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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)


Peace Watch

April/May 2005
Vol. XI, No. 1

Inside April/May 2005

• Pathways to Peace

• Learning from Iraq

• Reforming the United Nations

• 20th Anniversary Reception

• Short Takes

• Stojan Cerovic Remembered

• Arthur M. Crocker Remembered

• Letter from Mindanao

• About Peace Watch

• PDF Also Available

David Satterfield, former deputy assistant secretary for Middle East affairs and Martin Indyk, former U.S. ambassador to Israel.

Pathways to Peace
The Institute held a half-day research symposium in late January on Israeli-Palestinian relations.

Learning from Iraq
Robert Perito, coordinator of the Institute's Iraq Experience Project, highlights the lessons learned thus far in Iraq.

Newt Gingrich and George Mitchell

Reforming the United Nations
Congress directs the Institute to create a Task Force on the United Nations.

20th Anniversary Reception
The Institute held a reception in March to salute Congress in helping to create and support the Institute over the past two decades.

Short Takes
Disintegration in the Ivory Coast?; Crunch Time in Mindanao?; Simulating Conflict Makes It Real

Stojan Cerovic Remembered
Remembering former Institute senior fellow Stojan Cerovic.

Arthur M. Crocker Remembered
Remembering Institute donor and father of former Institute board chairman, Arthur M. Crocker.

Astrid Tuminez

Letter from Mindanao
Astrid Tuminez, senior research associate, recounts her experience working with the Institute's Philippine Facilitation Project in Mindanao, Philippines.


About PeaceWatch

PeaceWatch (ISSN 1080-9864) is published five times a year by the United States Institute of Peace, an independent, nonpartisan national institution established and funded by Congress to help prevent, manage, and resolve international conflicts. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect views of the Institute or its Board of Directors.

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President: Richard H. Solomon
Executive Vice President: Patricia Thomson
Director of Public Affairs and Communications: Ian Larsen
Writer/Editor: Peter C. Lyon
Production Manager: Marie Marr Jackson
Production Coordinator: Katharine Moore
Photo Credits: Staff, AP/ Wide World


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