books' DNA May Reveal When, Where They Were Made

Animal-skin pages of early medieval manuscripts contain genetic material capable of solving long-standing mysteries about the works, according to new research.

"Alien" Atmosphere Helped Unfreeze Early Earth


Chemical signatures in 635-million-year-old rock suggest our planet once had an otherworldly atmosphere that might have helped melt millions of years' worth of deep freeze.

VIDEO: Dino Hunter Paradise in Argentina


Within the last decade, the Chubut province in Argentina has become a paradise for paleontologists seeking fossilized clues about the flora and fauna from millions of years hence.

Adventurer of the Year Killed Climbing Mont Blanc

Two 21-year-old climbers—including Rob Gauntlett, one of National Geographic Adventure magazine's 2008 adventurers of the year—died on the Alps' tallest mountain Saturday.

Rainmaking Bacteria Ride Clouds to "Colonize" Earth?


The far-ranging microbes may use the weather cycle to disperse themselves—an idea that "would have been viewed as crazy 25 years ago," researchers say.

THE ROUNDUP: Science and Nature News Around the Web

What's in our drinking water?; Ancient brain found in cave; Record lightning in Brazil; and more.

VIDEO: Venomous "Giant Shrew" Caught on Film


First-ever footage released by a conservation group shows a rare Hispaniolan solenodon, one of the few living mammals that use venom.

Hunters Speeding Up Evolution of Trophy Prey?


Harvesting the biggest individuals causes a 300 percent faster evolution rate, leaving only smaller and younger animals to reproduce, a new study says.

VIDEO: Ancient Statue Returned to Iraq


Confiscated from a smuggler in Egypt, an ancient bronze statuette—perhaps of a goddess—has been returned to Iraq.

Ants Smell Cheaters and Assault Them, Study Finds


If a worker ant attempts to reproduce in the presence of the queen, the worker inadvertently produces a chemical that causes her sisters to attack.


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