Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Our revels now are ended.
William Shakespeare, THE TEMPEST

Dear Readers,

To those of you who have not heard the news, this issue marks the start of a hiatus for the Journal of Transportation and Statistics. What this means is that, because of budget cuts, we do not expect to receive funding to publish the journal during the next few years. The value of JT&S was never the question. Senior management of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration understood the contribution made by all involved in this work; however, difficult decisions had to be made and funding was only available for core projects.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this venture, particularly the authors from around the world who, through these nine years, provided excellent research in the field of statistical and economic analysis in transportation. JT&S was able to showcase new and innovative techniques to measure aspects of transportation and present data and other information not available elsewhere. The reviewers of the articles strengthened the quality of work published. Our distinguished Editorial Board provided support, insight, and valuable advice that led to the continual improvement of the journal. Our dedicated Associate Editors (David Chien, Caesar Singh, Jeffery Memmott, and Kay Drucker) worked hard to ensure the quality of the published articles. I would also like to thank Jennifer Brady, our Data Review Editor, for highlighting new data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and Vincent Yao, our Book Review Editor.

The publishing staff, which over the years included Marsha Fenn, Dorinda Edmondson, William Moore, Alpha Glass, Martha Courtney, Lorisa Smith, Susan Hoffmeyer, Deborah Moore, and Darcy Herman, produced a professional publication that rivaled its counterparts in the academic environment. Special thanks go to Marsha Fenn, the Managing Editor, who was an integral part of the journal from its inception. And, finally, the quality standards established by the previous Editors-in-Chief, David L. Greene, David Banks, and John V. Wells, made my work a simpler task.

Finally, let me thank you, the readers, for without you the journal would have been pointless. I hope you found the articles to be informative, engaging, and interesting. Thank you for your support, and I hope our paths will cross in the future.


Editor-in-Chief, JT&S