USDA Forest Service

Enterprise Program


Enterprise Program
201 14th St. SW Yates Bldg.
Washington DC 20250-1108

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Enterprise Program

United States Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Enterprise Program


Project Spotlight: TEAMS

The following four projects highlight TEAMS’ 2007:

Rogue River and Siskiyou National Forests Project Implementation

The Forest designed these sales to implement portions of the Northwest Forest Plan, specifically to increase structural diversity in homogeneous second growth stands.

Through this partnership between TEAMS and the Rogue River and Siskiyou National Forests, the Forest’s 64 million board feet volume target was exceeded by 5 million board feet for a total prepared volume of 69 million board feet. There were many comments from TEAMS employees on how much they enjoyed working with the staff on the Rogue River/Siskiyou. The partnership relation has been so well received that the Forest has included us in their FY08 work plans. We anticipate another great year!

Lake Tahoe and Carson Range Comprehensive Wildfire Protection Plans

In 2006, Congress mandated that both the Lake Tahoe Basin and Carson Range (Reno and Carson City, Nevada) develop multi-jurisdictional, comprehensive wildfire protection and fuels reduction plans to address the increasing threat from wildfire created by years of hazardous fuels accumulations.

In 2007, during the development of the Lake Tahoe Basin Plan, the Angora Fire destroyed more than 240 homes resulting in increased public and congressional focus on the development of the plans and accelerated deadlines. Together, the plans analyzed nearly 500,000 acres of public and private lands, and identified hazardous fuel treatments on 100,000 acres. If implemented, these plans which were supported by more than 35 partners, will lead to the protection of 100,000 homes and 25 communities.

ACT! Customer Relationship Management Software, TEAMS

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software facilitates client relationship building. The database serves as one strategic location to house all of TEAMS’ marketing and sales information for contacts.

Resurrection Creek Project Recognized by Alaska State Legislature

On May 4, 2007, the Alaska State Legislature honored the Youth Restoration Corps and the Resurrection Creek Partnership with the following statement:

“Members of the Twenty-fifth Alaska State Legislature would like to recognize a unique partnership working to restore the fish and wildlife habitat of Resurrection Creek. The Youth Restoration Corps (YRC), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and USDA TEAMS Enterprise are working jointly on one of the largest habitat restoration projects in the nation. Resurrection Creek, located on the Kenai Peninsula across Turnagain Arm, has important ecological and historical significance. The area has been officially recognized as a five star restoration site by the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, National Association of Counties, Wildlife Habitat Council, and the Environmental Protection Agency.”

For more information on TEAMS visit their Web site:

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US Forest Service - Enterprise Program
Last Modified:  Friday, 09 May 2008 at 15:09:53 EDT