USDA Forest Service

Enterprise Program


Enterprise Program
201 14th St. SW Yates Bldg.
Washington DC 20250-1108

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Enterprise Program

United States Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Enterprise Program


Business Spotlight: Above and Beyond Ecosystems

The Above and Beyond Ecosystems Enterprise Unit (A&B) was recently formed by Tim Holden and Blaze Baker. Neither Tim nor Blaze is new to the Forest Service or Enterprise Program. Prior to enterprising Tim worked in Regions 1, 4 and 6 and Blaze worked in Region 5. Recently Tim and Blaze worked with the TEAMS Enterprise Unit (EU) for seven and six years respectively, and while there they gained experience in all other FS regions.

The Above and Beyond Ecosystems EU has plans to grow to about 9 staff covering multiple biological and physical resource areas. Their core work is focused on restoration and conservation plans and projects. The Above and Beyond team has the ability to develop specialist reports, environmental analysis, and management planning, especially for restoration and conservation proposals.

In addition, A&B is working towards developing a computer-based application to rate projects and aggregate funds for conservation and restoration projects tentatively called EcoMatch. This application will allow FS employees to post projects in need of funding and as a project becomes fully funded from multiple sources it can be implemented. The core team that performs billable work would be the same team that manages and rates the projects posted on EcoMatch.

If you want to get in touch with Tim or Blaze, feel free to call or email Tim: 559- 920-5515 or Blaze: 559-779-6559.

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US Forest Service - Enterprise Program
Last Modified:  Wednesday, 30 July 2008 at 19:11:45 EDT