This is the online version of the printed publication, The NIH Word on Health, Consumer Health Information Based on Research from the National Institutes of Health

August 2003

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About The Word on Health

Note: The NIH Word on Health was relaunched as
NIH News in Health in April 2005.
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The advice forkeeping a healthy blood pressure has long been to exercise, lose weight, eat healthy foods and cut back on salt. full story

Cancer: Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of

Cancer — just hearing the word can make you anxious. Chances are you know someone with it, and worry about getting it.full story

Test Your Baby's Hearing
Most children hear and listen from birth. But that's not true for all children. In fact, about two or three out of every 1,000 children in the United States are born deaf or hard-of-hearing. full story

Healthy Heart Handbook for Women
What factors increase a woman's risk of heart disease? What tests do women need to find out if they have heart disease? full story

New Genetics Home Reference
What is a gene, exactly? And what's a chromosome? How does DNA come into this picture? full story

Research Capsules: Feeling Pain in the Brain | Gene Linked to Depression | Update - Lazy Eye Treatments

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About The NIH Word on Health

NIH plays a major role in finding better ways to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases. The practical health information in The NIH Word on Health is based on research conducted either by NIH's own scientists or by our grantees at universities and medical schools around the country.

Material published in The NIH Word on Health is not copyrighted. You may use it without permission of the National Institutes of Health.

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Harrison Wein, Ph.D., Writer/Editor
National Institutes of Health
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Office of Communications
and Public Liaison
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