Enterprising People


Enterprise Program Update

Now that we have closed out FY07 and have begun FY08 I believe the Enterprise Program (EP) has many accomplishments to celebrate, and to build upon. I will only highlight a few.

The first is that we have a five-year strategic plan that has been signed by the Chief. It does a number of things, not the least of which is to further solidify the EP as a national program. This plan was a collaborative effort and I really appreciate the time and energy many of you put into the process and the document. The second is a history of the EP. Thanks in particular go to Toni Stafford, but she also worked with many folks to complete this paper. These two documents provide a strong foundation on which we can say “this is where we have been and this is where we plan to be”

We also need to congratulate ourselves on the work that each Enterprise Unit has done as well as the combined efforts of all EUs. This was made evident, in part, during an October working session. The EP Steering Committee and representatives from most EUs spent a couple of days constructing a model – a map, if you will – of the Enterprise Program with Boeing’s Phantom Works Division (see page 2 for details). I believe it is another tool on which we can build the future of the EP.

You might also be wondering about the proposals for new EUs. The final decision from our agency’s national leadership has not been made. The EP Steering Committee made its recommendations last week and they are now sitting with Hank Kashdan, our Deputy Chief for Business Operations. I am hopeful the final decision will soon be forthcoming.

I’ll close by asking each of you to continue to take care of yourselves. Know that, if needed, we are now covered under the national Employee Assistance Program (see page 2 for details). If nothing else, it is good to know it is available, just in case.

I look forward to another productive year, thanks to each of you.

~Bill Helin, Director, Enterprise Program

Quick Tip: Administrative Access

Many Enterprisers are in the process of Active Directory Migration or will be soon. Once your computer has been migrated, you will be able to temporarily promote yourself to have administrative access so that you can install software without calling the EUSC helpdesk. The following link takes you to the “Gadget” website, http://gadgets.ds.fs.fed.us/EUTools/ad_promote.asp. Software downloads are available at https://fsweb.fs.usda.gov, under applications.

ACT2 Leaders Prepare to Retire

It's been an unforgettable journey!"
~Annie Buma and Judy Hahn,
ACT2 Enterprise Unit

Due to pending retirements in April 2008, ACT2 leads Annie Buma and Judy Hahn will be preparing their unit and clients by stepping back and becoming members of the team under the capable guidance of SanDee Attebery and Francine Smith. Although Annieand Judy will remain unit supervisors, they have given Fran and SanDee the responsibility of making decisions for all aspects of the team. Their remaining time on the team will be used in providing assistance to the new unit leaders in whatever capacity needed.

For more information about ACT2, please contact Francine Smith at fjsmith@fs.fed.us or SanDee Attebery at sattebery@fs.fed.us.

Enterprise Ecosystem Model

During the week of October 15 the Enterprise Program (EP) Steering Committee and reps from the EUs went through a causal loop exercise with two members of Boeing's Phantom Works Division. Working together, the group came up with a model that is now posted on our intranet site at http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/enterprise-program/enterprising-ecosystem-model.php. It is called the Enterprise Ecosystem Model. Highlights in the model are the following high leverage points, each of which could be used effectively to move the program forward. Think about how they might be best applied and/or built upon from existing efforts within your EU as well as the EP as a whole.

Postcards from the Edge of Transformation

Employee Assistance Program

Enterprise Program employees are now covered under the same contract as the Washington Office for Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services for FY 2008. When you contact EAP, please identify yourself as an Enterprise Program employee with the Forest Service. Enterprise Program employees and their immediate family members can talk to a counselor at no charge by calling: 1-800-222-0364 or TTY 1-888-262-7848. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Don’t delay – please call today! Visit the EAP at http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/hrm/safety_health_wellness/eap/.

Communicating During Change

Our migration to Human Capital Management (HCM) in Albuquerque is just one of many large changes facing the agency today. It is important during times of change to vent any stress or frustration you experience. Don't let it build up or it will lead to headaches, tension, insomnia, high blood pressure, etc. There are several appropriate venues to vent your frustration and share your experience. You can visit Postcards from the Edge... of Transformation to read how others are feeling and leave your own note.

You can contact the Employee Assistance Program and schedule free counseling sessions with a professional in your area.

If you are looking for answers to questions like "Why centralize Human Resources to Albuquerque?" you can Ask Hank. Hank's the Deputy Chief of Business Operations and he has a team of enterprisers who help him research the answers to all sorts of interesting questions.

And don't forget that the EP Change Consultant, Toni Stafford, is always available to listen and provide support. Call Toni at 870-447-2203.

From the Editor

Enterprising People is a bi-monthly newsletter focusing on Enterprise teams and their partners. Partners and Enterprisers are encouraged to share topics and ideas or join our electronic mailing list by contacting editor Kristi Bray at kabray@fs.fed.us. Thanks You!

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