U.S. Department 
of Agriculture
Forest Service Washington
14th & Independence SW
P. O. Box 96090
Washington, DC 20090-6090

File Code: 1570

Date: May 6, 1998

Route To:

Subject: Appeal Reviewing Officer Recommendation Appeal No. 98-13-00-0007-A215

To: Deciding Officer

This is my review of the substantive quality of the January 30, 1998, decision made by Regional Forester Robert W. Williams to authorize limited vehicular access to private property within the Kalmiopsis Wilderness, Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon. This decision selects Alternative 3 of the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) released in November 1997.

As part of my review, I considered the arguments presented in the appeal filed by John R. Swanson. I also reviewed the decision documentation and the FEIS.

Appeal Summary

(a) Appellant objections

The appellant objects on the following basis: motorized access will promote Port-Orford cedar root disease and will compound problems associated with spills of vehicle fuels and other fluids; vehicular use will damage the habitat of the Northern Spotted Owl and Coho Salmon and will seriously impact other soil, water, wildlife, fish, plant, and scenic values; motorized access will cause noise pollution and serious impact to the pristine environment and solitude; the decision violates the Wilderness Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act; and the decision does not consider enlargement of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness and acquisition of the private property.

(b) Informal meeting results

There is no documentation of an informal meeting.

(c) Interested party comments

No interested party comments were received.


Based upon a thorough review of the record, I find that the FEIS prepared by the Forest Service met all the Council on Environmental Quality and Agency requirements for National Environmental Policy Act compliance. Sufficient evidence and analysis was provided in the FEIS for determining that the proposed activity will not have a significant effect on the quality of the wilderness values and attributes. The detail disclosed in the FEIS was sufficient for the scope of this proposed action and appropriate to support the Regional Forester in making an informed decision.

The Record of Decision (ROD) properly reflected the conclusions drawn in the FEIS, and Regional Forester Williams clearly stated his decision and the reasons for making it. The public had ample opportunity to be involved in this action proposal and all significant issues raised were properly considered in the analysis. The ROD discloses the required mitigation measures to minimize the environmental effects of this project.

The need for this action is to provide reasonable access for a landowner to his property located in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness without undue degradation to the wilderness environment. This decision is consistent with applicable laws, Agency policy, and the goals and direction of the Siskiyou National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan.


I recommend that the Regional Forester's decision be affirmed.

As a result of my review, I find that the issues raised by the appellant were adequately addressed in either the decision or its supporting documents. Further, the decision made by the Regional Forester was appropriate and fully supported by the appeal record.

/s/ Kenneth R. Johnson

Assistant Director of Minerals
Geology Management