TABLE 1 GeoProcessing® Steps Used in Preparing Land-Use Data for Cluster Analysis,,,,,,, Step 1,Create shapefiles that describe lands that are not developable.,,,,,, Step 2,Intersect the undevelopable shapefile for each county (from Step 1) with shapefiles describing county and city boundaries.,,,,,, Step 3,Create shapefiles for each county that describe the distribution of land use by parcel.,,,,,, Step 4,Use Avenue script to split parcel/land-use shapefiles into separate files for each city.,,,,,, Step 5,Intersect parcel/land-use shapefiles with undevelopable shapefiles for each city.,,,,,, Step 6,Use Avenue script to re-code undevelopable lands with an appropriate land-use code.,,,,,, Step 7,Estimate areas of “unknown” parcel land use by substituting zoning data.,,,,,, Step 8,Intersect the new land-use shapefiles from step 7 with shapefiles describing boundaries within each city to be used in constructing district boundaries.,,,,,, Step 9,Use Avenue script to write a new shapefile for each of the districts incorporated in step 8.,,,,,, Step 10,"Where necessary, aggregate districts together to form districts of approximately equal size.",,,,,, Step 11,Clip the aggregated district shapefiles using the city boundaries.,,,,,, Step 12,Dissolve shapefiles based on land use.,,,,,, Step 13,Determine land-use statistics for each district.,,,,,, Step 14,Create shapefiles that contain only information on district boundaries.,,,,,,