American Indian and Alaska Native Programs
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center graphic


Welcome to the "American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center" Web page.

American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center is a professionally refereed scientific journal. It contains empirical research, program evaluations, case studies, unpublished dissertations, and other articles in the behavioral, social, and health sciences which clearly relate to the mental health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives. All topical areas relating to this field are addressed, such as psychology, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, anthropology, social work, and specific areas of education, medicine, history, and law. Through a standardized format (American Psychological Association guidelines) new data regarding this special population is easier to retrieve, compare, and evaluate.

The articles offer a sensitive and authoritative selection to readers who are unfamiliar with American Indians/Alaska Natives, in addition to providing researchers of all disciplines with a better understanding of current mental health issues and concerns of this population. The Journal can be useful to mental and public health providers and administrators, tribal health program staff, social workers, and those who work within the court systems for evaluating service delivery. The Journal also provides valuable data for proposal writing as well as program planning and evaluation. Local understanding of approaches to etiology, disease, social functioning, health, and healing is a rich source for creating modern alternatives for mental health services. As part of the Center's commitment to research and development in American Indian and Alaska Native mental health, the editors of The Journal encourage research in areas where little is known.

For more information, click on the following links:

Please email me when future journals are published!

Journal Contact:

Natasha Floersch
Nighthorse Campbell Native Health Building
P.O. Box 6508, Mail Stop F800
Aurora, CO 80045-0508

Phone: (303) 724-1482
FAX: (303) 724-1474