USDA Forest Service

Enterprise Program


Enterprise Program
201 14th St. SW Yates Bldg.
Washington DC 20250-1108

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Enterprise Program

United States Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Enterprise Program

About Us

Enterprisers and You: The Winning Combination

This brief documentary, produced in 2006, weaves three perspectives to highlight the success of the Forest Service Enterprise Program.

First, there are voices and images of deeply passionate employees who are proud to be Enterprisers.

Second, are the clients—the forest staff officers who depend on Enterprise Units in order to accomplish their program of work within ever tightening budget constraints.

Third is the story of resource management accomplishments. Enterprise helps achieve the agency’s overall mission of caring for the land and serving people.

Together, these perspectives are representative of the ways Enterprisers achieve cost savings and efficiency for the agency, improve accountability, and help the Forest Service accomplish its mission.

Copies of this DVD were distributed to every Forest Service unit in January, 2007. You may also contact the Enterprise Program office by e-mail ( to request a copy.

US Forest Service - Enterprise Program
Last Modified:  Tuesday, 27 March 2007 at 17:50:38 EDT