Enterprising People


Photo Contest Winner Announced

Winning Photo of AMSET Fire Behavior Assessment Team by Doug King.

Congratulations to Doug King of Adaptive Management Services Enterprise Team (AMSET), winner of the Enterprise Program’s first photo contest for his shot of the Fire Behavior Assessment Team preparing for a controlled burn in Georgia. AMSET has won $500 for a new digital camera thanks to Doug’s efforts!

Runners up are Doug’s photo of Tiffany Norman performing maintenance on Saddleback Mountain Remote Automated Weather Station on the Tahoe NF, and Anthony Olegario’s photo of a TEAMS Planning crew working on bridge abutments on the Chugach NF. These three images are nicely composed and each picture tells a story—they are great depictions of Enterprisers at work.

“I encourage all Enterprisers to continue to document their work photographically,” said Bill Helin, Enterprise Program Director. “Several of these photographs have already been incorporated in the Enterprise Program Strategic Plan and the images will be useful in future marketing projects for the program and individual units.”

The Enterprise Program Office is very appreciative of those who took the time to submit entries. Thanks to the following photographers for submitting photos:

Enterprise Program Update

Since the last issue of the newsletter we have moved forward in a number of areas. I'd like to highlight a few. The first is the Enterprise Program Strategic Plan. It has been reviewed by the Steering Committee and by Hank Kashdan, Deputy Chief for Business Operations. They are happy with the product and have provided some fairly minor comments. We will be incorporating their comments and getting it ready for presentation at a Chief and Staff meeting on September 4. I am hopeful to have the Chief's signature on the document before the end of the fiscal year.

The second is the review of prospective Enterprise Units. We received eighteen prospectuses. While I can not say when the Steering Committee will make a decision which of these would go forward, I am hopeful it will also be by the end of September. I am qsure this subject will also come up in the Chief and Staff meeting.

Third, and last, work continues both on the financial "move" to Region 7 as well as an overall business plan for the Enterprise Program. The “move” is crucial, as we continue to plan to be in Region 7 on October 1. The business plan ilagging to some degree, as the focus has been on the strategic plan. Now that it is nearly done we'll focus more energy on the business planning exercise.

~Bill Helin, Director, Enterprise Program

Dispute Resolution Available

Are you having difficulty communicating with others in your unit? Maybe there’s one person in particular you’re conflicting with. The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program may be of service to you.

The ADR Program is a process that provides a framework for helping employees constructively address workplace conflict. It is a collaborative, problem-solving process where the goal is to improve or restore productive working relationships with fellow employees. The program offers a broad range of techniques, such as confidential consultations, facilitated discussions, mediations, group interventions, conciliations, conflict management training, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator training, and many more options.

Enterprisers are welcome to use the ADR Program Management services of Melissa Marosy, Owner of Creative Conflict Resolution Enterprise Unit, but must first contact the Washington Office (WO) ADR program.

An ADR session can be arranged quickly through the WO by contacting Rhonda Thomas at (703) 605-4494, rathomas@fs.fed.us or Linda Burroughs-Glover at (703) 605-4497, lbglover@fs.fed.us.

New Enterprising Staff

Although the current Enterprise Program staff has been on the job for months now, many Enterprisers and partners may not know “who’s who” in the program.

There are three permanent staff members in the Program Office. Bill Helin is the Director and has been in the job for just under a year. Prior to this position he was the Budget Coordinator for Business Operations, though his background is varied, including a stint as a District Ranger and MS in Silviculture. He is in the Washington Office and can be reached at (202) 205-0883. Reba Trujillo is the Management and Program Analyst. Reba has been in this job since March. Previously she has worked for the WCF Branch at the Albuquerque Service Center and in the private industry. Reba works out of the R3 Regional Office and can be reached at (505) 842-3330. Toni Stafford is an organization designer/developer and provides assistance (through work orders) to the agency as a whole in its change management efforts. Toni previously worked for Interpretive Arts Unlimited. She works out of her home in Arkansas and can be reached at (870) 447-2203.

MAP: My Administrative Processes

New MAP Helps Guide the Way

Do you need to figure out how to get a travel card, or a phone card? Or maybe you have done your part in the process, but what happens next? Who else is involved in making sure that your need is met? Are those people aware of your request? Are they being held accountable?

With web and data management from Digital Visions Enterprise Unit and assistance from numerous other Forest Service employees, a new web tool has been created to help you answer these questions. It's called MAP: My Administrative Processes for Budget and Finance. It is your MAP of what to know and where to go. Everyone in the agency has roles and responsibilities when it comes to running the business of the Forest Service. This web tool will allow you to identify which parts of a process belong to you and to see who else is involved throughout the process. Right now MAP includes roles and responsibilities related to Budget and Finance. Later this summer the tool will expand to include Information Resource Management. The tool will be tested before adding Human Resources components.

Visit MAP to learn about your specific responsibilities. Developers want this tool to be very useful and would love to hear your feedback. There is a link to a feedback form in the top right hand corner of the web tool.

Transformation Wiki Online

The Washington Office, Regional Offices, and Northeastern Area (WO/RO/NA) Transformation Team has launched a website called a Wiki. A Wiki is a communal workspace where large numbers of people can have a conversation or collaborate on a project.

The Transformation Wiki is an opportunity to weigh in on the Transformation and how the WO/RO/NA should be reorganized.

From the Editor

Enterprising People is a bi-monthly newsletter focusing on Enterprise teams and their partners. Partners and Enterprisers are encouraged to share topics and ideas or join our electronic mailing list by contacting editor Kristi Bray at kabray@fs.fed.us. Thanks You!

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