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Staff Profile

Gordon Axel

Division: FE
Status: Federal, NOAA Fisheries
Job Title: Research Fishery Biologist
Phone: 509-542-4033
Email: send e-mail


NWFSC Publications
Gordon Axel has been working for FE since 1997. He has conducted salmon research using tools such as PIT tags and radiotelemetry. He received a B.S. from Washington State University.

Current Research
Gordon's current research projects include the effects of spill on juvenile salmonid passage at Ice Harbor Dam, subyearling chinook salmon passage in the McNary Dam juvenile fish bypass facility, evaluating the full-flow PIT-tag detection system at McNary Dam, evaluating transportation of subyearling chinook salmon at McNary Dam and monitoring the migration of wild Snake River chinook salmon smolts.

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last modified 02/10/2003

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