Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Keith Ord + Peg Young guest editors
Introduction to the Special Issue on Forecasting

Thomas M Fullerton, Jr.
Borderplex Bridge and Air Econometric Forecast Accuracy

Louie Nan Liu + Pierre Vilain
Estimating Commodity Inflows to a Substate Region using Input-Output Data: Commodity Flow Survey Accuracy Tests

Antonio García-Ferrer, Aránzazu de Juan, Pilar Poncela + Marcos Bujosa
Monthly Forecasts of Integrated Public Transport Systems: The Case of the Madrid Metropolitan Area

Robert Raeside
Predicting and Monitoring Casualty Numbers in Great Britain

Keith Ord + Peg Young
Estimating the Impact of Recent Interventions on Transportation Indicators

Dipasis Bhadra + Pamela Texter
Airline Networks: An Econometric Framework to Analyze Domestic U.S. Air Travel