Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

INDEX (for Volume 3)

Note: Page numbers refer to the print version of the journal.


  light trucks, Vol. 3(3): 48
  rail transport, hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
  speed and speed limits, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
   determinants of, Vol. 3(1): 69-79
   hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
  see also Fatalities; Injuries
African Americans
  truck driver safety, Vol. 3(1): 77
Age factors
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 50, 56
  motor vehicle age and emissions, Vol. 3(2): 5, 19, 39-47, 51-56, 89
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 4, 6
  trucks, determinants of accidents, Vol. 3(1): 69, 71, 73
Aggregation/disaggregation of data
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 25, 66
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  truck trips, statewide, Vol. 3(1): 53
Air pollution
  ANCOVA model for motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 49-64
  chase car data, Vol. 3(2): 15-28
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 48
  Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation, Vol. 3(2):   65-83
  Mobile Source Emission Factor Model, Vol. 3(2): 39-47, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74-83
  modal emissions models, Vol. 3(2): 29-38, 67-71
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): v-ix, 1-102
  urban areas, motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 15-28, 65-102
  see also Global climate change; specific pollutants
Air transportation
  urban transport modeling, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 32
Alternative and replacement fuels Vol. 3(2): 50-61
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 49-64
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 24
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 36, 38-42
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
  urban transport, Vol. 3(1): 31-52

Bachman, William
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 65-84
Banks, David
  Introductory statement, Vol. 3(1): v-vi
Barth, Matthew
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 29-38
Black persons, see African Americans
Bootstrap validation
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 29-38

  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 4-5, 8, 10, 16-22, 94
Cantos, Pedro
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
Carbon dioxide
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 3-4, 7, 12, 29-32, 34
Carbon monoxide
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 3-5, 7, 9-10, 12, 29-32, 34, 40, 44-45, 65-84, 86, 91-101
Chase car data
  emissions cycles, Vol. 3(2): 15-28
Clean Air Act
  emissions standards, Vol. 3(2): 2-3, 5
Climate change, see Global climate change
Coburn, Timothy
  Introductory statement, Vol. 3(2): v-ix
Commodity Flow Survey
  trucking, state-level, Vol. 3(1): 53, 56-58
Commuter travel
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 13, 28-29
  see also Parking; Transit
Computer technology
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 84
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
  emissions and, Vol. 3(2): 18-20, 65-102
Content analysis
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
Cost and cost-benefit factors
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 43-44
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  see also Economic factors
Crashes, see Accidents

Deaton, Michael
  vehicle emissions, ANCOVA analysis, Vol. 3(2): 49-64
Demand, see Supply/demand
Demographic factors
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 7-13
  trucks, determinants of accidents, Vol. 3(1): 69, 72-73, 75, 77
  see also Age factors; Educational attainment; Gender factors; Households;   Race/ethnicity; Rural areas; Socioeconomic status; Urban areas
Developing countries
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 3-31
Disaggregation, see Aggregation/disaggregation of data
District of Columbia
  induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1): 1-14

Economic factors
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
  importance of transportation, Vol. 3(1): 15-30
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  truck accidents, determinants, Vol. 3(1): 69, 73, 74
  urban transport modeling, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 31-52
  see also Cost and cost-benefit factors; Employment; Gross Domestic Product; Supply/demand;   Socioeconomic status
Educational attainment
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 13
  truck drivers, Vol. 3(1): 75, 77, 78
El-Fadel, Mustasem
  urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2): 85-102
Emissions, see Air pollution
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 56, 57, 60
  truck accidents, determinants, Vol. 3(1): 69, 73-74
  truck trips, statewide, Vol. 3(1): 53, 57-58
  see also Commuter travel
Enns, Phil
  light-duty truck emissions, Vol. 3(2): 39-47
  BTS quality survey, Vol. 3(1): v
  see also Air pollution; Global climate change
  railways, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  see also specific countries

Fang, Bingsong
  economic importance of transportation, Vol. 3(1): 15-30
  hazardous shipments, Vol. 3(1): 83-89, 91
  rail accidents, Vol. 3(1): 85-86
  truck accidents, Vol. 3(1): 70, 83-85, 87-89
Federal Test Procedure Vol. 3(2): 2, 4, 7, 9-13, 16, 40-46, 66, 67
Fomunung, Ignatius
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 65-84
Foreign countries, see International perspectives; specific countries
  hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  time of travel and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
  see also Commodity Flow Survey; Trucks and trucking
Fulton, Lewis
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  speed limits and, Vol. 3(3): 69, 70-71

  emission reductions, Vol. 3(2): 7, 29-32
  see also Alternative and replacement fuels
Gender factors
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 56, 57
  truck driver safety, Vol. 3(1): 75, 77
Global climate change
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): v
Greenhouse gases, see Global climate change
Gross Domestic Product
  importance of transportation, Vol. 3(1): 15-19, 21-29
Guensler, Randall
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 65-84

Han, Xiaoli
  economic importance of transportation, Vol. 3(1): 15-30
Hazardous materials
  rail and truck shipments, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
Hensher, David
  urban transport modeling, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 31-52
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
  speed monitoring, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
  see also Motor vehicles; Speed and speed limits; Trucks and trucking
Highway Safety Act Vol. 3(3): 71
  truck driver safety, Vol. 3(1): 77
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
Hummer, Joseph
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 3-5, 7, 8, 12, 29-32, 34, 40, 44-45, 51-63, 65-84

Income, see Socioeconomic status
  hazardous shipments, Vol. 3(1): 83-89, 91
Input-output analysis
  truck trips, statewide, Vol. 3(1): 53, 58-66
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Vol. 3(3): 71
International perspectives
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2): 85-102
  urban transport modeling, experts, Vol. 3(1): 42-49
  see also Developing countries; Europe; specific countries
Interviews and interviewing
  light truck and passenger car use, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
  urban transport, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 31, 33-37, 41-42

Jorgenson, Darren
  speed of vehicles in traffic management, Vol. 3(3): 69-81

Karimi, Hassan
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
Karlaftis, Matthew
  speed of vehicles in traffic management, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
Khattak, Aemal
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
Kockelman, Kara Maria
  light-duty trucks and passenger car use, Vol. 3(3): 47-60

  urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2): 85-102
Legislation, federal
  Clean Air Act, Vol. 3(2): 2-3, 5
  Highway Safety Act, Vol. 3(3): 71
  Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, Vol. 3(3): 71
  Motor Carrier Acts, Vol. 3(1): 71-72, 84
  Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Vol. 3(1): 82
Light trucks
  emissions, Vol. 3(2): 32, 39-47, 49-64
  use of, behavioral distinctions, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
Limanond, Thirayoot
  chase car data, vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 15-28

Maintenance and repair
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 6, 16, 92
  induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
Men, see Gender factors
Meszler, Daniel
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  railway efficiency/output, Europe, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
Mileage, see Vehicle-miles of travel (VMT)
Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation Vol.   3(2): 65-84
Mobile mapping systems Vol. 3(3): 33-46
Mobile Source Emission Factor Model Vol. 3(2): 39-47, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74-83
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
Monaco, Kristen
  trucking safety, Vol. 3(1): 69-79
Morey, Jennifer
  chase car data, vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 15-28
Motor Carrier Acts Vol. 3(1): 71-72, 84
Motor vehicles
  air pollutants and emission controls, Vol. 3(2): v-ix, 1-102
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  see also Highways; Parking; Personal-use vehicles;
  Speed and speed limits; Trucks and trucking; Vehicle-miles of travel
Multinomial logit models
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89

Najm, Majdi Abou
  urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2): 85-102
National Cooperative Highway Research Program Vol. 3(2): 29-38
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
Niemeier, Debbie
  chase car data, vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 15-28
Nitrogen dioxide
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 86, 91, 92-94, 97-101
Nitrogen oxide
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 3-5, 7, 29-32, 34, 35-36, 40, 44-45, 65-84
Noland, Robert
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
North Carolina
  induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
Nuclear Waste Policy Act Vol. 3(1): 82

  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 57
Particulate matter
  motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2): 86, 91-92, 94
Pastor, José
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
Personal-use vehicles
  air pollutants and emission controls, Vol. 3(2): v-ix, 1-102
  light truck and passenger car use, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  use of, behavioral distinctions, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
  see also Parking
Public transport, see Transit

  trucks, determinants of accidents, Vol. 3(1): 69, 73, 77
  see also specific groups
  European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  hazardous shipments, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
Regional factors
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 40, 65-84
  truck accidents, Vol. 3(1): 90-91
  see also State-level factors
Regulations, see Speed and speed limits; Standards
Remote sensing
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 3-4
  see also Satellites
Repair services ,see Maintenance and repair
Road transport
  inventory data acquisition, roadways, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
  see also Motor vehicles; Speed and speed limits
Rocklife, Nigel
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
Rural areas
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 38-43
  speed monitoring, Vol. 3(3): 72-81

Safety, see Accidents; Speed and speed limits
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 86, 88
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 1, 9-10, 28, 42, 55
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 6
Saricks, Christopher
  hazardous shipments, highways and railroads, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33-46
  urban transport, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 51, 52
Sbayti, Hayssam
  urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2): 85-102
Schafer, Andreas
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
Schulz, Daniel
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 29-38
Serrano, Lorenzo
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
Simultaneity bias
  induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
Singer, Brett
  vehicle emissions, analysis of, Vol. 3(2): 1-14
Sinha, Kumares
  speed of vehicles in traffic management, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
Slott, Robert
  vehicle emissions, analysis of, Vol. 3(2): 1-14
Social factors , see Demographic factors
Socioeconomic status
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 7-13
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 6
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
Sorratini, Jose
  truck trips, commodity flows and input-output, Vol. 3(1): 53-67
Speed and speed limits
  emissions and, Vol. 3(2): 15-28, 34-37, 90-91, 92-93, 96-99
  traffic management monitoring program, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 8-9, 27
  truck drivers, Vol. 3(1): 69, 78, 81, 88, 90
  see also Congestion
Sport utility vehicles, see Light trucks
  Federal Test Procedure, Vol. 3(2): 2, 4, 7, 9-13, 16, 40-46, 66, 67
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 47, 48, 58
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): v, vi, 2-5, 7, 9-13, 16, 27, 46, 47, 49, 50, 60, 89, 92, 98-99
  see also Federal Test Procedure
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  see also Speed and speed limits
State-level factors
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 3, 4-5, 8, 10, 16-17, 40
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 34
  speed limits, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
   commodity flows and input-output, Vol. 3(1): 53, 56-58
   hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1): 81, 82, 86-90
  see also Speed and speed limits; specific states
Strategic Travel Information Model System Vol. 3(1): 31-52
  final demand of transportation, Vol. 3(1): 15, 19-21
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
Survey data
  BTS journal, evaluation, Vol. 3(1): v
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
  urban transport, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 31, 39, 42-51
  see also Interviews; Sampling
SUVs, see Light trucks

Thomas, John
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
Thoresen, Thorolf
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
Time series analyses
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
Time factors
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 56
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 76-79
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 33, 43-44
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31
  truck driver hours of service, Vol. 3(1): 69, 71, 72, 77, 78-79
Tompkins, Melanie
  hazardous shipments, highways and railroads, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 30-31
  urban transportation modeling, Australia, Vol. 3(1): 31-52
Trucks and trucking
  accident risk analyses, Vol. 3(1): 69-79
  hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1): 81-92
  statewide, commodity flows and input-output, Vol. 3(1): 53, 56-58
  see also Light trucks
Tsolakis, Dimitris
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89

Urban areas
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 15-28, 65-102
  roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3): 38-43
  speed monitoring, Vol. 3(3): 72-81
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 2, 5
  see also Commuter travel; Parking; Transit; specific cities

Vehicle-miles of travel (VMT)
  emissions and, Vol. 3(2): 19, 39-47, 51-59, 67
  induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1): 1-14
  light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3): 47-60
  railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3): 61-68
  speed and speed limits, Vol. 3(3): 69-81
  travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3): 1-31 (passim)
  truck accidents, general, Vol. 3(1): 74-75, 78
  truck accidents, hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1): 87
  induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1): 1-14

Washington, Simon
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 65-84
  hazardous materials transport, Vol. 3(1): 81, 90, 91
  motor vehicle emissions, wind speed, Vol. 3(2): 94, 95
Wenzel, Tom
  vehicle emissions, analysis of, Vol. 3(2): 1-14
Wigan, Marcus
  freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3): 83-89
Williams, Emily
  trucking safety, Vol. 3(1): 69-79
Winebrake, James
  vehicle emissions, ANCOVA analysis, Vol. 3(2): 49-64
  truck trips, Vol. 3(1): 53-67
Women, see Gender factors

Younglove, Theodore
  motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2): 29-38

Zhao, Yong
  light truck and passenger car use, Vol. 3(3): 47-60