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Biomass Publications

T&D Pub Number Title Author Program Year
0757 1305P Helimulching—Equipment and TechniquesSkeen, Bob; Becker, Ryan Aviation 2007
0625 1801P Burned Area Emergency Response Treatments Catalog (BAERCAT)Napper, Carolyn Watershed, Soil, and Air 2006
0551 1303P The Use of Air Curtain Destructors for Fuel Reduction and DisposalZahn, Susan M. Fire 2005
0423 1302P Wood Strands as an Alternative to Agricultural Straw for Erosion ControlFoltz, Randy B.; Dooley, James H. Recreation 2004
0251 1317P The Use of Air Curtain Destructors for Fuel ReductionSchapiro, Al Fire, Residues 2002
0051 2826 Understory Biomass Reduction Methods and Equipment CatalogWindell, Keith; Bradshaw, Sunni Fire, Residues 2000
9924 2820 Small-Area Forestry EquipmentBeckley, Bob; Windell, Keith Reforestation and Nurseries 1999
9924 2809 Tree Girdling ToolsWindell, Keith Reforestation and Nurseries 1999
9824 1306 Low Cost Tools for Skyline Corridor LocationGonzales, Ralph Forest Management 1998
9577 1207 The Effects of Winter Haul on Low Volume Forest DevelopmentUtterback, K.; Moore, Thomas L. Engineering, Transportation Systems 1995
9451 1309 Slash Pile CoversGarrett, Skip Fire 1994
9451 1206 Steep Slope Logging Slash TreatmentMcKenzie, Dan; Garrett, Skip Fire, Forest Management 1994
9424 1305 Monocable Zigzag Yarding SystemBesse, L.; Bergstrom, G.; Studier, D. Forest Management 1994
9324 2837 Reforestation EquipmentHallman, Richard G. Reforestation and Nurseries 1993
9124 1805 Smallwood Survey ResultsBesse, L. Forest Management 1991
9124 1204 Precommercial Thinning And Slash Treatment Machine--A ProspectusMcKenzie, Dan Forest Management 1991
9124 1201 Field Equipment For Precommercial Thinning And Slash Treatment-UpdateMcKenzie, Dan; Makel, W Forest Management 1991
8422 1209 Chains for Mechanical Brush ControlMcKenzie, Dan; Jensen, F. R.; Johnsen, T. R.; Young, J. A. Range 1984
8351 2305 Bitterroot Miniyarder for Light Forest MaterialsMTDC Staff, Fire, Reforestation and Nurseries 1983
8151 2602 Clearwater Yarder Operator's ManualMTDC Staff, Fire, Reforestation and Nurseries 1981
7924 1207 Slash ConcentratorCammack, C.F.; Tour, Jim Forest Management 1979
7824 1210 Grapples for Forest Residues Concentration and RemovalCammack, C.F. Forest Management, Residues 1978
7824 1206 Uphill Tree PullerHarrison, R. Forest Management 1978
7824 1201 Substitute Anchor SystemsùBibliographies and Abstracts of Reports and List of PatentsSDTDC Staff, Forest Management 1978